*Hey everyone! Well.. let's see here, I'm Amanda, I am 19 will be 20 in March, and I live in the wonderful state of Indiana :-) lol* I'm about 45 minutes south of Indy...
*So... I graduated in '02; and I'm not in college anywhere. I work at a hospital, in Admissions...It's okay I guess...
*I live at home with my parents and my younger brother who is 15. . It is nice, but hopefully in the next couple of years i'll be able to get out on my own and have my own place.
*When I'm not working, I love to go shopping and hang out/party with my friends! They are all wonderful and I dunno what I'd do w/out 'em :-) I love living my life to the fullest..and I've learned not to dwell over the pity things and problems that we come across in life; god meant for them to happen for one reason or another...so accept the facts, and move on... *Well... If ya wanna contact me, I use MSN,AIM, and sometimes Yahoo.. my e-mail on msn is amandamb2002@hotmail.com ; AIM-mandamarie02;yahoo-mandamarie02
*"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"*
*"Have you ever wondered which hurts the most..saying something and wishing you hadn't , or saying nothing and wishing you had?"*
Are you HotOrNot?* :-)
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