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Complaining about everything...

3-D CV in the works

Okay, Castlevania games are just coming out left and right all of a sudden. I mean, after the two N64 ones it seemed that the series was dead, but then Konami releases Castlevania Chronicles, which is a re-release of an old long forgotton CV that us Americans never knew existed. Then they pull out Castlevania: Circle of the Moon for GBA. Both were amazing and fun, but we can't help but think SotN was much better than both of them. So Koji Igarashi steps in and gives us Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance for GBA. It featured two humongous castles for us to explore and had graphics that we never knew GBA was capable of... and it had the sound quality of an NES game. Well, it would have been a great game if it weren't so boring. So IGA gives us ANOTHER SotN-clone called Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. While it was much better than HoD, it still felt like more of the same stuff. But now we are already expecting a new game from Igarashi, the man that is completely out of good ideas.

Instead of making another Metroid ripoff, he is going to be more original (c'mon, he's already made three Metroid ripoffs, guess it is time for something new). Instead, this time he will make a Devil May Cry ripoff. I mean, making one Metroid clone after another got tiring, so now it is time to make a clone of a different game... a game that plays nothing like Castlevania at all. Just make another 3-D run-around-and-hit-stuff game except this time put Castlevania on the title screen. Oh yeah, and you gotta ignor Castlevania Legends for Gameboy. I mean, Sonia Belmont was the first Belmont to fight Dracula. But WTF? She's a woman. You can't have a woman do a man's job, now can you? So just pretend that area of the story never happened and just make up a new one for your generic 3-D action game. And of course, we gotta have another sexy male character to stare at as we play, don't we? (In case none of that made any sense, this game takes place before CV:Legends which featured Sonia Belmont, who was suppose to be the first Belmont to fight Dracula. Well, IGA stated that it is better to have a lead male character and that Sonia was never part of the official story).

Okay, is it just me, or does it seem like it is time for IGA to step down? I mean, he did give us Symphony of the Night, but there isn't really much more he can do for us now. Castlevania finally managed to escape the clutches of the 3-D gaming market, and IGA helped put the series back in the right direction. But now he stabs us in the back and takes a piss on us and decides that it is time to sell out and give Castlevania back to the 3-D game whores. That's where the big bucks are!!

I get the same crap everytime I whine about this game. "Maybe you should play it before you put it down. You may actually like it, then you'll swallow your words." Like it? Why? I'm not gonna like a game just because it is a Castlevania game. I mean, I'm not a big fan of 3-D action games anyway, so what's gonna make Castlevania any different? I like the Castlevania games because I reguard them as some of the best 2-D side-scrollers ever made. If it doesn't have Castlevania-style gameplay, how can you reguard it as a Castlevania game? This game isn't intended to appeal to the fans of the older games. This is just Konami's attempt at making a new best-selling hit in the series. I'm not a Castlevania fan. I'm just a fan of 2-D side scrollers. And most Castlevania games just happen to be 2-D side scrollers. That's why I like them. Sure, I'll play this game and "give it a chance" but I'm not really expecting it to go on my list of favorites. I'm sure about 99% of all CV fans agree that the series should stay 2-D. And I'm sure that about 99% of all mainstream gamers wouldn't care less whether Konami released Castlevania: Lament of Innocence or Capcom released Devil May Cry 3. If it is an easy action packed 3-D game, they could care less what the title was. So why give them Castlevania?

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