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Orphen: Scion of Sorcery

Based on the animated Japanese TV series, Orphen: Scion of Sorcery brings a unique combination of role playing and action to the PS2 wrapped in a sweetly styled anime package. While some who prefer more traditional gameplay might not like Orphen's action adventure twist, it still has a compelling storyline, interesting characters, and a good dose of fun. Combat in Orphen isn't turn based, as with most RPGs. Instead, the game uses a real-time combat system that requires some timing in your attacks and defense. You can move to dodge attacks, use defensive shield spells, or attack with a number of offensive spells. Picking the right spells is key since most enemies are affected to a greater or lesser degree with different magic. While the focus is on magic, you can use weapons as well to defeat some enemies. When you're not battling baddies, succeeding in Orphen actually requires some puzzle-solving platform game-like chops. You'll have to dodge menacing pieces of machinery, scale a maze of vines, and flip switches. It's a fun departure from traditional RPG fare. Some of the artwork in Orphen is outstanding. The first boss battle you have against a huge dragon is amazing, and it leaves you hungry for more. Still, Orphen's graphics are a bit uneven. While some environments received a lot of attention to detail, others are rather simple. Some cutscenes use the game engine, while others are hand drawn by the same production team that does the TV series. The voice acting is great, especially in an age when game voiceovers are still something of a running joke. Orphen: Scion of Sorcery is more of an action adventure game with shades of RPG flavor. Its well-crafted environments, characters, and solid story make it an appealing choice for PS2 gamers who are looking for something different.