Combat Rules.

The combat system in this game shall be fairly simple. The fundamentals will be broken down here.

First off, battles should all be under witness of one of the game leaders. (Those who have moderation privelages.) This is to make sure all fights are fair.

Before you hit someone, you must first do an accuracy roll. This will be a 1d100, to make for simplicity. The result of the roll, plus your "Accuracy" and if it's higher than your enemies evade rate, it hits.

Basic Combat.

Irvine: -Fires off his shotgun at Seifer.-

OnlineHost: Valiant Kinneas rolled 1 100-sided die: 77

Irvine: (+15)

Seifer: (Evade is 50, Hit.)

At this point, Irvine's hit has landed. If it were to have missed, the turn would've been a waste. Now Irvine will roll for damage, then add his bonuses. (The first attack you do, it is considered polite to break down how the bonus' are obtained.)

OnlineHost: Valiant Kinneas rolled 2 15-sided die: 5 6

Irvine: (+5 Damage, +2 for Gun Damage, +3 for Gun Skill.)

At this point, Seifer is to tell his defenses to the attack, and for the first round break down how the defenses are added up.

Seifer: (5 Defense. +3 Armor, +2 Bullet Defense Skill.)

Irvine: (Total damage=11.)

Seifer: (49/60 HP Remaining.)

Magic Attack.

Basically the same fashion, rolling 1d100. Though instead of your normal accuracy, you use the spell's accuracy. Plus any additions you may have from a magic artifact.

Irvine: -Holds out his hand towards Seifer, his hand slowly starting to burn, then shooting a wave of *FIRE* at Irvine.- (-5 MP. 0/5 MP Remaining.)

Note that somewhere in my action that FIRE was highlighted. That is the name of the spell he was using. You may put it in OOC, Have your character shout the spell name...As long as somehow you post it.

OnlineHost: Valiant Kinneas rolled 1 100-sided die: 57

Irvine: (+7, +5 For Spell Acc, +2 For Fire Rune.)

OnlineHost: Valiant Kinneas rolled 2 5-sided die: 5 4

Irvine: (+3, +2 for Spell, +1 Fire Rune.)

Now the defender, will state his defense. This will be his natural defense, and then any Plusses or Minuses due to their equipment.

Seifer: (5 Def. 3 Natural, 3 For Fire Shield, -1 For Ice Shield.)

Irvine: (7 Damage Total.)

Seifer: (23/30)

Fleeing Combat.

To flee combat, you roll your speed in place of your d#. You keep the amount of dice you roll from your attack.

If your speed is 10 and your attack dice are 2d20.

Your fleeing dice is...2d10.

OnlineHost: Valiant Kinneas rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9 9

Those who wish to stop you from fleeing, must use the same system.

Chasers speed is 17 and attack dice is 1d200.

Their dice for chasing is 1d17.

OnlineHost: Valiant Kinneas rolled 1 17-sided dice: 9

In this case, the fleer would get away. In the case that a fleer does not get away, they have sacrificed their attack turn attempting to flee.

If you run more than once in a day, you will have a speed penalty. You will have -2 for each flee you've done.