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Organizations | The Team Titans
Jack Kent's Team Titans

The Team Titans were set up in 2050 by Superman/Jack Kent to better organize earth’s remaining heroes, as most were killed or temporary displaced in various wars in the past decade. The group disbanded in 2053, after the death of the Machine Man and his minions, the Metal Men. However, most of its members were killed in 2063 during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Superman/Jack Kent
Andrew Kelly
American Dream
Bionic Kid/Adam Moraine
Giganta (I)
Hawkman 2
The human Gold Man/David Jones
Valor/Lar Gand/Mon-El
Brainiac 5
Flash Superman
Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner
The Kid Flash/Wally West
The Flash/Barry Allen
Superwoman/Kara Kent-Moraine
Bionic Man/Rob Moraine

Honorary Member(s):
Superman/Clark Kent