Ideals: Rebellion, Change, FreedomEarthdawn is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Earthdawn material Copyright 1994-1998 by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks at this WWW site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.Typical Appearance: Lochost usually manifests as a male or female child of any race, whose body and features constantly change.
Common Elements: Strong wind, uprooted trees, open gates
Powers: Lochost inspires rebellion, comforts the imprisoned, unlocks doors and prisons, and can fly through the air by transforming into wind.
Questors: Lochost's questors wear no one type of garment, because their calling requires them to blend in with many different groups. Many serve as political agitators within the kingdom of Throal and other communities throughout Barsaive. However, they are currently working to eradicate the Theran slave trade and the smaller slaving enterprises that have sprung up in Barsaive to support it. The Therans hunt down and kill Lochost's questors wherever they find them, hoping that such drastic actions will discourage people from following that Passion. For most people, such brutality only strengthens anti-Theran sentiment.
As long as Lochost lives, his questors will risk their lives to foment rebellion in the world's slave camps and mining operations. Disturbed by his inspiring example, the Mad Passion Dis hunts Lochost relentlessly, and few doubt Dis' desire to be the first Passion to claim the life of another.
Commentary: Lochost is the patron Passion of slaves, rebels, and scholars. The truly educated mind seeks the inspiration to break free from the beliefs of the past and make new discoveries, and so merits the protection of Lochost as surely as any freedom fighter.
The slow spread of Theran slavery across Barsaive has stretched Lochost's attention thinner and thinner, and he depends upon increasing numbers of questors to do his work. At the sight of the slavery she desires, the Mad Passion Dis often confronts Lochost, and she currently wields greater power than he. The two last fought at a slave camp near the citadel of Tirthon, killing every slave and slaver in their savage combat. Wishing to avoid a repeat of the massacre, Lochost spends a great deal of time distracting Dis as his questors work to free the enslaved.