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Ideals: Confusion, Unnecessary Work, Bureaucracy, Slavery

Typical Appearance: Dis manifests as a thin, sickly male or female of any race, who seems to have been deprived of sunlight and exercise for far too long.

Common Elements: Papers, papers and more papers, contracts, tomes of ritual, slaves, chains.

Powers: Dis can remove fervor from those around her and cause confusion in their minds, make people obey her will, and teleport instantaneously to any place she has visited before.

Questors: The questors of Dis wear heavy, gray robes and often affect the gaunt, pale face of their patron deity with make-up or illusion spells. Many of them, especially those controlling a mercantile bureaucracy or slaver operation, live comfortably off the fruits of their labor. Others are miserable people who aspire to nothing more than becoming so bored that they cease to feel.

Commentary: Dis is a popular Passion among the Therans and those Barsaivians who make their living from the Theran slave trade. Unlike the other Passions, Dis takes her greatest pleasure in destroying people's passion for life, rather than inspiring it. She bleeds away her worshippers' zest for living and they in turn demoralize those they subjugate. Eventually, the slaves and bureaucrats influenced by this Mad Passion become empty husks, devoid of dreams and feelings. Dis wants to extend this death of the soul throughout the world.

In addition to the slavers, Dis also inspires bureaucrats who create paperwork merely to look busy, rather than out of a need for the records or fondness for their work. Few activities spread boredom more effectively than generating useless records and information, and Dis spends a great deal of her time encouraging people to do just that.


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