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Aqua Aqua

Anyone who's familiar with the hyper-addictive Dreamcast and N64 puzzler Wetrix Plus will immediately recognize Aqua Aqua for the PS2-it's the same exact game with a few gameplay tweaks, graphical improvements, and a quartet of Hello Kitty-esque Teletubbies on board for moral support. The concept is simple: Water is falling down from the sky, and your job is to build up dams, lakes, and reservoirs from Tetris-style chunks of plummeting land, trying to keep the water from spilling off the edge of the square-shaped playing field. Sound easy? It is and it isn't. Building and maintaining a single, giant lake isn't too terribly mind-blowing, but things get tougher when you realize certain arrangements of land and water earn you bonus multipliers. To complicate things ever further, earth-destroying bombs, pond-freezing ice cubes, and fireballs that evaporate your lakes come down from above, throwing off your landscaping designs.