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Speed freaks looking for a high-octane fix could likely overdose on Burnout, a sleeper hit with some of the finest arcade racing action since Rumble Racing. The simple premise—go from start to finish as fast as you can—is greatly enhanced by intense street racing where you’re rewarded with bursts of extra speed for narrowly avoiding potential wrecks. Sure, crashing is discouraging, but Burnout’s are quite a show, and you can even save your “greatest hits” to a memory card. Burnout’s solid engine delivers reliable gaming performance. Quick and colorful visuals are complemented by solid sound effects, but the distracting music is best left muted. The controls are responsive enough, but nevertheless hampered by limited customization. Although the opponent A.I. tends to school you repeatedly in Championship mode, the rewards are worth the frustration. With a limited selection of decent arcade-oriented racing games, Burnout’s a debatable purchase—but a definite must-rent—for fans of the genre.