Welcome to Cayden Scott's First Website
Cayden's Facts
- Born: Wednesday, May 28th, 2003
- Weight: 8 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 21 1/2 in
- 12:48 AM
- Current Favorite thing: giraffes
Cayden appreciates you visiting his first website.
Halloween 2003--Look out Giraffes!!!
The full costume 2003
Cayden 4 months old
Cayden asleep
Mommy and Cayden
Cousins Kathleen & Britney with Cayden
Daddy and Mommy and Cayden in the oven
"I'm so happy!!!"
Cayden's favorite websites
Page 2
Babies R Us
Best Buy
Mommy's work Channel 39
Daddy's work MD Anderson