"Who could live if he realized what Hell is, and that EVERY MOMENT immortal souls are entering there upon their eternity of the most shocking and repulsive punishment?" asks Mother Mary Potter, foundress of the Little Company of Mary (1847-1913)
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." --Matthew 5:7
Welcome to my page that is devoted to helping the people/souls who are dying this VERY moment...God has led you here to be sure! PTL! Souls right NOW need YOU!! Will you respond? Read through this website, please. We are dedicated to praying for the dying souls who have one foot on earth and are perhaps minutes or seconds from death's door...and eternal HELL. Yes, Hell.
We are devoted to praying in union with their mother, Mary (who wishes all her children to be saved for her Son died a brutal death and shed His Precious Blood for them.) We implore GOD (not Mary; we just join her at the foot of the Cross praying for these souls)....we implore God for the grace of CONTRITION for dying sinners.
I hope the following, as did Mother Mary Potter who wrote much of it, may cause you to pray for the DYING EVERY day for the rest of your life!!
Mother Mary Potter often cited the fact that (in HER lifetime) there were some 80,000 souls who died each day. She was of the considered opinion that if Catholics IN THE STATE OF GRACE were to pray for the dying who are approaching their death in the state of MORTAL sin, and would UNITE their prayers with those of the Mother of God at the foot of the Cross, each person who would practice this devotion FAITHFULLY could save AT LEAST ONE SOUL EACH DAY!!! ( 365 souls per year per praying person!)
TODAY those odds are even greater, for with increased population of the world and with the ever-increasing growth of secularism ("this world-ism"), materialism, drugs, recreational sex, living together, pornography, divorce, abortion, birth control, denial of Satan/Hell, new age movements and athiesim, when proportionally fewer and fewer people have the True Faith, and of those who do, proportionately fewer and fewer are seemingly in the "state of grace" (only 30% to 50% in the USA attend Sunday Mass and over 90% of married Catholics in their child-bearing years here in the USA practice birth control), then it would seem that the work to be done for those dying in that state of MORTAL sin is EVEN GREATER THAN EVER.
If we take the present world population at 5.3 billion people (1990 official estimate), and divide that figure by 365 days, then divide this resultant figure again by say 50, to represent teh average lifespan of a human being in today's world (which admittedly is probably too high), we arrive at an estimated number of PEOPLE WHO DIE EACH DAY: namely, 290,410!!!!
That amounts to 12,100 people who die EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY.....
or some 201 people who die EVERY MINUTE!!! You can calculate the souls entering eternity per SECOND!!
Mother Mary Potter's question to the reader is simply, "Will YOU not join with our dear Heavenly Mother Mary in this work to save many of these souls who othrwise without YOUR prayers, will go to HELL??"
Remember the sobering remark of Our Lady of Fatima: "MANY souls go to HELL BECAUSE there is NO ONE to PRAY and SACRIFICE for them." (July 13,1917). Whew! Yes, you can consider that statement by Our Mother an invitation.
May YOU rise to the call!!