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Ideals: Vengeance, Bitterness, Jealousy

Typical Appearance: Raggok usually manifests as a large man with the head of a ram. Scores of open wounds continuously appear, heal, and reappear on the incarnation's bloody flesh.

Common Elements: Skeletons, the undead, swords, wounds, insects, snow and ice

Powers: Raggok can call forth painful memories, raise the undead, inspire hatred, and travel through the thoughts of Name-givers, leaping from the mind of one Name-giver to any other within fifty miles. As he travels, he evokes painful memories in the minds he passes through.

Questors: Questors of Raggok study the undead and the Horrors. This Mad Passion's followers come from both Thera and, unfortunately, Barsaive. Raggok never lacks followers, as a sizable portion of the population always seems to enjoy terrorizing others. Masters of both mental and physical torture, these questors constantly indulge their cruel sense of humor at others' expense.

Questors of Raggok fall into two camps, divided by their interpretation of their Passion's ideals. One group surrounds itself with all the pleasures of the flesh that wealth can buy, constantly searching for more money and treasure. The other group follows an ascetic way of life, believing that bringing pain to the world should take precedence over their own comfort. Any wealth they accumulate, they use to buy poisons, hire mercenaries to raze villages, and the like. The two groups' styles of dress reflect their different outlooks. The sybaritic questors dress in expensive and luxurious clothing; the ascetics dress shabbily, preferring to spend their money on spreading pain, suffering, and fear wherever they can.

Commentary: The most terrible of the Mad Passions, Raggok embodies all that is corrupted in the world. He causes the dead to walk the earth, he sows the baseless hatreds that erupt between once-loving husbands and wives, he tortures the insane with disembodied voices. People say he has made countless pacts with Horrors, to aid them in their evil endeavors and receive their aid in kind. Like the Horrors he allegedly serves, Raggok loves to inflict pain and strives to satisfy this perverse desire.


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