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In the Blitzball mini-game, prizes can be won from either league matches or tournaments. Different prizes are awarded to the first, second and third teams as well as to the player(s) who scores the most goals overall.* Below are the prizes which can be won from league matches and from tournaments:

* Note that if 2 or more players tie for Top Scorer, prizes will be given to EACH of the players, ie., if Tidus and Datto both score 15 goals in a tournament, and it's the highest score, they will receive a prize each, and that means you get 2 of the same prize. So naturally if the prize is a good one you'll want to try and get as many as your players to tie for the Top Scorer as you can manage. But note that it can be quite risky. For example if you get 3 of your players to score 10 goals each in a tournament, and a player from another team scores 11 goals, then you won't get any of the prize which is awarded to Top Scorer! However if you had 2 of your players score 12 (or even 11) goals instead, you would have gotten 2 of the prize. So it's up to you to keep track of how many goals players from other teams have scored. Don't worry, you don't have to write them all down; at the end of every match there'll be an announcement of the number of goals scored by all the top scorers from all the teams.

League (1st Place)
Probability of getting prizePrize
15/100Three Stars
15/100Fortune Sphere
15/100Underdog's Secret
10/100Dark Matter
10/100Lvl 1 Key Sphere
10/100Return Sphere
10/100Teleport Sphere
League (2nd Place)
Probability of getting prizePrize
20/100Techniques (refer to another table)
15/100Mega Phoenix
5/100Hi-Potion x 2
5/100Phoenix Down x 2
5/100Remedy x 2
League (3rd Place)
Probability of getting prizePrize
25/100Techniques (refer to another table)
15/100Power Sphere x 5
15/100Mana Sphere x 5
15/100Speed Sphere x 5
15/100Ability Sphere x 5
5/100Eye Drops
5/100Echo Screen
League (Top Scorer)
Probability of getting prizePrize
20/100Techniques (refer to another table)
20/100Return Sphere
20/100Rename Card
5/100Remedy x 2
Tournament Cup (1st Place)
Probability of getting prizePrize
30/100Techniques (refer to another table)
Tournament Cup (2nd Place)
Probability of getting prizePrize
20/100Techniques (refer to another table)
20/100Antidote x 4
20/100Soft x 4
20/100Eye Drops x 4
20/100Echo Screen x 4
Tournament Cup (3rd Place)
Probability of getting prizePrize
60/100Techniques (refer to another table)
20/100Potion x 2
20/100Phoenix Down x 2
Tournament Cup (Top Scorer)
Probability of getting prizePrize
40/100Techniques (refer to another table)
20/100Return Sphere
20/100Rename Card

League (2nd Place)
Probability of getting techniqueTechnique
6/22Drain Tackle 3
5/22Tech Find**
2/22Wither Shot 2
1/22Nap Shot 2
1/22Nap Pass 2
1/22Wither Pass 2
1/22Volley Shot 2
1/22Nap Tackle 2
1/22Wither Tackle 2
League (3rd Place)
Probability of getting techniqueTechnique
4/22Super Goalie
3/22Elite Defense
3/22Pile Venom
1/22Venom Shot 2
1/22Venom Pass 2
1/22Volley Shot
1/22Venom Tackle 2
1/22Drain Tackle 2
League (Top Scorer)
Probability of getting techniqueTechnique
3/12Pile Wither
3/12Good Morning!
1/12Sphere Shot
1/12Tech Find**
Tournament Cup (1st Place)
Probability of getting techniqueTechnique
6/25Tech Find**
3/25Pile Wither
3/25Good Morning!
1/25Nap Shot 3
1/25Wither Shot 3
1/25Nap Pass 3
1/25Wither Pass 3
1/25Volley Shot 3
1/25Nap Tackle 3
1/25Wither Tackle 3
1/25Tackle Slip 2
1/25Anti-Nap 2
1/25Anti-Wither 2
Tournament Cup (2nd Place)
Probability of getting techniqueTechnique
4/21Golden Arm
4/21Super Goalie
4/21Tech Find**
1/21Venom Shot 3
1/21Venom Pass 3
1/21Venom Tackle 3
1/21Anti-Venom 2
1/21Anti-Drain 2
Tournament Cup (3rd Place)
Probability of getting techniqueTechnique
4/22Super Goalie
3/22Elite Defense
3/22Pile Venom
1/22Venom Shot 2
1/22Venom Pass 2
1/22Volley Shot
1/22Venom Tackle 2
1/22Drain Tackle 2
Tournament Cup (Top Scorer)
Probability of getting techniqueTechnique
1/7Elite Defense
1/7Good Morning!
1/7Golden Arm
1/7Super Goalie

** Not all players can learn all techniques in Blitzball, it varies from player to player. With the prize 'Tech Find' you can let one player in your team be able to learn one technique he/she would not otherwise be able to learn (with the notable exception of the Jecht Shot, the Jecht Shot 2 and the Aurochs Spirit, as these techniques are reserved exclusively for Tidus and Wakka respectively). Note that it doesn't give that player the technique automatically, it only lets him/her be able to learn it, so you would still have to get the technique by techcopy or as a prize. Thus 'Tech Find' would be useless to someone who already can learn all the techniques, but quite useful to a player with very high stats but a pitiful arsenal of techniques.


The following special prizes can only be won when certain conditions are met. The appearances of these prizes take priority over the ordinary prizes. Wakka's Overdrive skills and the Jupiter Sigil has the highest priority, followed by the exclusive techniques for Tidus and Wakka, and finally the ordinary prizes. Another point to note is that if you choose to reset your Blitzball data for whatever reason, Wakka's Overdrive skills and the Jupiter Sigil will remain if you've obtained them, but you will have to get Jecht Shot 2 and Aurochs Spirit again, since the key techniques of Tidus and Wakka will not have been learned.

Prize Won from Chance of prize appearing Condition(s) for prize to appear
Jecht Shot 2*** (exclusively for Tidus)Tournament Cup 1st prizeTidus's level/100Tidus must be at least level 16.
Aurochs Spirit*** (exclusively for Wakka)Tournament Cup 1st prizeWakka's level/100Wakka must be at least level 11.
Wakka's Overdrive attack, Attack ReelsTournament Cup 1st prize100%None
Wakka's Overdrive attack, Status ReelsLeague 1st prizeObtained Attack Reels, and party has engaged in at least 250 battles.
Wakka's Overdrive attack, Aurochs ReelsTournament Cup 1st prizeObtained Status Reels, and party has engaged in at least 450 battles.
Jupiter SigilLeague 1st prize50%Obtained Aurochs Reels

*** Note that Tidus must have learned all 3 key techniques before he can get Jecht Shot 2 (same goes for Wakka to get Aurochs Spirit). If he has not learned all 3 key techniques, even if you win the tournament and get the technique he cannot learn it and you will have to win it again later, so there's no point in getting Jecht Shot 2 (or Aurochs Spirit) if he has not learned the key techniques.

You would have noticed that the prizes for league matches are generally better or more valuable than those for the tournament cups, well that's because each league consist of 10 matches while you only have to win 2 or 3 matches for the tournament cup, so obviously you have to work harder for the league prizes : )

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