Funny Quotes


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  Don't judge what your small mind cannot comprehend.


 You say you hate me, And i know that it is true, But why cant i stop thinking of you!

 The road is full of flat squirrels, who couldn't make up their mind!

 The only driving you've done all day is driving me crazy.

 How many hot, rich, funny, sweet guys are there out there? ......two, but they're dating each other!

 Moving too fast is like going over the speed limit ~ ~ there's a chance you might crash!!!!

 My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems..

 I love you but I'm not in love with you

 Cry me a river build me a bridge and get over it!

 the rOaD tO sUcCeSs iS aLwAyS uNdEr cOnStRuCtIoN

 God made all creatures beautiful He just spent a little more time on some of us!!!

 ~~~~Still Looking..... but You'll Do For Now~~~~

 Some guys are like gum, they lose their flavor. Others are like ice cream, you save them for later

 U told me you loved me, but you lied. U told me you would be there, but you weren't so I cried.

 DoNt LooK DoWn On AnYoNe UnLeSS YoUr HeLpiNg ThEm Up

 Girls ArE sO GrEaT, GuYz DoNt DeSeRvE uS

 Your jealousy is my energy, ever wonder why I am so hyper?

 girls are like video games, I never get tired of playing them

 I'm not a piece of toast... so Why are you Buttering me UP?

 Ever wonder why Britney Spears is bull shit? Her initials B.S. = Bull Shit

 Why do guys like hurting girls feelings? Cuz they don't care

 If cheerleading were any harder, they'd call it football

 your like a traffic ticket, u've got F-I-N-E writing all over u!

 little kids say they love someone but they don't mean it like teenagers do.....

 Guys r like busses another 1 will be around in 5 mins.

 A MeMoRy LastZ 4ever, NeveR doeS it dIe, TrUe FrieNdZ sTay 2geTheR *N* NeVer Say GoodBye

 i have u in my heart~!* * i have u in my liver~!* *if i had u in my arms i'd throw u in da river*

 ***i'm not gifted * i'm weird***

 The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!

 My phone goes greeen greeen, so i pink it up and i say yellow you there? Orange you a ill shy to answer??


 ..*Be Sexy...Be True...Be Wild...Be You*..

 *Where is the good in Good-Bye?*

 *~~If My LoVe FoR yOu ToOk ThE fOrM oF wAtEr... I'd Be DrOwNiNg.~~*

 If you don't know where ur going, any road will take u there

 Guys are like cookies; once you have tried them all, u don't want them any more

 I think, therefore I'm single

 When in doubt, throw him out!

 Psychiatrists say that 1 of 4 people are mentally ill. Check 3 friends. If they're OK, you're it.

 *Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties*

 *Your as fake as that padded bra your wearing *!!!!!

 ..Cancel My Subscriptions.. ..I'M over ur issues..

 Do you need tissues for your issues?

 If a man stands in the middle of a forest speaking, and there is no woman around to hear him, then will he still be wrong?

 I heard there was a fire in your heart I guess it soaked through your skin because you are so darn hot

 You're hotter than a menorah on Hanukah!

 if you treat i girl like a dog, she's going to pee on you

 First a Fire, Then a Flame; I'm a Chick No Man Can Tame

 When I was younger I needed Candy & Toys, now that I'm older i need a Cell Phone and Boyz.


