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Richard Nixon Report

This was made while I wis the 8th grade. If you see any big mistakes, e-mail me at

This report is on Richard M. Nixon, the 37th president of the United States of America. Richard M. Nixon is famous for the Watergate scandal and his foreign policy achievements, especially the 1971 trip to China.

On January 9th, 1913, Richard Milhous Nixon was born into a poor working class family. Nixon was as star student. He did very well in school because of his good memory. When he got to high school, Richard Nixon was still an exceptional student. During high school, he became a champion debater, winning almost all of his debates. Nixon went to Whittler College. At Whittler College he received his scholarship for law at Duke University. After graduating, he signed on with the military and ended up at sea.

Frank, Richard’s father, ran away from his home at the age 13. After working many odd jobs, one day he met Jane Milhous. After dating Jane, Frank liked one of her sisters better and started dating her. She was Hannah Milhous. After only four months they were married. Frank had a raging temper. Hannah was a very quiet religious woman. Together, Hannah and Frank had four children named after English Kings: Richard, Edward, Harold, and Arthur. They also had a fifth son, Francis, named after his father Frank.

Richard was at a play tryout when he met Patricia Ryan. Richard immediately liked her, but Patricia did not seem interested in Richard. Patricia and Richard got eventually married and had two children, Julie and Tricia.

When he got home from the war, Nixon started work as a lawyer. One day, a letter came in the mail for him asking if would like to join the primaries for the Republican nomination for a seat on the House of Representatives.

Richard did join the primaries and he was chosen. Nixon started a campaign against Jerry Voorhis. Nixon won because of Voorhis’s poor record when it came to passing bills in congress and Voorhis’s endorsement from the Communist infiltrated NPAC (National Political Action Committee). Then after winning this election, Nixon won both the democratic and republican nomination for Representative in the 1968 election.

As a freshman congressman, Nixon was appointed to the Committee of Un-American Activities where he gained national fame for his work on prosecuting Alger Hiss for perjury because he lied under oath about knowing Whittaker Chambers.

In 1950, he ran for one of the California senate seats. His democratic opponent was Helen Graham Douglas. Nixon accused her of being “soft on communism.” Nixon won the election.

In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower had won the nomination of the Republican Party for president. Dwight chose Nixon to be his running mate. The ticket was very likely to win against the democratic team of Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman.

Then, a crisis struck. Nixon was accused of having a secret fund. Reports said had he traded campaign contributions for political favors. This almost caused him to be dropped from the ticket, but his speech about the fund saved Nixon’s spot and probably the Republican ticket. Nixon and Eisenhower won in a landslide.

In 1955, Eisenhower suffered a heart attack. While Eisenhower was ill, Nixon took over the ceremonial duties of president. Eisenhower survived the heart attack.

During his vice presidency Nixon visited many countries in the world as a good will ambassador from the United States. The poor health and potential for the death of Eisenhower meant Nixon could become president. Nixon’s “ questionable character” was the theme of the attacks by the returning team of Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman in the 1956 election for president. Nixon and Eisenhower still won anyway. Eisenhower contracted ileitis in 1956, and suffered a stroke in 1957.

In 1959, Nixon went to Russia and had arguments about the Communism and Capitalism with the leader of Russia, Krushchev. When he went home, the debate strongly increased favor of him in America.

In 1960 Nixon ran against John F. Kennedy, his democratic opponent. The vote was so close it was amazing. 100,000 votes could have changed it. JFK had barely won.

In 1962 Nixon lost a race for Governor of California. He gave what was called the last press conference. He talked stern to the press and then retired from politics. In 1964 he campaigned for Barry Goldwater and in 1966 he campaigned for Republican candidates for Congress.

In 1968, Nixon ran for the Republican 1968 nomination for president. Nixon won the nomination and then he barely won the presidency (with Spiro T. Agnew as his running mate) against Herbert Humprey.

Richard Nixon was an amazing president. By 1972, he had cut inflation, improved the economy, cut taxes and had almost ended the draft. In 1969-1973 the country was involved in the Vietnam War. Nixon’s relentless tactics and his bombing strikes were wearing down the Vietcong. Nixon had opened relations with People’s Republic of China in 1972.

Even with the Watergate burglary in 1972, he won a major landslide against George S. McGovern. Even with all of his success, his administration was destroyed by the Watergate break-in. The Watergate scandal showed Nixon authorizing a cover-up. Right around this time, in an unrelated event, Spiro T. Agnew resigned as vice president because of tax income evasion and Gerald Ford was made the new Vice President.

Nixon was going to be impeached over his involvement for the cover-up. The major charge was the abuse of power charge. Nixon then decided to resign from the office of the presidency because the country could not have a weak president for six months.

After Nixon had resigned, he almost died of a blood clot in his leg. Then, he started to get sued constantly. Eventually, Gerald R. Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. This would be a factor in Gerald’s loss in 1976. Richard Nixon went on to author 11 books. Richard Nixon died on April 22nd, 1994 of stroke complications. Nixon as president did many good things. The opening of relations with China and his great foreign policies helped to improve foreign feelings toward the United States. Watergate will always be associated with Richard Nixon. Even though Nixon’s achievements were great (de-segregation, end of the draft, China), he will always be known as “the Watergate president.”

It is my conclusion that Richard Nixon is among the greatest men to ever hold the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. With the many good things Nixon did, it is obvious Nixon’s “forced resignation” was a great tragedy and a great mistake that should not of happened. A lesser punishment should have been used. In a century from now, I believe the public opinion of Richard Nixon will be different.

Enough Stuff About Richard Nixon, I want presentations

Richard Nixon Society Of Friends PowerPoint Presentations