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- February 25, 2005 ~ So apparently Andy wanted me to update the site or here's some news. We're working on recording "Everyday" (haha, about time right?). As of now we have the drums and bass done, and sounding really good. No news on bass players as far as I know, but I don't think any of us have exactly been breaking our balls looking for one. So...if anyone cares, I dont know any more than anyone else regarding the future of Cadet Pedro, if there is one.
- November 20, 2004 ~ Just finished up "Promise" and put it on the media page, be sure to check it out. We're gonna keep recording and eventually finish up our "basement sessions" demo. Keep checking back for new song postings. Werd.
- November 15, 2004 ~ And it all comes crashing down some of you know our bass player Dan has decided to leave us for another band, which really sucks. Needless to say his decision was unexpected and untimely. I guess when you set out to be a rockstar, nothings gonna hold you back. Its a good thing not all of us want to be rockstars right guys? So.......yes, we are looking for bass players, and yes, if you know any serious musicians please IM or email us at We would love to hear from anyone interested. There probably won't be a need for updates for awhile, and obviously no more shows, but spread the word about us to every bass player around and we'll be back as soon as possible. Remember our songs, and sing them loud enough for them to hear all the way up in fucking Boston.
- November 8, 2004 ~ Whats up guys, right now we're working on recording some stuff in the basement and, depending on how it turns out, we may put together a rough demo soon. I've already put a test version of "The World Stops" on the media page for you all to check out. We're currently working on "Promise", which so far is turning out much better. It should be on the site within the week. We'd love to get some feedback from you guys about the new stuff. As for shows, we hope to see you all on Friday the 12th at Spotlight in Woodbridge. We had a great time there last show, and we need a big turnout on Friday. Lets make this a good one guys.
- October 22, 2004 ~ Hey guys, it was really cool to see those of you that came all the way up to Baltimore on Saturday. It was also good to see a bunch of new faces along with the true fans. We love rocking out at the Brass Monkey and hope you guys had fun too. For those of you that aren't down with the whole road trip thing, we have a big show at Spotlight in Woodbridge on Friday. We can't wait to see some of you guys that we haven't had the honor of rocking with lately. We have a few other shows lined up in the Maryland/DC area that everyone can check out on the show page. Oh yeah, If anyone sees a red and white van doing 35 on the highway...don't be too mad, it just might be Cadet Pedro.
- October 5, 2004 ~ Phew! Longwood was insane! We owe a huge thanks to Chris Lawston and all the guys in AXP for throwing this party and giving us a chance to play. We had the time of our lives, and we hope that we lived up to the expectations everyone had for us. And oh yeah...thanks to the 2000 or so people that came out, I dont think any of us were expecting such a huge and awesome crowd. Octoberfest was truly an unforgettable show. Be sure to check out the pic page and see this craziness for yourself. Heres some more good news, we now have our hands on some incredible Cadet Pedro stickers and posters. We can't thank Greg from Mod enough for the time and talent he put in to designing the art for us. Hopefully we will have some t-shirts available sometime soon. We have a few more Maryland shows coming up and we're also working on getting a few shows that are closer to home. Keep coming back for details. Farmville VA. Baby!
- September 13, 2004 ~ Alas it is the untimely end of Cadet Pedro in the Jaxx battle. We had a great time throughout the whole battle, and there were a few really memorable shows. Our goal was to make the Semi-Finals and we're thankful that we did. Thanks to all our fans that came out to push us on, and good luck to every band left in the battle. Enough about the past, lets talk future. We've just about finalized our set, phasing out a few old songs in order to put a few new ones in. We're also working on doing shows in places we've never played before. We have a few shows coming up that we're really excited about. Check the show page for more details. See you at the shows!
- August 22, 2004 ~ We HATE to do this to you people, but we have officially swicthed dates in our semi-final Jaxx battle. We will now be playing one day eariler on Saturday, September 4th at 6:00pm. We figure that playing on Sat. will help us bring in a few more of our college friends. Like we've said before this is a big show and a road trip home from all you college boys (and maybe a couple girls...) would be immensely appreciated. With your help the finals are in reach for us! As for now, start spreading the news about the 4th, and make sure you keep that day open. Also check out the new updates on the site, we now have a few pics posted, with merch coming soon! Hit up the guestbook if you're likin' the changes.
- August 12, 2004 ~ Big news guys, first off we just found out the date of our semi-final show in the Jaxx battle. It will be on Sunday, September 5, doors open at 7. Needless to say this show is very important to us, so everyone please do your best to get the word out. Tell your all your friends and have them tell their friends, votes are everything in this show. Secondly, on Friday, August 27th we will be opening the metal (yes, I said metal) show at Club East Coast. This is a great oppurtunity for us to get our name and sound out to new people. The lineup for this show is amazing: Deficit, Mod Flanders Conspiracy, and Lifted just to name a few. Come out to show support and to hear these other great bands!! Check the show page for more details or talk to one of us for directions, info, etc...
- August 6, 2004 ~ Put a W in our column for once, last night at Jaxx we won our 1/4 final battle, and holy crap it was a good show. Since we won, we will be moving on to the semi-finals! Good luck to 13th Floor and Future Force Now (unbelievable musicians) with whatever the future holds for them. We want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts to every single person that came to see us. You guys made last night by far the most fun we've ever had on stage, and we can't thank you enough. Keep spreading the word, and we'll make sure every show is as good if not better than last night. They haven't yet posted our next battle date, but we will definitely let everyone know ahead of time, its gonna be a big show, and we're gonna need loads of people there to help push us to the finals! Keep riding that victory buzz people!
- July 25, 2004 ~ Major thanks to all who came to signal hill on Friday. Playing in the rain was definitely a cool experience. Our next show in the Friday Night series will be on August 13, should be alot of fun. We also recently got word about the jaxx battle. It seems we're still in it, and we'll be playing on Thursday, August 5th. We need everyone who came to the first battle and more to show up and cast a vote to help us advance to the semi-finals!!
- July 9, 2004 ~ We know everyone has to be as sick of the songs on the site by now as we are. Right now were saving money and looking to record sometime this winter. Hopefully we can get some rough versions of the new songs on the site for you all to rock to in the mean time. We're also in the initial stages of putting together some merchandise to help spread the word. Wouldn't you like to be the first one in your neighborhood sporting a brand new Cadet Pedro shirt? Stay tuned.
- July 7, 2004 ~ Friday, July 23 will be our first show in the friday night band series at Signal Hill Park. Signal Hill is located on Signal View Drive, Manassas Park 20111, you can use Mapquest or talk to one of us for directions. Its a free show and everyone's invited to come rock out and frighten the small woodland creatures with us. Hopefully we will be doing a bunch more shows in the series, we'll post news as we get it. As for friday, make sure you all get off your asses and spend a nice relaxing evening at the park with your friends and mine, Cadet Pedro.
- July 2, 2004 ~ Great show at Jaxx last night, we played well and had an awesome crowd. Unfortunetly, by some cruel twist of $fate$, we didn't win. Congrats to Speakeasy for having a bigger crowd, and pulling off the win. Good luck to Katana Mantra and The Shenanigans too (gotta love those crazy ska kids). HUGE thanks to the Mod Flanders crew for coming out and showing support, everyone needs to check them out. Ok, just because we lost last night doesn't mean we're out. Since we qualified we will most likely be asked to play again. We'll let you know as soon as we find that out.
- June 20, 2004 ~ The date of our first Jaxx battle has been pushed back two days to Thursday, July 1st. The time is still the same, come and VOTE!
- June 3, 2004 ~ We've finished up two new songs since Costello Park. They're definitely two of our best so far, almost a whole new style. We're going to play them at the Jaxx show on the 11th. We hope everyone comes out, its gonna be the best show ever, get your tickets from us now!...Do it! You won't be disappointed!
- May 23, 2004 ~ We had a blast at Costello Park yesterday. We placed third, which we were kinda bummed about since we won last year, but at least we placed right? Dan nailed the set after only being in the band for a couple weeks, which is just awesome. We have to thank everyone that came out to see us. We had the best crowd by far, you guys are amazing, you really made this a show to remember. Next up is Jaxx on June 11, talk to us for tickets!
- May 17, 2004 ~ Heres the deal, we are officially now a 4-piece. The great Dan Seliquini will be rocking the bass from now on, and Joe will move to guitar. We're all pumped about Dan joining us, hes definitely a welcome part of the lineup. Now the time has come for us to start rocking the hell out...And we will.
- May 14, 2004 ~ It felt great to get back on stage on the 8th and 9th at Nation and East Coast. These were our first shows as Cadet Pedro, and our first shows at all since last summer. Right now we're hammering out some songs and getting our stuff together, then we're gonna focus on doing as many shows as possible.
- April 30, 2004 ~ June 29 will be our first round in this year's Jaxx battle. We made it to the semi-finals last year thanks to our friends and families, hopefully we can do as well or better this year. Everyone has to come out and vote for us to continue on!!
- April 21, 2004 ~ On Friday June 11, we will be opening the local show at Jaxx. This is a very important show for us so we need everyone to get a ticket from us and come out. As always contact us to get your ticket!
- April 20, 2004 ~ Okay, its back to the studio on the 27th and 28th to finish up our demo. We also have a few shows that are currently in the works. We'll keep you posted!!
- April 8, 2004 ~ Check out a few pics from the studio here.
- April 6, 2004 ~ Just signed up for this year's Manassas Park battle. It will be held on May 22, At Costello Park. Get in touch with us if you need directions. Hopefully we can win this battle two years in a row!
- March 15, 2004 ~ We're gonna be playing in the Club East Coast Battle of the Bands on May 9, the day after the Nation battle. We can't wait to rock out in some friendly competition with some of the other locals. We have a limited supply of tickets, so get in touch with us if you want to come!
- March 8, 2004 ~ On May 8, we're gonna be playing in the "exposure 2004" Battle of the Bands at Nation in D.C. There will be 20 bands playing all day, starting at 11am. Come to hear our new stuff and to help us win!
- March 07, 2004 ~ Just put the new site up. Yes, I know it kicks ass. Be sure to sign the guestbook and join the mailing list...if you dont want trouble that is... You can still check out the old Company Operate site here.
- February 26, 2004 ~ We will be recording at Cue studios on March 19&20. After that more songs will be on the site, and we will have a demo to pass out.