
During The Sorceress' War..During the Ultimecia Incident..There was a 'being'.. A thing residing at an uncharted Island cavern in the middle of the ocean. It was Demi-Human that looked almost fully human except for his pale bony skin, his ruby red eyes, and his black garments that he wore. His age is unknown, he is estimated to be over 100 years old. He spent most of his life as a hermit secluded from the world outside of his cavern studying about the earth and powerful sorceress spells and different forms of magic. Over time, the wise man became a tormented madman seeking power and destruction. He finally decides to reveal himself in the little town of Balamb with his followers called "Omagnites" who are equally freakish looking and also had pasts full of despair and agony. After shaking the world with his powerful magic, Omagnon sets his eyes on Seifer Almasy, the retired former knight of Ultimecia to be his "Shining Dark Prince" and his puppet. Sadly, Seifer is once again seduced by the dark forces of evil and another battle most ensue between the two gunblade wielders and the battle of Justice between Garden and the Omagnites.


