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Hello, Kai. What would you like to talk about today?
Talk? Who said I wanted to talk, I don't want to talk.
That's what this session is for, Kai
Well I didn't book this stupid session. I dont even want to be here.
Well you are here, so try to make the most of this session.
Why? I dont need help. Who said I needed help? Damn it, tell me and I'll take care of them..
Kai, do you always resort to violence to solve problems?
Hmph. Whatever...
Ahh, the typical off the shoulder cold-as-ice routine.
....You don't know me.
No, but I'd like to get to know you. That's what these sessions are for, after all
No, their for whining to some complete stranger who doesnt understand them at all. Grrr, and for weaklings who can't handle problems on their own. I'm not weak, dammit!
I never said you were, Kai
YES YOU DID! Grrr, I'll rip you a new -CENSORED- if you talk about me like that again! *sits back down calmly and blinks, then crosses his arms
...o.o! Okay, I think thats enough for today...*starts pushing the security button under his desk*
Hmph. Good. *gets up but is hauled away by two burly men in uniforms* Well Doc, it's been nice talking to you. I feel I've really opened up during this session. Hope we can do it again some time.(yeah right) +door slams+