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What are Deltas?

Deltas are flat pieces of land that are made up of layers of sediments deposited at the river mouth over time.


Types of Deltas
(A)(A) Fan or triangle shape
-E.g. Nile Delta in Egypt
-Formed when a river deposits its load uniformly over the whole area.


(B) “Bird’s foot” shape
-E.g. Mississippi Delta in USA
-Formed when a river deposits its load rapidly at the river mouth and extends outwards into the sea like the claws of a bird.

How are Deltas formed?

-As the river approaches the calmer sea water or a large lake, its velocity decreases.
-It starts to deposit its load at the mouth.
-As the sediments continue to accumulate, they obstruct the path of the river.
-The river then branches into smaller rivers to find a way around the obstruction
-These smaller rivers are called distributaries.
-The distributaries carry water away from the main river in several directions before finally reaching the sea.
-Over time, layers of different materials such as sand, silt and clay are built up on the sea floor and a delta results.
-Gradually, plants may grow on the delta and stabilize it.

Plan View    Cross-sectional View

Examples of Deltas in the World