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Within the book of heroes
These names shall all stand out
With love for God and Country
For them there was no doubt

For courage born inside them
Was paved along their way
Each one through life we honor
Within our hearts will stay

They walk the fields of glory
In finest of God's glow
Upon our lives a shadow
Forever we shall know

For courage in an instant
Will live on endlessly
For every solider marching
Their steps heard constantly

To God and Man the glory
Of every shining Light
That brought to us a victory
With most courageous fight

Their names in life be written
For heroes came our way
Upon the soil of foreign fields
Their thunder heard each day.

This Page Was Made In Honor Of Our Fallen Hero's 

Which Is Going Be Dearly Missed.

Missed By Your Love Ones And Family And Friends 

You Will Always Be In Our Hearts And Sprints.

The Song Played Here Is Taps By US. Marine Crop. Band

 In Honor Of Our Fallen Hero's.

You May Look Up All Our Fallen Hero's Under Links Below Or

Just Keep Clicking On Next To View Them All.

March-December 2003 

 January-December 2004

January-December 2005



This Page Was Last Updated On Wednesday, March 02, 2005 02:06:55 PM

All My Visitors Since November, 2001

©2005-2001 Our American Hero's  All Rights Reserved. 

No Part Of  Our American Hero's May Be Copied Or

 Re-Used Without Expressed Written Consent

©2001-2005 Some Of The Information And Photo's 

Come To Us From Fox News & Department Of Defense Homeland Security  & AmericanStandsUp

 White House Gov. Official Web Site

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Graphic Credits On This Page !

Poem By ~ Francine Pucillo ~