Quakin' IT
12/21/2003 | 6:47 PST - Jube DevastatoR has released version 6.01 of the QuakeIT Quake III Arena Launcher. QuakeIT scans for maps, allows for the easy addition of bots, includes a bot database, supports many Quake 3 mods, keeps your cfg files organized and more. For more information, screenshots and downloads visit QuakeIT.
PunkBuster Client Updates
12/21/2003 | 6:14 PST - Jube Even Balance Inc. has updated their PunkBuster Client to Version 1.061 for Quake 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Soldier of Fortune II. This is a maintenance release, and is available via auto-update from the PB Master Servers and from their website download sections.
Morning Gas
12/21/2003 | 5:42 PST - Pappy-R Holy holiday Batman, this Christmas seems in a real rush to get here. Could be just me (as usual) but this one is creeping up faster than I'm ready for. Got the turkey, got the presents, got the decorations...but something is missing and I can't quite put my finger on it. Today is cookie day, so that's more food taken care of, but there's still something missing. Maybe I just forgot the Elf-Traps on the lawn, hmmm. I'll get it, have no fear, I'll figure it out.
Yesterday's quote from the Burt Reynolds film, "The Cannonball Run", didn't fool all of you and the correct answers were definately on the lite side, so I'm guessing not too many of you saw this classic slap-stick car flick of the early 80's? You'll probably live a long and happy life without seeing it, but our winners will be just that much happier. First in with the right answer was The Ghost with ks4rs hot on his heels for second, and finishing it all up with third is Lizardman. GG all!
Movie Quote: "Blame is for God and small children." Name that flick! QBism Flavoured Fusion
12/20/2003 | 6:36 PST - Jube QBism Game Engine brings us a QBismFusion update, based on the Quake 2 source code QBismFusion is a mating of Vic's QFusion, Chayfo's Fusion bot code, and Jalisko's model code. QBismFusion can read Quake 3 format maps, models and shaders and they've got some interesting screenshots up to prove it. Stop by QBism Game Engine for more information, downloads and the latest bits of eye candy. (Thanks Quake Standards Group)
Community Buzz - k|cl0ck[9]
12/20/2003 | 6:30 PST - Jube ESReality chats it up with Q3 player k|cl0ck[9], taking a look back at QuakeCon 2003 and the Q3CTF finals between cloud nine and clan519. Everything you ever wanted to know about cl0ck, with snips on QC2K4, hacks, GGL, toughest opponents and more. Check out the interview here.
Outstanding Cyber-Athletes
12/20/2003 | 6:19 PST - Jube Cyber X Gaming has announced their "Gamers of the Year" awards, aiming to recognize outstanding cyber-athletes that have had a positive effect on the advancement of competitive gaming. Performance, sportsmanship and leadership qualities should all play a part when considering nominees. Award recipients will be honoured at the Cyber X Games Championships in Las Vegas this January, they'll also receive $1,000 in prizes. Categories include Male/Female Team/Player of the year. Nominations for the awards are now open at gotFrag and will close on Sunday, Dec. 28.
Morning Gas
12/20/2003 | 4:58 PST - Pappy-R Saturday huh? The snow is falling softly here in a dim morning light with a quiet broken only by the gentle, flowing riffs of Sonic Mayhem's classic song of love lost, found and lost again, "Fuel My Game". Subwoofers scare squirrels, just in case you were wondering. I missed out on getting any frags in yesterday 'cause work on all sides just wouldn't let up, so I'm on a mission today. CTF anyone? Hit our IRC at irc.enterthegame.com #planetquake to get in on the frags, and get the server info and custom maps at the Bunker.
Ready for the first "Movie Quote" of the week gang? I bet you are, so here ya go and good luck. Have at it and have a blast today!
Movie Quote: "We've got a secret weapon. God is our co-pilot!" Name that flick! X-Cast Does ECL
12/19/2003 | 11:44 PST - Jube X-Cast Radio, in cooperation with Head Game Radio, will be large and in charge on location at the East Coast LAN in Virginia Beach starting today. Virulence and Crash will be bringing us dual coverage of the Counter-Strike, Halo and Quake III Arena events. Prematch warmups begin tonight at 7:00 PM EST with Oblique, followed by live coverage. Hit X-Cast Radio to connect!
The Big Jolt
12/19/2003 | 8:01 PST - Jube Jolt Q3 UK brings back the 64 player pain due to popular demand. Looking for a super big slice of Q3CTF? Hop in for a game of 64 player Threewave CTF on the Kineterra map, hit up Jolt for the details.
Quake Peeps & Their Polls
12/19/2003 | 7:48 PST - Jube This week's PQ Poll features a wealth of Quake oddities such as a game of strip Quake, old peeps and their jello, freaky Quake sex0rz and much more. Here are the need-to-know links to get you poll-o-rized!
That's a whole lotta exclamation points, so you better head on in to PQ Poll Land to see what all the fuss is about!
GameSpy's 2003 Game of the Year
12/19/2003 | 6:57 PST - Jube GameSpy's 2003 Game of the Year Awards for the PC are up, and amongst the best of the best are some of our favourite Q3 engine titles such as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Call of Duty! Check out GameSpy's 2003 Game of the Year to see which games are bringing home the gold on all of your favourite gaming platforms, and watch for more awards coming soon!
PunkBuster Violation Note
12/19/2003 | 6:35 PST - Jube Even Balance Inc. sends out word regarding PunkBuster Violation #60045. PB server admins should take note of the following:
We have confirmed that new software (Bigpond Toolbar used primarily in Australia) has recently been released which raises pre-existing PunkBuster violation #60045. This violation number has been removed from our system. We encourage PB Admins to give the benefit of the doubt to players and ignore instances of this violation occurring after December 3, 2003.
-Even Balance Inc.
Morning Gas
12/19/2003 | 4:53 PST - Pappy-R After years of not having a game console in the house, the gamepad makes a comeback via a new Game Cube for my little one's Christmas present from my folks. I chose the cube purely for the games it offers with a 9 year old in mind. Although I'm really not interested in the "online" angle for these things myself (PC's rule!), I have one piece of advice for the console makers wanting to tout their multiplayer side: How about going back to selling the things with two gamepads? Two pads is minimum. Two is not a luxury and not where the push to sell "extras" begins. Any questions?
Yesterday's quote was from the movie, "Falling Down", with Michael Douglas and Robert Duvall from way back in 1993, and of course there was no shortage of right answers. I always go too easy on you monkies near the end of the week, I know it. First in for three was Obake doing the usual dance with The Ghost who snagged second and two points. Finishing it off this time was JGH making a cameo appearance for third and the last point. GG all! Now, here's the week's worth of points and the weekly winner.
The Ghost: 16 Winner!
Obake: 10
CrioKnight: 2
ks4rs: 2
Pusher: 2
Lizardman: 1
JGH: 1
CyanBloodborne: 1
j_rich: 1
Have a free frag, it's Friday!
For more news, and news archives, please visit PlanetQuake.com
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