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Quake III: Revolution

Usually when a game is kept under wraps until right before it’s released, you can bet that it blows…so it’s really strange that EA didn’t hype Quake III Revolution at all. This fine port of the classic PC shooter can stand proudly alongside TimeSplitters as one of the PS2’s top guns. Quake III Revolution’s frantic combat is wicked fast and packed with addictive, exciting action that heavily favors quick reflexes and itchy trigger fingers over deep strategies. The eternal load times really drag down the action, though. And Q3R definitely isn’t for kids, earning a Mature rating for its sizable servings of blood and gore. If you’ve had your fill of Quake III on another platform, you can safely pass on Q3R without missing anything revolutionary or new. But if you’re looking for a pulse-pounding PS2 fragfest, Q3R’s fray is well worth entering.