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About My Animal Family and Me

 Pepe' is the oldest member of our family.
 He is a longcoat Chihuahua and is 13 years old.
He is a total gentleman and the best guard dog
ever!  Both Dolly and I think he is one good-
looking dog and we compete for his attentions!

 Dolly is an apricot Toy Poodle and was born on
January 19, 1993.  She came to the family on
May 2, 1993.  She shares a birthday with Dolly
Parton, her namesake.  Dolly is a curly ball of
fun!  Even though she is the family's smallest
member, nothing can get between her and food!
  She and Pepe' are inseparable.

 Sassy is a calico cat who joined the family in
August 1994.  She was a stray in need of a home.
She is very territorial and what she says goes!
Sassy is very affectionate and enjoys attention
on her own terms.  She enjoys bird watching
 (not catching) and guarding the backyard!

 Fievel is a gray and white cat who came to
the family in May 1995 when he was four weeks
old.   Mommy found him soaking wet and alone
on a country road during a thunderstorm.  He
has been like a father to Shurenough and me.
  He "mothers" any animal, including birds,
 which are brought into our home and are in
 need of help.  He is my dearest friend!

 Gracie is a black and tan hound dog who joined
the family on December 24, 1998.  Her back left
leg was injured and she was thought to be
crippled for life.  We are happy to report the
leg is totally healed and does not stop her in the
least from running,  jumping and playing!  Her
favorite pastime is barking!

 Shurenough is a black, tan and white cat who
was found along with his sister, Molly,
at Wal-Mart in need a home in July 2001.  They
were eight weeks old at the time.  Sadly, Molly
died on December 27, 2001, while being spayed.
  Shurenough is the family clown and is always
into mischief!

 ...And I am Cheyenne and I joined the family
on June 14, 1997.  My brothers and sisters
and I were in need of good homes when our
Cocker Spaniel Mother was hit and killed by a
car when we were four weeks old.   I love my
home, playing ball, and playing chase with
Shurenough and Fievel.  I love to learn and
have learned lots of tricks including here, sit,
stay, shake (Mommy says I give a Baptist
handshake because I put my other paw on top
of  hers), twirl, down, speak, growl, sit up,
find, snarl ("look ugly"), give Cheyenne hug
 and sugars, cry, jump through the hula hoop,
and catch a bone that's on my nose.   Mommy
 says I can understand "if, then" statements
and two step commands--whatever those
are.  I am sure my name is Cheyenne, but
Mommy also calls me Mommy's Pride and Joy,
 Sugar Bear, Mommy's Angel, and

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Midi By N2 Rainbows