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Alien vs Predator: Extinction

By taking two killer licenses and placing them in a real-time strategy setting, Zono Inc. has crafted a compelling, addictive, and challenging-as-hell game offering over 20 campaigns in which you can play as an Alien hive, a Predator hunting clan, or a cadre of Colonial Marines. Play as Aliens, and you can breed face-huggers and harvest human, animal, and Predator hosts for impregnation until you build an rampant horde of murderous xenomorphs. Play for the Predator team, and you can collect skulls as trophies and vie against rival clans for hunting grounds. Play as Colonial Marines and…ah who really wants to play as marines? Though hardcore RTS heads may lament the game's lack of depth as compared to PC fare, fans of both film series will go ballistic when they see how well the developers have realized the behaviors and abilities of each species and successfully woven them into the gameplay fabric. Verily, it's worth the coin!