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Missed a random fact of the day? Don't worry. Here's a full list of all random facts that have been mentioned on the blog bulletin since August 2005. Since I started keeping track of the random facts in August 2005, some of the facts that were mentioned before August will most likely appear again.

Before adding random facts to my xanga site, I usually weed out the ones that don't make sense or aren't likely to be true. For instance, the average person spends three years of his or her life on a toilet isn't likely to be true. Assuming that the average person lives to be 100 years old, he or she would spend an average of 43 minutes and 12 seconds on a toilet every day. The average human grows 590 miles of hair in his or her lifetime also doesn't make sense, and I sure don't know anyone who grows 5.9 miles of hair every year.

11/30/2006 In about 100 million years, a day will be 25 hours long.
11/29/2006 An elephant can smell water 3 miles away.
11/28/2006 Hamsters can wink.
11/27/2006 Garden snails travel at a speed of roughly 0.03 mph.
11/26/2006 In North America, bananas are eaten more often than any other fruit.
11/25/2006 The largest radish in the world weighs more than 100 pounds.
11/24/2006 Richard Simmons' license plate is "YRUFAT."
11/23/2006 Sound travels 5 times faster underwater than it does in the air.
11/22/2006 Cheerios cereal used to be called Cheerioats.
11/21/2006 Dale Earnhardt won more than $41 million throughout his racing career.
11/20/2006 The odds of being attacked by a shark are 1 in 11.5 million.
11/19/2006 There are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet.
11/18/2006 The average baby weighs about 7 pounds.
11/17/2006 The Medal of Honor has been awarded to 3,460 people.
11/16/2006 Haiku is the world's shortest form of poetry.
11/15/2006 The most expensive violin ever sold in the world costed $2.03 million.
11/14/2006 Cheddar cheese is the most purchased and consumed cheese in the world.
11/13/2006 94% of welfare recipients rely on public transportation when they're starting a new job.
11/12/2006 Elvis Presley was a serious gun collector; he collected 40 weapons.
11/11/2006 Eggs explode when you put them in the microwave.
11/10/2006 The people who are usually killed in a bank robbery are the robbers themselves.
11/9/2006 Flamingos sleep while standing up.
11/8/2006 You have a higher chance of dying from a dog bite than from a shark bite.
11/7/2006 Great White Sharks have about 3,000 teeth.
11/6/2006 105 million pounds of pecan are produced in the state of Georgia every year.
11/5/2006 Only 5 out of 100 people in the world will earn a college degree.
11/4/2006 Mice prefer peanut butter over cheese.
11/3/2006 Pigs are the 4th most intelligent animals in the world.
11/2/2006 One ounce of platinum can be stretched up to 10,000 feet.
11/1/2006 Albert Einstein never learned how to tie his shoe laces.
10/31/2006 Yoohoo chocolate drinks don't have an expiration date and can last forever if stored correctly.
10/30/2006 Fish are able to feel pain.
10/29/2006 Potatoes explode when you put them in the microwave.
10/28/2006 The average eagle has about 7,000 feathers.
10/27/2006 The inventor of 7-up soda had red eyes.
10/26/2006 October is National Liver Awareness month.
10/25/2006 More than 2 billion Pop Tarts are sold every year.
10/24/2006 Pigs are able to become alcoholics.
10/23/2006 More than 500 types of bananas exist in the world.
10/22/2006 Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.
10/21/2006 From 1940 to 1975, the average height of Americans increased by more than 3 inches.
10/20/2006 Jack in the Box has given away more than 22 million antenna balls.
10/19/2006 The original Twinkie had banana cream filling.
10/18/2006 Snoring can destroy brain cells.
10/17/2006 About 50 million people in the United States alone engage themselves in crossword puzzles every week.
10/16/2006 Burger King Whoppers costed as little as 37 cents when they were first introduced in 1957.
10/15/2006 Salt is the only type of rock that humans eat.
10/14/2006 More than 800 million gallons of gas are saved every year because of public transportation.
10/13/2006 On average, people forget 80% of what they learn in one day.
10/12/2006 The average fashion model is 5'10" and weighs 110 pounds, but the average woman is 5'4" and weighs 140 pounds.
10/11/2006 The Statue of Liberty was shipped to the United States in 350 pieces.
10/10/2006 The average 14-year old knows 20,000 words.
10/9/2006 500,000 people came to California to search for gold during the gold rush.
10/8/2006 Horses sleep while standing up.
10/7/2006 AT&T was the first corporation in the world to have more than 1 million stockholders.
10/6/2006 Women are more likely than men are to reject heart transplants.
10/5/2006 Cats can see in the dark.
10/4/2006 25 years is the approximate lifespan of a penny.
10/3/2006 Lollipop is the longest word that's typed using only the right hand.
10/2/2006 A false floor was added to Hitler's car to make him look taller when he stood up from the car.
10/1/2006 It takes 4 to 6 hours for the food in your refridgerator to spoil if your refridgerator stops working.
9/30/2006 The largest glacier in the world is 120 miles long.
9/29/2006 A maze in a Pacman video game has exactly 240 dots.
9/28/2006 Cats can see clearly with only 1/6 of the light that humans need to see.
9/27/2006 26 items are sold on Ebay every minute.
9/26/2006 The clavicle (collar bone) is the most commonly broken bone in the human body.
9/25/2006 The largest zipper factory in the world produces more than 7 million zippers every day.
9/24/2006 Dolphins can hear 14 times better than humans can.
9/23/2006 The average person in the United States consumes 2,700 calories every day.
9/22/2006 Richard Simmons used to weigh as much as 268 pounds.
9/21/2006 Beagle dogs have 220 million scent receptors; humans only have 5 million scent receptors.
9/20/2006 More than 700,000 people in the United States will celebrate their birthday today.
9/19/2006 The largest jigsaw puzzle in the world has more than 18,000 pieces.
9/18/2006 Snakes are color blind.
9/17/2006 Abraham Lincoln's portrait on the penny is the only U.S. coin that's faced to the right.
9/16/2006 Since 1950, Bic has sold more than 100 billion ballpoint pens.
9/15/2006 The vault door at Fort Knox's gold reserve weighs more than 20 tons.
9/14/2006 Kim Jong-il, the dictator of North Korea, wears platform shoes to appear taller.
9/13/2006 A hamburger used to cost 18 cents when Burger King first opened.
9/12/2006 In 2005, the highest paid supermodel in the world earned $15.2 million.
9/11/2006 Women are more likely to reject heart transplants than men are.
9/10/2006 Killing a cat was once punishable by death in Egypt.
9/9/2006 If refridgerated well, a carton of milk is good for 7 more days than the printed sell-by date.
9/8/2006 The average person in the United States eats 5.63 gallons of ice cream every year.
9/7/2006 The largest manufacturer of marbles in the world produces more than 12 million marbles every day.
9/6/2006 Boys are allowed to join certain Girl Scout organizations.
9/5/2006 Coral plants can die if the water temperature varies by one or two degrees from its normal range.
9/4/2006 Blood flow to the brain increases when you think.
9/3/2006 Charles Schulz, the author of the Peanuts comic strip, had his drawings rejected for the high school yearbook.
9/2/2006 It takes 2 days for the food in your freezer to spoil if your refridgerator stops working.
9/1/2006 Pennies manufactured before 1982 contain 95% copper.
8/31/2006 -40 degrees fahrenheit is equivalent to -40 degrees celsius.
8/30/2006 Crocodiles are color blind.
8/29/2006 A starfish doesn't have a brain.
8/28/2006 There are 240 dots in a Pacman game.
8/27/2006 Driving a dirty car in Russia is illegal.
8/26/2006 A caterpillar has more muscles than a human does.
8/25/2006 The average human body contains enough carbon to make 900 lead pencils.
8/24/2006 The reproductive organs of a snail are located in the head.
8/23/2006 80% of a human's brain is made out of water.
8/22/2006 Earthworms have 10 hearts.
8/21/2006 The Eiffel Tower has 1,665 steps.
8/20/2006 A scallop has more than 100 eyes.
8/19/2006 The average person in the United States eats 263 eggs a year.
8/18/2006 The horned toad squirts blood from its eyes when it gets angry.
8/17/2006 About 550 hairs are contained in the average human eyebrow.
8/16/2006 About 20 billion hot dogs are consumed every year in the United States.
8/15/2006 The average person produces 10,000 gallons of saliva during his/her lifetime.
8/14/2006 The trillionth digit of pi is 8.
8/13/2006 A can of SPAM food is opened every 3.8 seconds.
8/12/2006 A stretched out Slinky measures 65 feet long.
8/11/2006 During a hockey game, a puck can reach speeds of up to 118 mph.
8/10/2006 An iguana can stay underwater for 28 minutes.
8/9/2006 The heaviest cabbage in the world weighs 124 pounds.
8/8/2006 Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.
8/7/2006 The lifetime of a taste bud is between 10 days and 2 weeks.
8/6/2006 The longest time that a person has been in a coma is 37 years.
8/5/2006 Cranberry-flavored Jello is the only flavor that contains real fruit.
8/4/2006 Between 8,000 and 11,000 new publishing companies are created each year.
8/3/2006 600,000 laptops are stolen every year.
8/2/2006 Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale.
8/1/2006 Outside of the United States, between 200 and 300 tornadoes occur every year.
7/31/2006 The funny bone is a nerve, not a bone.
7/30/2006 Men have more blood than women do.
7/29/2006 New York used to be called New Amsterdam.
7/28/2006 England is smaller than New England.
7/27/2006 The average electric eel can produce up to 650 volts of electricity.
7/26/2006 The most milk that a cow has ever produced in one year was 55,660 pounds.
7/25/2006 Not a single disease has ever been eradicated completely.
7/24/2006 Producing a wedding ring generates 20 tons of mining waste.
7/23/2006 Fruit Cakes are banned in many airports because its large density makes it difficult to scan.
7/22/2006 97% of stolen laptops are never recovered.
7/21/2006 Ostriches can run faster than horses.
7/20/2006 The exact center of the United States is located in Lebanon, Kansas.
7/19/2006 It would cost you $8,325 to take a taxi from New York City to Los Angeles.
7/18/2006 The heart of an adult human weighs 10 ounces.
7/17/2006 Squirrels cannot contract or carry rabies.
7/16/2006 Peanut butter can be used to make diamonds.
7/15/2006 Hawaii is the only state that produces coffee.
7/14/2006 The maximum weight of a golf ball is 1.62 ounces.
7/13/2006 A laptop is stolen every 53 seconds.
7/12/2006 No war has ever been fought between two countries that had a McDonalds.
7/11/2006 Blue whales weigh as much as 30 elephants.
7/10/2006 The short-term memory capacity for most people is between 5 and 9 digits or items.
7/9/2006 The C in J.C. Penney stands for Cash.
7/8/2006 Oceans make up 99% of the living space in the world.
7/7/2006 Women blink twice as often as men.
7/6/2006 About 1,200 tornadoes occur in the United States every year.
7/5/2006 It is possible to start a fire with ice.
7/4/2006 All continents end with the same letter with which they start.
7/3/2006 Golf courses take up more land than farms do.
7/2/2006 A baby is born to a teenage mother every 75 seconds.
7/1/2006 Snow leopards can't roar.
6/30/2006 Alfred Nobel, the person behind the Nobel Peace Prize, invented dynamite.
6/29/2006 The heaviest blue whale ever discovered weighed more than 190 tons.
6/28/2006 Your skin will turn orange if you eat too many carrots.
6/27/2006 A beaver can cut down as many as 200 trees in one year.
6/26/2006 There is an average of 32 million bacteria in a square inch of the human body.
6/25/2006 Phobophobia is the fear of developing a phobia.
6/24/2006 Only about 20% of Americans have a passport.
6/23/2006 Arabic numerals originated from India.
6/22/2006 The exact speed of light is 186,287.49 miles per second.
6/21/2006 One in every ten people live on an island.
6/20/2006 A giraffe sleeps for only 20 minutes a day.
6/19/2006 About 90% of people who die from hurricanes die from drowning, not the wind.
6/18/2006 A hippo can run a mile in about 2 to 3 minutes.
6/17/2006 It takes about 6 months for a fingernail to grow from base to tip.
6/16/2006 There are 6 billion dust mites in a typical bed.
6/15/2006 A rhino's horn is made out of hair.
6/14/2006 Bill Gates was once an employee for Apple.
6/13/2006 There has never been a U.S. president with a last name beginning with S.
6/12/2006 About 1,000 people die from lightning strikes every year.
6/11/2006 An average of 345 squirts is required to yield a gallon of milk from a cow.
6/10/2006 An elephant can swim up to 20 miles in a day.
6/9/2006 Baby carrots are carved from regular carrots.
6/8/2006 Snails have as many as 25,000 teeth.
6/7/2006 In the United States, about 50,000 people die from air pollution every year.
6/6/2006 There are at least 600 million cars in the world.
6/5/2006 More than one million earthquakes occur every year.
6/4/2006 The longest case of hiccups lasted for 69 years.
6/3/2006 There are no ants in Antarctica.
6/2/2006 A bean cell has more DNA than a human cell.
6/1/2006 In the United States, about 50 billion checks are written every year.
5/31/2006 At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse.
5/30/2006 More than 1.6 million people work for a McDonalds restaurant.
5/29/2006 In the United States, about 630 steel cans are recycled every second.
5/28/2006 Bamboo plants can grow up to 36 inches in one day.
5/27/2006 The largest diamond ever found in the world was 3,106 carats.
5/26/2006 In the United States, about 14 people die from asthma attacks every day.
5/25/2006 The sun shrinks about five feet every second.
5/24/2006 The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet.
5/23/2006 It is possible for brain damage to occur from a fever if it is over 107.6 degrees.
5/22/2006 More than 45 billion sandwiches are eaten by people in the United States every year.
5/21/2006 A blink lasts about 0.3 seconds.
5/20/2006 Ten years ago, one of John F. Kennedy's rocking chairs was auctioned off for $453,000.
5/19/2006 More than 20 billion pickles are eaten every year in the United States.
5/18/2006 Eight years ago, Sony accidentally sold 700,000 camcorders that could be used to see through people's clothes.
5/17/2006 It takes about 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose.
5/16/2006 The average house contributes more to air pollution than the average car.
5/15/2006 More than 500 million twinkies are baked every year.
5/14/2006 The average person in the United States uses about 57 sheets of toilet paper every day.
5/13/2006 The odds of being electrocuted are 1 in 350,000.
5/12/2006 There are more than 3 trillion craters on the moon.
5/11/2006 There are more than 2000 species of cactus in the world.
5/10/2006 In the United States, 96 billion pounds of food are wasted every year.
5/9/2006 The sun causes one trillion tons of water to evaporate every day.
5/8/2006 An olive tree can live for more than 1,500 years.
5/7/2006 600 million Marshmallow Peeps are bought and eaten by Americans during Easter season.
5/6/2006 More than 400 million ounces of orange juice are served in Burger King restaurants every year.
5/5/2006 The most expensive bottle of perfume in the world costs $215,000.
5/4/2006 A slug has four noses.
5/3/2006 About three jars of peanut butter are sold every second.
5/2/2006 Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
5/1/2006 Mel Blanc, the person who did the voice work for Bugs Bunny, was allergic to raw carrots.
4/30/2006 There is no lead in pencil lead.
4/29/2006 The heart of a giraffe weighs more than 24 pounds.
4/28/2006 The first owner of Marlboro died of lung cancer.
4/27/2006 The first Ford cars used Dodge engines.
4/26/2006 The average porcupine has at least 30,000 quills.
4/25/2006 The color of a grasshopper's blood is green.
4/24/2006 The longest mountain range in the world is underneath the Atlantic Ocean.
4/23/2006 It was once against the law to own a dog in Iceland.
4/22/2006 In the United States, the government owns one third of the land.
4/21/2006 The fingerprint of a koala can't be distinguished from a human fingerprint.
4/20/2006 All living things are mostly comprised of water.
4/19/2006 A house in the United States will catch on fire every 45 seconds.
4/18/2006 The tail of a comet is always pointing away from the Sun.
4/17/2006 The color of a lobster's blood is blue.
4/16/2006 A hurricane releases more energy than all the nuclear weapons in the world combined.
4/15/2006 Happy Meals account for 40% of McDonald's profits.
4/14/2006 A cucumber is not a vegetable; it is a fruit.
4/13/2006 Men are about six times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.
4/12/2006 Snails can sleep for three years without eating.
4/11/2006 Most pencils in Europe are sold without erasers.
4/10/2006 The largest eggs in the world are laid by whale sharks.
4/9/2006 After 49.7 days of straight usage, a Windows 95 or 98 machine will stop responding.
4/8/2006 The largest pumpkin ever grown weighs 1,469 pounds.
4/7/2006 Rats can live longer without water than camels.
4/6/2006 George Washington used his garden to grow marijuana.
4/5/2006 The largest flower in the world weighs 15 pounds.
4/4/2006 300 cups of tea can be made from one pound of tea.
4/3/2006 The spine of a camel is actually straight.
4/2/2006 An oak tree doesn't produce acorns until it is at least 50 years old.
4/1/2006 The two highest IQs ever recorded in history belong to women.
3/31/2006 Ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find food.
3/30/2006 The first telephone book ever issued had only 50 names in it.
3/29/2006 The queen of England has two birthdays.
3/28/2006 Male mosquitoes don't bite.
3/27/2006 The Statue of Liberty weighs 225 tons.
3/26/2006 The average human head weighs about 8 pounds.
3/25/2006 Only 9 countries participated in the first Olympics.
3/24/2006 Cigarette lighters were invented before matches.
3/23/2006 Wrigley's bubble gum was the first product to have a bar code.
3/22/2006 Cow farts are a major cause of global warming.
3/21/2006 There are an average of 27 peanuts in a box of Cracker Jacks.
3/20/2006 Catfish have as many as 100,000 taste buds.
3/19/2006 A milk chocolate bar contains more protein than a banana does.
3/18/2006 Only one in every 2,000 babies is born with a tooth.
3/17/2006 Cows give more milk when they listen to music.
3/16/2006 A 75-watt light bulb will give off more light than three 25-watt light bulbs.
3/15/2006 9 presidents in the United States never went to college.
3/14/2006 Bulls are not attracted by the color red.
3/13/2006 Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries do.
3/12/2006 A single breath from an adult blue whale can inflate 2,000 balloons.
3/11/2006 In the United States, a pound of potato chips costs 200 times more than a pound of potatoes.
3/10/2006 The average human breathes 26,000 times in one day.
3/9/2006 If each count was one second long, it would take 31,709 years to count to one trillion.
3/8/2006 A goldfish will turn white if you leave it in a dark room for many years.
3/7/2006 About 7% of Americans will eat at McDonalds today.
3/6/2006 $6,400 is the average cost of raising a dog to the age of 11.
3/5/2006 A piece of cabbage is 91% water.
3/4/2006 A beaver's teeth never stops growing.
3/3/2006 A sea hare can lay 40,000 eggs in one minute.
3/2/2006 315 words were misspelled in the 1996 Webster's dictionary.
3/1/2006 Every year, more people are killed by falling coconuts than sharks.
2/28/2006 A crocodile can't stick its tongue out.
2/27/2006 The ink on U.S. currency has magnetic properties.
2/26/2006 About 4,000 people move to Las Vegas every month.
2/25/2006 You will burn about 7% more calories by walking on hard dirt instead of pavement.
2/24/2006 35% of people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
2/23/2006 No one has ever died from a tarantula bite.
2/22/2006 About 450 million cups of coffee are consumed every day in the United States.
2/21/2006 About 3,000 people die every day from malaria.
2/20/2006 A bicycle helmet reduces the risk of head injury by 85%.
2/19/2006 There are 318,979,564,000 ways of playing the first four moves in chess.
2/18/2006 If each count was one second long, it would take 31.7 years to count to one billion.
2/17/2006 Each of the letters of the Hollywood sign are 45 feet tall.
2/16/2006 Banging your head against a wall burns about 150 calories per hour.
2/15/2006 The average person will drink about 15,000 gallons of water in a lifetime.
2/14/2006 61% of men actually want to receive flowers as a Valentine gift from women.
2/13/2006 The average roll of toilet paper has 333 squares.
2/12/2006 More Monopoly money is printed every year than real money is.
2/11/2006 89% of the weight of the ocean is made up of oxygen.
2/10/2006 The average person loses 40-100 strands of hair every day.
2/9/2006 Chewing gum while peeling an onion will prevent you from crying.
2/8/2006 The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
2/7/2006 "Almost" is the longest English word with all the letters in alphabetical order.
2/6/2006 It is estimated that 200,000,000 M&M's are sold every day.
2/5/2006 China has more English speakers than the United States.
2/4/2006 Bacteria production increases by as much as 200% in space.
2/3/2006 The Dead Sea is not a sea. It is a lake.
2/2/2006 Europe is the only continent without a desert.
2/1/2006 Throughout its life, an oyster will change its gender several times.
1/31/2006 The average audio cassette tape has 562.5 feet of tape in it.
1/30/2006 A lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away.
1/29/2006 49.6% of people in the United States live in the Eastern Time Zone.
1/28/2006 There are only 14 blimps in the world.
1/27/2006 A kangaroo can't jump unless its tail is on the ground.
1/26/2006 Only 1 in 700 identity theives are convicted.
1/25/2006 The temperature of a lightning bolt is four times as hot as the surface of the Sun.
1/24/2006 Male hospital patients fall out of bed twice as often as female patients do.
1/23/2006 There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.
1/22/2006 You are more likely to have a bad dream if you sleep in a cold room.
1/21/2006 More than 40 years ago, men with long hair weren't allowed to enter Disneyland.
1/20/2006 Strawberries have more vitamin c than oranges do.
1/19/2006 A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.
1/18/2006 You're more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a spider.
1/17/2006 Pocahontas is depicted on the back of the 1875 20-dollar bill.
1/16/2006 Microwaves were invented after a researcher walked by a radar system and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
1/15/2006 Dragonflies have a lifespan of 24 hours.
1/14/2006 An Oreo cookie is 29% creme and 71% cookie.
1/13/2006 Underground is the only English word that begins and ends with the letters und.
1/12/2006 The first Apple hard drive only had a capacity of 5 MB.
1/11/2006 Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
1/10/2006 More than 345 billion Oreo cookies have been consumed.
1/9/2006 75% of children prefer purple over all other colors.
1/8/2006 Every year, more than 10,000 forest fires are caused by lightning.
1/7/2006 Nearly 70% of small businesses don't have a website.
1/6/2006 70% of lightning injuries occur in the afternoon.
1/5/2006 In the United States, 14 million people use public transportation services every day.
1/4/2006 20% of people struck by lightning will die from the strike.
1/3/2006 Eating cheese helps prevent tooth decay.
1/2/2006 In the United States, there are 100,000 thunderstorms every year.
1/1/2006 A 12-year old girl was once arrested for eating a french fry in front of a police officer.
12/31/2005 Parker Brothers prints about 50 billion dollars worth of Monopoly money every year.
12/30/2005 24 miles is the world record for carrying a milk bottle on your head.
12/29/2005 The Empire State Building was built with more than 10 million bricks.
12/28/2005 In the United States, your chances of being struck by lightning is 1 in 600,000.
12/27/2005 It takes 6 minutes to make a marshmallow peep.
12/26/2005 In a normal population, 1 in 200 people are psychopaths.
12/25/2005 Peanuts are one of the ingredients for making dynamite.
12/24/2005 A computer becomes infected by a virus every 5 seconds.
12/23/2005 Wearing headphones for one hour increases the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
12/22/2005 A tiger has striped skin as well as striped fur.
12/21/2005 A rubber band will last longer if it is kept refrigerated.
12/20/2005 There are 100 lightning strikes every second.
12/19/2005 There are more than 300 million ants in the world's largest ant colony.
12/18/2005 47 bibles are sold every minute.
12/17/2005 About 13% of people are left-handed.
12/16/2005 There are no penguins in the North Pole or in the Arctic.
12/15/2005 It's possible to lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs.
12/14/2005 About one-third of Earth's land surface is desert.
12/13/2005 Millions of meteors collide with the Earth's atmosphere every 24 hours.
12/12/2005 A college student knows 20,000 to 30,000 words when he/she graduates.
12/11/2005 The English language has more than 2 million words.
12/10/2005 A grasshopper can leap 20 times the length of its own body.
12/9/2005 10% of people witness rude behavior at work every day.
12/8/2005 A strand of human hair is 80,000 nanometers thick.
12/7/2005 5 billion gallons of water are flushed down toilets in the United States every day.
12/6/2005 4,000 people are injured by tea pots every year.
12/5/2005 24 miles is the world record for carrying a milk bottle on your head.
12/4/2005 A car is stolen every 20 seconds in the United States.
12/3/2005 95% of food poisoning cases are never reported.
12/2/2005 60% of electrocutions occur when talking on the phone during a thunderstorm.
12/1/2005 Every year, 13 people are killed by vending machines falling on them.
11/30/2005 The biggest rubber band in the world is 1,203,840 inches long.
11/29/2005 July 2nd is halfway through the year on a non-leap year.
11/28/2005 There are 31,557,600 seconds in one year.
11/27/2005 Months that begin on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th.
11/26/2005 In 1952, Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel.
11/25/2005 If it gets really hungry, an octopus will eat its own arms.
11/24/2005 There is a city called Rome in every continent.
11/23/2005 1 out of 2 billion people will live to be 116 or older.
11/22/2005 Smelling a banana or a green apple can help you lose weight.
11/21/2005 Bulls are color blind.
11/20/2005 More than 10,000 birds die every year from smashing into windows.
11/19/2005 Q is the least used letter in the English alphabet.
11/18/2005 A hummingbird weighs less than one penny.
11/17/2005 The average person blinks about 84 million times in one year.
11/16/2005 Fingernails grow almost 4 times as fast as toenails.
11/15/2005 Thomas Edison invented the light bulb because he was scared of the dark.
11/14/2005 A toothpick is supposedly the object most often choked on by Americans.
11/13/2005 In the United States, $203 million is spent on barbed wire every year.
11/12/2005 A forest fire will move faster uphill than downhill.
11/11/2005 In the United States, it costs 3 cents to make a $1 bill.
11/10/2005 The average person eats as many as 35,000 cookies during their lifetime.
11/9/2005 The billionth digit of pi is 9.
11/8/2005 85 million tons of paper are used every year in the United States.
11/7/2005 During the first week of Daylight Savings Time, car accidents rise 10%.
11/6/2005 The odds of a mother giving birth to twins is 1 in 90.
11/5/2005 The average person has more than 1,460 dreams in one year.
11/4/2005 You will eat about 60,000 pounds of food during your lifetime.
11/3/2005 A 5-cent bill was once issued in America.
11/2/2005 There are 31,622,400 seconds in a leap year.
11/1/2005 The Mayan calendar ends in 2012.
10/31/2005 50% of people have kissed before turning 14 years old.
10/30/2005 The time displayed on a watch ad is usually 10:10.
10/29/2005 An octopus has 3 hearts.
10/28/2005 Elephants can't jump.
10/27/2005 About 75% of pencils are painted yellow.
10/26/2005 2.8 billion pencils are manufactured every year in the United States.
10/25/2005 The average lifespan of a hermit crab in the wild is 75 years.
10/24/2005 Astronauts can't burp in space.
10/23/2005 Hair doesn't grow back darker or thicker after it's been shaved.
10/22/2005 One gallon of motor oil is enough to ruin one million gallons of water.
10/21/2005 Tuesday is the most productive work day of the week.
10/20/2005 Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team when he was a sophomore.
10/19/2005 A watermelon is not a fruit. It's a vegetable.
10/18/2005 Nintendo began as a manufacturer of playing cards.
10/17/2005 The opposite sides of a dice cube will always add up to 7.
10/16/2005 In golf, the odds of getting a hole-in-one is estimated to be 18,000 to 1.
10/15/2005 It is legal to marry a dead person in France.
10/14/2005 One in three women owns at least one gun.
10/13/2005 Children are more allergic to cockroaches than cats.
10/12/2005 The most common last name in the United States is Smith.
10/11/2005 Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area.
10/10/2005 A million dollars worth of $1 bills would weigh 2,040 pounds.
10/9/2005 A hydrogen bomb was accidentally dropped in New Mexico on May 22, 1957.
10/8/2005 It takes 517,578 dollar bills to cover an entire football field.
10/7/2005 A 1,400 year old cheese was found on August 23, 1987.
10/6/2005 The Yellow pages listed a funeral home in Texas under the frozen foods section in 1980.
10/5/2005 Christopher Columbus had blonde hair.
10/4/2005 A hockey puck can travel up to 100mph.
10/3/2005 The average speed of a sneeze is 600mph.
10/2/2005 A pig can run a mile in seven minutes.
10/1/2005 George W. Bush's college GPA was 2.35.
9/30/2005 Sharks have up to 3000 teeth.
9/29/2005 More than 500 people are killed every year by elephants.
9/28/2005 There are 330,000 species of beetles.
9/27/2005 Dragonflies have 30,000 lenses in each eye.
9/26/2005 Termites eat more paper money than dogs, horses, and pigs do.
9/25/2005 All polar bears are left-handed.
9/24/2005 Butterflies taste with their feet.
9/23/2005 Cows can't vomit.
9/22/2005 Watching television burns more calories than sleeping does.
9/21/2005 Apples are more efficient than coffee in keeping people awake in the morning.
9/20/2005 In 1987, American Airlines saved $40,000 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.
9/19/2005 Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
9/18/2005 The average life span of a major league baseball is six pitches.
9/17/2005 3,000 cows are required to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs.
9/16/2005 A baseball goes further in hot temperature than in cold temperature.
9/15/2005 When straightened, a coat hanger is 44 inches in length.
9/14/2005 The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body.
9/13/2005 The longest word with one syllable in the English language is "screeched".
9/12/2005 Heat and drought have killed more people in the United States than any other natural disaster.
9/11/2005 Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
9/10/2005 An ostrich's eyes are bigger than its brain.
9/9/2005 There are more plastic flamingos in the United States than real flamingos.
9/8/2005 Bugs Bunny was originally called "Happy Rabbit".
9/7/2005 Mosquitos have teeth.
9/6/2005 Every person has a unique tongue print.
9/5/2005 Women are twice as likely as men to order vegetable toppings on a pizza.
9/4/2005 A shrimp's heart is in its head.
9/3/2005 Horses can't vomit.
9/2/2005 The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
9/1/2005 There are 200 million insects for every human on this planet.
8/31/2005 The U.S. Government doesn't allow portraits of living people to appear on stamps.
8/30/2005 The average person can fall asleep in seven minutes.
8/29/2005 A car traveling at 100mph would take more than 29 million years to reach the nearest star.
8/28/2005 The highest wind velocity ever recorded on Earth is 231mph.
8/27/2005 Women are 2½ times more likely to fear a visit to dentists than men are.
8/26/2005 The heart of a blue whale only beats 9 times per minute.
8/25/2005 Bats are the only mammals that have the ability to fly.
8/24/2005 Babies born at night are 12% more likely to die during their first month.
8/23/2005 A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
8/22/2005 Frogs do not drink water. They absorb it through their skin.
8/21/2005 R, S, T, L, N, and E are the most common letters in the English language.
8/20/2005 An ant can survive for up to 2 weeks underwater.
8/19/2005 Ostriches can run faster than horses.
8/18/2005 The oldest goldfish in the world lived up to 41 years of age.
8/17/2005 25% to 33% of people sneeze when they are exposed to light.
8/16/2005 It takes more than 500 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.
8/15/2005 Dunkin' Donuts serves about 112,500 doughnuts each day.
8/14/2005 Human birth control pills work on gorillas.
8/13/2005 In 1994, lawsuits filed by California inmates costed taxpayers more than $25 million.
8/12/2005 Iowa has more telephone companies than any other state.
8/11/2005 46% percent of the world's water is in the Pacific Ocean.
8/10/2005 Sloths take two weeks to digest their food.
8/9/2005 The English alphabet originally had 24 letters.
8/8/2005 Over 15 billion prizes have been given away in Cracker Jacks boxes.
8/7/2005 Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.
8/6/2005 There are more than 15,000 different kinds of rice.
8/5/2005 It is impossible for a pig to look up at the sky.
8/4/2005 There were 43,687 toilet related accidents in the United States in 1996!

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