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Original Justice League | Aquaman
Red Tornado
Justice Leaguer

Originally a sentient cyclone that terrorized the planet Rann, the Red Tornado became heroic under the influence of Rann's champion, Adam Strange. It was later infused into an android body created by T.O. Morrow, losing its memories in the process. Although Morrow sent the Red Tornado to destroy the original Justice League of America, his heroic nature prevailed and he was accepted as a valuable JLA member. Adopting the guise of "John Smith", he sought to explore his human nature. He even fell in love, with a woman named Kathy Sutton, and together they adopted a daughter. In 2040, he became a mentor to the 21st century Legion of Superheroes, until there destruction at the hands of Emperor Kelly

One year later, he met the same fate during the Battle for All Time. While in Coast City visiting his wife and daughter, Red Tornado was kidnapped by Visharon and reprogramed to turn his powers against his friends and family. After killing his wife and daughter, he injured several of his JLA teammates in a Kamikaze attack. Thus this attacked killed Red Tornado and prevented some of the JLA's members from escaping a nuclear explosion, caused by the death of Captain Atom, that destroyed Coast City.