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Final Fantasy X-2

Square’s Final Fantasy is arguably the definitive RPG series of all time. It seems only fitting that after every other successful role-playing franchise seemingly provided sequels, prequels, side stories, and (in some cases) fighting games that Final Fantasy finally take its own turn. Despite rumors that ranged from the game being an un-RPG (“there’s platform-hopping!”) to some kind of fashion show (“chicks change their clothes!”), X-2 incorporates unconventional elements into one of the most engrossing adventures you’re likely to play this year. “Let’s Get Moving!” To Square’s credit, each Final Fantasy adventure has been fresh and unique with brand-new characters, spell-casting techniques, and worlds to explore (only a few elements have been carried over from game to game, such as Cactuars and at least one character named Cid). As the only game with the FF name to feature a full continuation of a previous adventure, X-2 fits nicely for what it is: a sequel. But can X-2 hold its own as an engaging saga when there’s no world to save from impending doom…and the most pressing issue at hand is how to reunite the main character with an old flame? X-2 takes place some time after X and finds Yuna ditching her staff and long dress for twin guns and short shorts. Along for the ride are X-vet Rikku and a newcomer, Paine. These self-proclaimed “hunters” hop around Spiria, searching for spheres that help unravel the mystery of Tidus’s disappearance. The whole setup is awkward at first, but it gradually takes hold for an engrossing quest. Looks That Kill However, this isn’t your traditional, linear Fantasy adventure. From an airship hovering over Spiria, you select from several destinations for missions that take place over five Chapters. Some visits are mandatory, others are optional, and the game overall should keep fanatics and explorers occupied for quite some time. Yet the activities and objectives are a mixed bag, and range from handing out balloons to escorting supply shipments to giving back rubs. Besides the body massage, there’s plenty of combat, and X-2 uses a brand-new Garment combat system, where the three principals change into different outfits during combat. Garments vary in terms of effectiveness and have a strong affinity with certain characters (Paine, for instance, is better with brute force, while Yuna is stronger with spells). One welcome addition is the Active Time Battle (ATB). As battles are fought in real time, you can interrupt foes that charge up or rush toward you and even chain your attack together with a colleague for extra damage. Switching between outfits in a fight provides one of the game’s splashier special effects and is comparable to the introduction of an aeon in X. Gullwings Assemble! The urgency and oh-so-serious tone of X has been replaced by something more relaxed and playful as is mirrored in the voice characterizations. In keeping with the lighter tone, there’s plenty of Charlie’s Angels–esque posing, and embarrassing dialogue never seems to be in short supply. Despite the disarming appearance, combat is fierce and challenging, and the Garment system offers surprising depth, especially when you begin to discover hidden dresses scattered across Spiria. That Old Square Magic There’s more emphasis on action in this adventure as some tasks involve platform hopping. Unfortunately, the dreadful jumping mechanics make this more hit-and-miss than a finger-twitching challenge of precision. Visually, X-2 is a stunner, and although most surroundings and monsters are recycled from X, they’re presented here with a steadier frame rate. As for the narrative, you don’t have to play X to be up to speed with who these people are, but a refresher helps you enjoy the nostalgic visits to landscapes and with characters you spent so much quality time with in the first adventure. Final Fantasy X-2 is an interesting continuation of a strong story, and although hardened RPGers may find it too saccharine for their tastes, it’s nevertheless an engrossing adventure—warts and all. X-2 is A-OK.