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Justice League Allies | The Spectre
The Spectre
Justice League Ally

Earth DC’s Hal Jordan, having balanced his sins as the DC universe’s Parallax by rescuing the Earth from its final night, was consigned to Purgatory, possibly forever. But when the rogue angel Asmodeus usurped the wrathful power of the Spectre, Jordan found one last chance for redemption. Bonding his own soul to the Spirit of Wrath, he helped Earth DC’s heroes defeat Asmodeus. Now using his near-omnipotence to serve as a Spirit of Redemption, not Wrath, the new Spectre may well be nearing another astonishing crossroads. But before that, The Spectre, during the Crisis, helped weaken the Anti-Monitor, so that the heroes of Earths A and DC could deliver the final blow to him. The Spectre showed up again in Earth A to help the Justice League and some of their allies fight Earth A’s version of Parallax, whose life paralleled Jordan’s own.