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Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends

Dynasty Warriors 4: Extreme Legends is an expansion pack for Dynasty Warriors 4, enabling players to bring their saved powered-up characters into the game for new challenges. Being an expansion, it’s geared toward experienced Dynasty Warriors 4 gamers; if you’re new to the game, you can expect your character to eat dirt a lot, unless you play in easy mode. Veterans will appreciate the expert mode, where enemies no longer just stand there waiting for you to pummel them. There are plenty of new modes to challenge yourself with, including an RPG-like Extreme mode in which you progress through randomly generated missions. The Bridge Melee mode, where you try to defeat as many enemies as you can without falling off, is pretty satisfying, while the Legends mode offers one historical mission for each of the 42 characters. Although all of the modes are challenging, they’re more of a remix of action from the original than anything novel and refreshing. Your main endeavor in the game is to create the über-character with a Level 11 weapon and maxed-out stats. There are no campaign story lines as in the original, so the game can get old quick for those who aren’t ardent fans of the game. If you’re new to the game, go out and get the original instead as it has a fun campaign to follow. For those who just can’t get enough Dynasty Warriors, you’ll probably have a blast from the mix of modes this expansion has to offer.