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The Guardian Muse: Chiku

What is a muse?

A strange little race, their natural size is usually under ten inches. All are born with wings of the feathered nature, and long expressive ears. They are also born with vasts amount of simple and often pointless magic, most which tends to come off in a comical and silly manner.

They exist for the sake of others, helping them to be exact. There are various ranks on how they help, the lowest being guardians who generally flutter about to lend a listening ear or cheerful company. They are given levels (1 to 10, with 1 the highest) that determine the range of magic they are granted, and the levels are decided on how well they preform their job in their rank.

Now, about Chiku ...

A guardian muse, level seven. A crossbreed between a muse and an imp, imps being small creatures much like muses except adoring to cause mischief and trouble instead of help. While Chiku looks more like a muse, his wings are black from the imp blood and unfortunately he has his mischevious imp mother's personality despite being raised by his muse father.

The name, Chiku, comes from the ancient languages of imps and muses. CHI is short for Chichan, which is "precious" in imp language. KU is short for Karku, which is "trouble" in muse language. Obviously his mother was more fond of him.

At level seven, his magic is rather restricted. The current 'spells' he can preform are described below ...

Aura: This magic is natural for any muse regardless of level. He can affect his surrounding nature to suit his mood in a rather comical manner, it has no effect on anything else.

Summoning: All muses are given 'special' lockets, which he always wears. It is a miniature treasure chest on a chain, exceptionally tiny being muse-sized and all. This locket has boundless space where he can store any sized item to summon later. It is like a pocket that can fit anything, but he can only summon what he has put in there originally. And if he loses the locket, he has pretty much lost everything in his possession. When he summons things it tends to make an odd "pyon" noise and poof of smoke.

Highway use: Highways, as he calls them, are portals that only muses are aware of and they use them to teleport from location to location. They scatter the world to represent the billions of tears between magic and reality. Often, when using a portal he causes a silly "pop" sound-effect and poof of smoke, though these effects are different for every muse.

Appearance: He is able to affect his appearance on a very low level, basically he can change his clothing to whatever he desires. This is important to a guardian muse as sometimes how he looks can affect how someone pays attention to him.