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hits for ALL pages.
Here are some useful codes and scripts for your xanga page. Unless stated otherwise, every single code on this page has been tested to work on both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Insert the codes under the "Website Stats" or the "Header" section of your Look and Feel page. If you have any questions, visit my xanga site and ask.

Note: People can still steal your information when a no-click script is in effect, but it should deter many people from being able to do it.

Disable Right Click (Silent Version)
This code disables right clicking on your site. A warning message will not pop up when the right mouse is clicked on.
Disable Right Click (With Warning Message)
This code also disables right clicking on your site, but a customizable warning message will pop up when the right mouse is clicked on. Just replace "Insert Warning Message Here" with the text of your choice.
Disable Left Click (Silent Version)
This code disables left clicking on your site. It prevents people from being able to highlight over your text and pictures, which can prove to be useful if you don't want people to copy and paste information from your site by highlighting over it.

Coming Soon

Disable Left Click (With Warning Message)
Works on Mozilla Firefox only.
This code also disables left clicking on your site, but a customizable warning message will pop up when the left mouse is clicked on. Just replace "Insert Warning Message Here" with the text of your choice. This script is very annoying and should only be used if you're trying to keep everyone out of your xanga.

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