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In Loving Memory of Chrissie Carrigan
November 14, 1986 - December 6, 2001

"The Final Diploma"

Graduation...a time for joy...and for some...a time for sorrow.
To Graduate...means going from one stage in our lives to another.
For many that means to graduate from high school or college...
But for some means to graduate to Heaven instead.

Graduation they a time for change...
whether we are ready for it or not.
Some now wear a halo...where as others wear a graduation cap.
Some will walk across the stage and get their diploma...
others now have wings to fly.
But...both are very proud of their accomplishments in life....
and their family and friends are too.
They are still a part of this graduating class....
and I hope and pray they will be remembered.

And to those of us left behind....
We are the ones who have become truly educated....
We have learned so much about
what's important...and what's not.
We have been taught that every day is a blessing...
and we need to make every second count.
And as another year goes by....
it marks the end of a stage in our journey of lifelong learning.
We hold tight to a past full of rich precious memories....

Memories that will carry us into the future.

The past is a time for reflection and cherished memories...
these will all help carry us forward...
The future is a time for our hopes, our dreams and our inspirations.
We do not need to let go...
even though they have graduated to Heaven..
For they are still with us....
and will follow us into the future....
And will ALWAYS be a part of our hopes,
our dreams, and our inspirations.

We take with us what we have learned....
and what we hold close to our hearts.
We need to thank those who have been by our sides....
held our hands...and helped us along...
Those who have listened without telling us to get over it....
those who have tried to understand.
For without all of you and God......
who knows where we would be.
So to those who have been there for me...
you know who you are...I thank you with all my heart.

As our children, our heroes, graduate to a higher level...
and get their "Final Diploma"...
The importance of life...and what we have learned...
will never be forgotten.
For their names are engraved forever in our hearts...
and forever in our memories.
They are the breath within us that give us courage
to follow our hearts...
Whether here on Earth or in Heaven above...
their voices will always live on...

Copyright © June 2001 Written by :
Laura/Heavenly Lights Childrens Memorial
Library of Congress TX5-627-966
Unauthorized reprinting of this poem in any form is prohibited
without the prior consent of the author.
All rights reserved.
Heavenly Lights

Hello to all my classmates!
I know graduation's here,
And though I'm now in heaven,
To me you're all still dear.

I graduated early---
God wanted me above---
But my heart's still with my classmates
And I watch you all with love.

Though maybe your eyes won't see me
As you march across that floor,
Please know I'm marching proudly
With our Class of 2004!

Love Chrissie

Written by Saralyn McAfee Smith
Used with Permission

The two images above are pages from Chrissie's yearbook.

I held an Angel in my arms,
Now I hold one in my heart.
Death leaves a heartache time cannot heal.
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
(From Irish Headstone)

Please Remember
Performed by LeAnn Rimes

Time, sometimes the time just slips away
And you're left with yesterday, left with the memories
I, I'll always think of you and smile
And be happy for the time, I had you with me
Though we go our seperate ways
I won't forget so don't forget the memories we made

Please remember, please remember
I was there for you and you were there for me
Please remember, our time together
The time was yours and mine while we were wild and free
Please remember, please remember me

Goodbye, there's just no sadder word to say
And it's sad to walk away with just the memories
Who's to know what might have been
We'll leave behind a life and time,
I'll never know again

Please remember, please remember
I was there for you and you were there for me
And remember, Please remember me

Please remember, please remember
I was there for you and you were there for me
Please remember, our time together
The time was yours and mine while we were wild and free
Please remember, please remember me

And how we laugh and how we smile
And how this heart was yours and mine
And how a dream was out of reach
I stood by you, you stood by me
We took each day and made it shine
We wrote our names across the sky
We ride so fast, we ride so free
And I knew that you had me

Please remember, please remember

A friend can hear a tear drop.

Please visit Maria's Tribute to Christopher

Andrew... Our Miracle, Our Angel

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Chrissie Carrigan
on November 7, 2004
Last updated: June 17, 2006
© 2000 - 2006

Chrissie's graduation graphic above is a loving gift
from Diane, Billy Kayser's Mom

Text added by Rosemary,Angel Louise's Mom

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