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Organizations | Shield

Highly secret U.S. and for a time Neo-US government organization created after World War 2 to fight threats to America. Shield was the planet's largest and most effective force for neutralizing threats to world security, combating terrorism and opposing alien infiltration. Shield’s founders remain anonymous; its advisers include renowned heads of state and corporate leaders. Odessa assassins killed the organization's first director, whose identity is classified. His replacement was CIA operative Nick Fury; a decorated World War II veteran kept in the peak of youthful vigor by the mysterious Infinity Formula. As Shield’s highest-ranking known agent, Fury oversaw daily administrative affairs and served as supreme field commander. The organization's Executive Board of Directors, whose seven members maintain their anonymity by communicating with personnel via video screen, determines Shield policy and directives. The bulk of Shield’s operations are covert, but a number involve public activities. The organization's policy prohibits it from usurping the role of the nation's armed forces by engaging in warfare on enemy soil. Domestic matters falling under the jurisdiction of the militia are coordinated jointly. All covert operations are automatically Shield province, making unnecessary coordination with the armed forces. Unlike the various national intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, Mossad and MI-6, Shield is international in membership, scope and jurisdiction. Most of the world's free countries participate in Shield and sanction its activities on their soil. Fury's leadership saw the organization through countless crises and was instrumental in thwarting major threats to world freedom. However, they failed to stop the 9-11 terror attacks and several political assassinations. They started First AK Corp-American War because of the arrest of Clark and Lois Kent by Shield forces for being “Nazi” spies during the battle for the Nazis’ Dooms Day Device. The battle ended after the Red Skull released it and AK Corp and Shield joined forces to stop it. Shield was a key ally for the Galactic Alliance in the Empire War. Shortly after the destruction of Section 51 they became part of the Starfleet of the AK Corp