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Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

Sure, building roller coasters is fun, but the fatality level is disappointingly low. That’s part of what makes Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis such a cool idea—it’s a natural mix of world-building and dinosaur danger. Operation Genesis encompasses everything from directing DNA research to building hatcheries to setting the ticket prices and, of course, doing your best to stop the attractions from eating the guests. That’s really where the game goes beyond the norm—you’ll still find yourself managing resources and making money, but you’ll also get to shoot things! Rampaging T-rex? No problem—hop in the helicopter and tranquilize her yourself. The action parts aren’t super frequent, but they’re there and an excellent break from the biz stuff. The controls are fairly complex (the game was designed for the PC first, then converted) but the tiered, graphical menus do a decent job of juggling all your responsibilities. John Williams’ familiar movie score evokes pastoral grandeur but kicks it up a symphonic notch when, say, a twister rips through your park and kills a half-dozen guests. Best of all, however, is the park’s sharp 3D layout—detailed buildings, realistic dinos, and graphic perks like giant hamburger balloons all give the game an impressive tangibility. Jurassic Park is a natural fit with the god-game genre, making Operation Genesis the most logical of all JP games to date. And while you must have a mind for strategy and business to really enjoy it, you do get to see dinos bleed now and then—and that’s worth something.