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Honoring Our Fallen Hero's In Year Of 2004

January 2004

Sgt. Dennis A. Corral

Capt. Kimberly N. Hampton

Spc. Solomon C. Bangayan

Capt. Eric T. Paliwoda

Spc. Marc S. Seiden
Spc. Luke P. Frist

Pfc. Jesse D. Mizener

Sgt. Jeffrey C. Walker

Staff Sgt. Craig Davis

Chief Warrant Officer Philip A. Johnson, Jr.

Chief Warrant Officer Ian D. Mauel

Chief Warrant Officer Aaron A. Weaver
Spc. Michael A. Diraimondo

Sgt. 1st Class Gregory B. Hicks

Spc. Nathaniel H. Johnson

Spc. Christopher A. Golby

Staff Sgt. Ricky L. Crockett

Sgt. Keicia M. Hines

Sgt. Edmond L. Randle

Spc. Larry E. Polley Jr.
Pfc. Cody J. Orr

Master Sgt. Kelly L. Hornbeck

Pfc. James D. Parker

Spc. Gabriel T. Palacios

Chief Warrant Officer (CW2) Brian D. Hazelgrove

Chief Warrant Officer (CW2) Michael T. Blaise
Staff Sgt. Kenneth W. Hendrickson

Sgt. Keith L. Smette

Sgt. Randy S. Rosenberg

Spc. William R. Sturges Jr.

Spc. Jason K. Chappell

Pfc. Ervin Dervishi

Sgt. Travis A. Moothart

Sgt. 1st Class James T. Hoffman

Capt. Matthew J. August

Pfc. Holly J. McGeogh

Cpl. Juan C. Cabralbanuelos

Sgt. Eliu A. Miersandoval

February 2004

Staff Sgt. Roger C. Turner Jr.

Pfc. Armando Soriano

2nd Lt. Seth J. Dvorin

Spc. Joshua L. Knowles

Staff Sgt. Richard P. Ramey

Master Sgt. Jude C. Mariano

Sgt. Elijah Tai Wah Wong

Sgt. Thomas D. Robbins

Staff Sgt. Christopher Bunda
Pfc. William C. Ramirez

Sgt. Patrick S. Tainsh

Spc. Eric U. Ramirez

Sgt. Nicholes D. Golding

Pvt. Bryan N. Spry

1st Lt. Adam G. Mooney

Spc. Christopher M. Taylor

Spc. Michael M. Merila

Pfc. Nichole M. Frye

Spc. Roger G. Ling

2nd Lt. Jeffrey C. Graham

Sgt. 1st Class Henry A. Bacon

Chief Warrant Officer Matthew C. Laskowski

Chief Warrant Officer Stephen M. Wells

Spc. David E. Hall

March 2004

Spc. Michael R. Woodliff

Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael J. Gray

Capt. Gussie M. Jones

Pfc. Matthew G. Milczark

Spc. Edward W. Brabazon

Sgt. 1st Class Richard S. Gottfried

Robert J. Zangas

Fern L. Holland

Pfc. Bert. E. Hoyer

Staff Sgt. Joe L. Dunigan Jr.

Spc. Christopher K. Hill

Pfc. Joel K. Brattain

Sgt. Daniel J. Londono

Staff Sgt. Clint D. Ferrin

Spc. Jocelyn L. Carrasquillo

Capt. John F. Kurth

Spc. Jason C. Ford

Sgt. William J. Normandy

Master Sgt. Thomas R. Thigpen, Sr.

First Lieutenant Michael R. Adams

Spc. Tracy L. Laramore

Sgt. Ivory L. Phipps
Spec. Doron Chan

Cpl. Andrew D. Brownfield

Sgt. Michael J. Esposito

Staff Sgt. Anthony S. Lagman

Pfc. Ernest Harold Sutphin

Spc. Clint Richard Matthews

Pfc. Ricky A. Morris Jr.

Pfc. Brandon C. Smith

Cpl. David M. Vicente

Pfc. Jason C. Ludlam

1st Lt. Michael W. Vega

Spc. Matthew J. Sandri

Maj. Mark D. Taylor

Pfc. Christopher E. Hudson

Pvt. Dustin L. Kreider

Pfc. Bruce Miller Jr.
Lance Cpl. Andrew S. Dang

SSgt. Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger III

LCpl. James A. Casper

Spc. Adam D. Froehlich

LCpl. Jeffrey C. Burgess

Pfc. Leroy Sandoval Jr.

Master Sgt. Timothy Toney

Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Jallah Jr.

Pfc. Sean M. Schneider

Spc. Jeremiah J. Holmes

Master Sgt. Richard L. Ferguson

Lance Cpl. William J. Wiscowiche

Pvt. Brandon L. Davis

Pfc. Cleston C. Raney

Spc. Michael G. Karr Jr.

Spc. Sean R. Mitchell

1st Lt. Doyle M. Hufstedler

April 2004

Pfc. Dustin M. Sekula

Pfc. William R. Strange
Lance Cpl. Aric J. Barr

Sgt. Michael W. Mitchell

Spc. Casey Sheehan

Cpl. Forest J. Jostes

Spc. Israel Garza

Spc. Ahmed A. Cason

Spc. Stephen D. Hiller

Spc. Robert R. Arsiaga
Sgt. Yihjyh L. Chen

Spc. Tyanna S. Felder
Cpl. Tyler R. Fey
Pfc. Geoffrey S. Morris
Spc. Philip G. Rogers

Pfc. John D. Amos II

Pfc. Moises A. Langhorst

Spc. Scott Q. Larson Jr.
Lance Cpl. Shane L. Goldman

Cpl. Jesse L. Thiry

Spc. David M. McKeever

Lance Cpl. Matthew K. Serio

Pfc. Christopher Ramos

Sgt. Lee D. Todacheene

Lance Cpl. Marcus M. Cherry

Petty Officer 3rd Class Fernando A. Mendezaceves

2nd Lt. John T. Wroblewski

Pfc. Benjamin R. Carman

Lance Cpl. Kyle D. Crowley
Staff Sgt. Allan K. Walker
Lance Cpl. Anthony P. Roberts
Sgt. Gerardo Moreno
Lance Cpl. Travis J. Layfield

Pfc. Ryan M. Jerabek

Pfc. Christopher R. Cobb
Pfc. Deryk L. Hallal

Sgt. 1st Class William W. Labadie Jr.

Sgt. 1st Class Marvin L. Miller

Capt. Brent L. Morel

Staff Sgt. George S. Rentschler

Pfc. Christopher D. Mabry

Lance Cpl. Levi T. Angell

Lance Cpl. Phillip E. Frank

Lance Cpl. Christopher B. Wasser

Cpl. Nicholas J. Dieruf

1st Lt. Joshua M. Palmer

Lance Cpl. Michael B. Wafford

Staff Sgt. William M. Harrell

Spc. Isaac Michael Nieves

Spc. Allen J. Vandayburg

Staff Sgt. Toby W. Mallet

Pfc. Gregory R. Goodrich

Spc. Peter G. Enos

Spc. Michelle M. Witmer

Staff Sgt. Don S. McMahan

Pfc. Chance R. Phelps

Staff Sgt. Raymond E. Jones, Jr.

Pfc. Eric A. Ayon

Cpl. Michael R. Speer

Lance Cpl. Elias Torrez III

Cpl. Matthew E. Matula

Sgt. Felix M. Delgreco

Spc. Jonathan R. Kephart

Spc. Adolfo C. Carballo

Sgt. William C. Eckhart

Airman 1st Class Antoine J. Holt

Lance Cpl. John T. Sims Jr.

Spc. Justin W. Johnson

Sgt. Maj. Michael B. Stack

Pfc. Nathan P. Brown
Chief Warrant Officer Lawrence S. Colton

Chief Warrant Officer Wesley C. Fortenberry

Cpl. Daniel R. Amaya

Lance Cpl. Torrey L. Gray

Pfc. George D. Torres

1st Lt. Oscar Jimenez

Lance Cpl. Brad S. Shuder

Lance Cpl. Robert P. Zurheide Jr.

Staff Sgt. Victor A. Rosaleslomeli

Cpl. Kevin T. Kolm

Pvt. Noah L. Boye

Spc. Frank K. Rivers Jr.

Spc. Richard K. Trevithick

Sgt. Christopher Ramirez

Staff Sgt. Jimmy J. Arroyave

Sgt. Brian M. Wood

Staff Sgt. Edward W. Carman

Capt. Richard J. Gannon II

Lance Cpl. Michael J. Smith Jr.

Lance Cpl. Ruben Valdez Jr.

Lance Cpl. Gary F. Van Leuven

Sgt. Jonathan N. Hartman

1st Lt. Robert L. Henderson, II

Pfc. Clayton W. Henson

Spc. Marvin A. Camposiles

Spc. Michael A. McGlothin

Spc. Dennis B. Morgan

Cpl. Christopher A. Gibson

Spc. Christopher D. Gelineau

Sgt. 1st Class Bradley C. Fox

Pfc. Leroy Harris-Kelly

Cpl. Jason L. Dunham

Pfc. Shawn C. Edwards

Sgt. Elmer C. Krause

Staff Sgt. Cory W. Brooks

Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Michael J. Pernaselli

Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Christopher E. Watts

Coast Guard Petty Officer 3rd Class Nathan B. Bruckenthal

Capt. Arthur L. Felder

Chief Warrant Patrick W. Kordsmeier

Staff Sgt. Billy J. Orton

Staff Sgt. Stacey C. Brandon

Spc. Kenneth A. Melton

Lance Cpl. Aaron C. Austin

Sgt. Sherwood R. Baker

Sgt. Lawrence A. Roukey

Pfc. Marquis A. Whitaker

Staff Sgt. Abraham D. Penamedina

Staff Sgt. Kendall Thomas

Spc. Jacob R. Herring

Staff Sgt. Esau G. Patterson Jr.

Staff Sgt. Jeffrey F. Dayton

Sgt. Ryan M. Campbell

Spc. James L. Beckstrand

Spc. Justin B. Schmidt

Pfc. Ryan E. Reed
Pfc. Norman Darling

Pfc. Jeremy Ricardo Ewing

Sgt. Landis W. Garrison

Pfc. Martin W. Kondor

Sgt. Adam W. Estep

Cpl. Scott M. Vincent
Cpl. Joshua S. Wilfong

Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Jason B. Dwelley

Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Christopher M. Dickerson

May 2004

Sgt. Joshua S. Ladd

Spc. Trevor A. Win'E

Staff Sgt. Oscar D. Vargas-Medina

Spc. Ramon C. Ojeda

Staff Sgt. Todd E. Nunes

Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael C. Anderson
Petty Officer 2nd Class Trace W. Dossett

Petty Officer 2nd Class Scott R. McHugh

Petty Officer 2nd Class Robert B. Jenkins

Petty Officer 3rd Class Ronald A. Ginther

Capt. John E. Tipton

Spc. Ervin Caradine Jr.

Pvt. Jeremy L. Drexler

1st Lt. Christopher J. Kenny

Sgt. Marvin R. Sprayberry III

Sgt. Gregory L. Wahl

Pfc. Lyndon A. Marcus Jr.

Gunnery Sgt. Ronald E. Baum

Staff Sgt. Erickson H. Petty

Spc. James E. Marshall

Pfc. Bradley G. Kritzer
Cpl. Jeffrey G. Green

Pfc. Jesse R. Buryj

Cpl. Dustin H. Schrage

Staff Sgt. Hesley Box Jr.

Cpl. Ronald R. Payne Jr.

Spc. Philip D. Brown

Spc. Isela Rubalcava

Spc. Chase R.Whitham

Spc. James J. Holmes
Sgt. Rodney A. Murray

Pfc. Andrew L. Tuazon

Spc. Kyle A. Brinlee
Lance Cpl. Jeremiah E. Savage

Spc. Jeffrey R. Shaver

Pfc. Brandon C. Sturdy

Pfc. Brian K. Cutter

Spc. Philip I. Spakosky

Command Sgt. Maj. Edward C. Barnhill

Sgt. Brud J. Cronkrite

Pfc. Michael A. Mora

Sgt. James W. Harlan

Staff Sgt. Rene Ledesma

Chief Warrant Officer Bruce E. Price

Senior Airman Pedro I. Espaillat Jr.

2nd Lt. Leonard M. Cowherd

Spc. Mark J. Kasecky
Spc. Carl F. Curran

Lance Cpl. Bob W. Roberts

Pfc. Michael M. Carey

Staff Sgt. William D. Chaney

Spc. Marcos O. Nolasco

Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Garyantes

Spc. Michael C. Campbell

Cpl. Rudy Salas

Sergeant First Class Troy L. Miranda

Pfc. Leslie D. Jackson

Lance Cpl. Andrew J. Zabierek
Staff Sgt. Jeremy R. Horton

Spc. Jeremy L. Ridlen

Staff Sgt. Jorge A. Molina-Bautista

Pfc. Owen D. Witt

Spc. Beau R. Beaulieu

Pfc. James P. Lambert

Pfc. Daniel P. Unger

Spc. Alan N. Bean Jr.

Sgt. Kevin F. Sheehan

Cpl. Dominique J. Nicolas

Lance Cpl. Kyle W. Codner

Cpl. Matthew C. Henderson

Lance Cpl. Rafael Reynosasuarez
Pfc. Cody S. Calavan

Petty Officer 1st Class Brian J. Ouellette

Spc. Michael J. Wiesemann
Pfc. Joseph A. Jeffries

Sgt. 1st Class Sgt. Robert J. Mogensen

Capt. Daniel W. Eggers

Lance Cpl. Benjamin R. Gonzalez

1st Lt. Kenneth Michael Ballard

Spc. Charles E. Odums II

Pvt. Bradli N. Coleman

Sgt. Aaron C. Elandt

Pfc. Nicholaus E. Zimmer

Capt. Robert C. Scheetz Jr.
Lance Cpl. Dustin L. Sides

June 2004

Pfc. Markus J. Johnson

Cpl. Bum R. Lee

Lance Cpl. Todd J. Bolding

Spc. Christopher M. Duffy
Sgt. Frank T. Carvill

Spc. Justin W. Linden

Sgt. Justin L. Eyerly

1st Lt. Erik S. McCrae

Spc. Ryan E. Doltz

Sgt. Humberto F. Timoteo

Pfc. Melissa J. Hobart

Sgt. Melvin Y. Mora

Cpl. David M. Fraise

Lance Cpl. Jeremy L. Bohlman

Sgt. Jamie A. Gray

Capt. Humayun S. M. Khan

Pfc. Thomas D. Caughman

Spc. Eric S. McKinley

Pfc. Shawn M. Atkins

Sgt. Arthur S. Mastrapa

Spc. Jeremy M. Dimaranan

Maj. Paul R. Syverson III

Spc. Thai Vue

Pfc. Jason N. Lynch

Pfc. Sean Horn
Lance Cpl. Russell P. White

Staff Sgt. Marvin Best

Lance Cpl. Deshon E. Otey

Cpl. Tommy L. Parker Jr.

Staff Sgt. Gregory V. Pennington

Lance Cpl. Pedro Contreras

Lance Cpl. Juan Lopez

2nd Lt. Andre D. Tyson

Spc. Patrick R. McCaffrey Sr.

Capt. Christopher S. Cash

Spc. Daniel A. Desens

Pfc. Daniel B. McClenney

Lance Cpl. Juston T. Thacker

Spc. Jeremy M. Heines

Lance Cpl. Manuel A. Ceniceros

1st Sgt. Ernest E. Utt

Lance Cpl. Patrick R. Adle

Sgt. Alan D. Sherman

Cpl. John H. Todd III

Spc. Robert L. DuSang

July 2004

Sgt. Kenneth Conde Jr.

Sgt. Christopher A. Wagener

Lance Cpl. Timothy R. Creager

Staff Sgt. Stephen G. Martin

Lance Cpl. James B. Huston Jr.

2nd Lt. Brian D. Smith

Spc. Julie R. Hickey

Lance Cpl. Michael S. Torres

Lance Cpl. John J. Vangyzen IV

Cpl. Dallas L. Kerns

Lance Cpl. Justin T. Hunt

Cpl. Jeffrey D. Lawrence

Lance Cpl. Scott E. Dougherty

Pfc. Rodricka A. Youmans

Sgt. Michael C. Barkey

Pfc. Samuel R. Bowen

Spc. Shawn M. Davies

Spc. Jeremiah W. Schmunk

Sgt. Robert E. Colvill, Jr.
Spc. William R. Emanuel IV

Spc. Joseph M. Garmback Jr.

Spc. Sonny G. Sampler

Pfc. Collier E. Barcus

Cpl. Terry Holmes

Sgt. Krisna Nachampassak

Pfc. Christopher J. Reed
Staff Sgt. Trevor Spink

Staff Sgt. Dustin W. Peters

Sgt. 1st Class Linda Ann Tarango-Griess

Sgt. Jeremy J. Fischer

Sgt. James G. West

Spc. Dana N. Wilson

Spc. Juan M. Torres

Pfc. Torry D. Harris
Cpl. Demetrius L. Rice

Pfc. Jesse J. Martinez

Staff Sgt. Paul C. Mardis, Jr.

Lance Cpl. Bryan P. Kelly

Sgt. 1st Class David A. Hartman

Spc. Craig S. Frank

Pfc. Charles C. Persing

Sgt. Dale T. Lloyd

Cpl. Todd J. Godwin

Staff Sgt. Michael J. Clark

Spc. Danny B. Daniels II

Lance Cpl. Mark E. Engel

Pfc. Nicholas H. Blodgett

Pvt. 1st Class Torey J. Dantzler

Sgt. Tatjana Reed

Lance Cpl. Vincent M. Sullivan

Spc. Nicholas J. Zangara

Lt. Col. David S. Greene

Pfc. Ken W. Leisten

Gunnery Sgt. Shawn A. Lane

Spc. Joseph F. Herndon II

August 2004

Spc. Anthony J. Dixon

Spc. Armando Hernandez

Sgt. Juan Calderon Jr.

Sgt. Tommy L. Gray

Capt. Gregory A. Ratzlaff

Cpl. Dean P. Pratt

Spc. Justin B. Onwordi

Pfc. Harry N. Shondee

Gunnery Sgt. Elia P. Fontecchio

Lance Cpl. Joseph L. Nice

Spc. Donald R. McCune

Sgt. Moses D. Rocha

Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso

Lance Cpl. Larry L. Wells

Spc. Joshua I. Bunch

Pfc. Raymond J. Faulstich Jr.

Cpl. Roberto Abad

Pfc. David L. Potter

Staff Sgt. Craig W. Cherry

Sgt. Bobby E. Beasley

Lance Cpl. Jonathan W. Collins

Rick A. Ulbright

Capt. Andrew R. Houghton

Sgt. Daniel Lee Galvan

Capt. Michael Yury Tarlavsky
Staff Sgt. John R. Howard

Lance Cpl. Tavon L. Hubbard

Lance Cpl. Kane M. Funke

Lance Cpl. Nicholas B. Morrison

1st Lt. Neil Anthony Santoriello
Pfc. Brandon R. Sapp

Sgt. Daniel Michael Shepherd

2nd Lt. James Michael Goins

Spc. Mark Anthony Zapata

Pfc. Fernando B. Hannon

Pfc. Geoffrey Perez

Sgt. David M. Heath

Spc. Brandon T. Titus

Lance Cpl. Caleb J. Powers

Pfc. Henry C. Risner

Spc. Jacob D. Martir

Sgt. Harvey E. Parkerson III

Lance Cpl. Dustin R. Fitzgerald

Sgt. Richard M. Lord

Cpl. Brad P. McCormick

1st Lt. Charles L. Wilkins III

Pfc. Ryan A. Martin

Pfc. Kevin A. Cuming

Cpl. Nicanor Alvarez

Sgt. Jason Cook

Lance Cpl. Seth Huston

Pfc. Nachez Washalanta

Gunnery Sgt. Edward T. Reeder

Cpl. Christopher Belchik

2nd Lt. Matthew R. Stovall

Staff Sgt. Robert C. Thornton Jr.

Staff Sgt. Donald N. Davis

Lance Cpl. Jacob R. Lugo

Lance Cpl. Alexander S. Arredondo

Spc. Charles L. Neeley

Spc. Marco D. Ross

Cpl. Barton R. Humlhanz

Pfc. Nicholas M. Skinner

Pfc. Luis A. Perez

Spc. Omead H. Razani

Lance Cpl. Nickalous N. Aldrich

Sgt. Edgar E. Lopez

Airman 1st Class Carl L. Anderson Jr.

Staff Sgt. Aaron N. Holleyman

September 2004

Spc. Joseph C. Thibodeaux
Lance Cpl. Nicholas Perez
Capt. Alan Rowe

1st Lieutenant Ronald Winchester

Lance Cpl. Nicholas Wilt

Petty Officer 3rd Class Eric L. Knott

Staff Sgt. Gary A. Vaillant

Spc. Charles R. Lamb

Sgt. Shawna M. Morrison

Pfc. Ryan M. McCauley

Lance Cpl. Michael J. Allred

Pfc. David P. Burridge

Lance Cpl. Quinn A. Keith

Lance Cpl. Joseph C. McCarthy

Cpl. Mick R. Nygardbekowsky

Lance Cpl. Lamont N. Wilson

Lance Cpl. Derek L. Gardner

Spc. Tomas Garces

Pfc. Devin J. Grella

Capt. John J. Boria

Spc. Brandon M. Read

Staff Sgt. Elvis Bourdon

1st Lt. Timothy E. Price

Spc. Chad H. Drake

Spc. Clarence Adams III

Spc. Yoe M. Aneiros

Sgt. James D. Faulkner

Spc. Michael A. Martinez

Pfc. Jason L. Sparks

Spc. Lauro G. DeLeon Jr.

Spc. Edgar P. Daclan Jr.

Petty Officer 3rd Class David A. Cedergren

1st Lt. Alexander E. Wetherbee

Pfc. Jason T. Poindexter

Lance Cpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos

Lance Cpl. Dominic C. Brown

Lance Cpl. Michael J. Halal

Staff Sgt. Guy S. Hagy Jr.

Sgt. Carl Thomas

Spc. Staff Sgt. David J. Weisenburg

Spc. Benjamin W. Isenberg

Lance Cpl. Mathew D. Puckett

Cpl. Adrian V. Soltau

Cpl. Jaygee Meluat

Sgt. Jacob H. Demand

Maj. Kevin M. Shea

1st Lt. Tyler H. Brown

Lance Cpl. Drew M. Uhles

Lance Cpl. Gregory C. Howman

1st Lieutenant Andrew K. Stern

Cpl. Steven A. Rintamaki

Sgt. Foster Pinkston

Cpl. Christopher S. Ebert

Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum

Pfc. James W. Price

Sgt. Brandon E. Adams

Lance Cpl. Steven C. T. Cates

Spc. Joshua J. Henry

Staff Sgt. Tony B. Olaes

Staff Sgt. Robert S. Goodwin

Spc. Wesley R. Wells

Sgt. Foster L. Harrington

Pfc. Nathan E. Stahl

Pfc. Adam J. Harris

Sgt. Benjamin K. Smith

Staff Sgt. Lance J. Koenig

Sgt. Skipper Soram

Lance Cpl. Aaron Boyles

Lance Cpl. Ramon Mateo

2nd Lieutenant Ryan Leduc

Sgt. Timothy Folmar

Spc. David W. Johnson

Spc. Clifford L. Moxley Jr.

Spc. Robert Oliver Unruh

Capt. Eric L. Allton

Sgt. 1st Class Joselito O. Villanueva

Pfc. Kenneth L. Sickels

Spc. Gregory A. Cox

Sgt. Tyler D. Prewitt

Pfc. Joshua K. Titcomb

Staff Sgt. Mike A. Dennie

Staff Sgt. Alan L. Rogers

Staff Sgt. Darren J. Cunningham

Spc. Rodney A. Jones

Spc. Allen Nolan

October 2004

Sgt. Michael A. Uvanni
Sgt. Jack T. Hennessy

Sgt. Russell L. Collier

Sgt. Christopher S. Potts
Staff Sgt. James L. Pettaway Jr.

Staff Sgt. Richard L. Morgan Jr.
Pvt. 2 Jeungjin Na Kim
Spc. Jessica L. Cawvey

Spc. Morgen N. Jacobs

Staff Sgt. Michael S. Voss
Sgt. Andrew W. Brown
Pfc. Andrew Halverson
Pvt. 2 Carson J. Ramsey

Pfc. James E. Prevete

Pfc. Aaron J. Rusin

Staff Sgt. Michael L. Burbank

Sgt. Pamela G. Osbourne

Pfc. Anthony W. Monroe

Pfc. Oscar A. Martinez

Cpl. Ian T. Zook

Spc. Christopher A. Merville

Lance Cpl. Daniel R. Wyatt

Capt. Dennis L. Pintor

Spc. Michael S. Weger

Spc. Jaime Moreno

2nd Lt. Paul M. Felsberg

Lance Cpl. Victor A. Gonzalez

Spc. Ronald W. Baker

Spc. Jeremy F. Regnier
Lt. Col. Mark P. Phelan
Maj. Charles R. Soltes Jr.
Staff Sgt. Brian S. Hobbs

Spc. Kyle Ka Eo Fernandez

Spc. Josiah H. Vandertulip

Pvt. 2 David L. Waters

Staff Sgt. Omer T. Hawkins II

Spc. Bradley S. Beard
Pfc. Mark A. Barbret
Lance Cpl. Brian K. Schramm

Spc. Alan J. Burgess

Cpl. William I. Salazar

Sgt. Michael G. Owen

Spc. Jonathan J. Santos

Capt. Christopher B. Johnson
Chief Warrant Officer William I. Brennan
Spc. Andrew C. Ehrlich

Cpl. William M. Amundson Jr.

Sgt. Douglas E. Bascom

Airman 1st Class Jesse M. Samek

Lance Cpl. Jonathan E. Gadsden

Lance Cpl. Richard P. Slocum
Sgt. Dennis J. Boles

Cpl. Brian Oliveira

Staff Sgt. Jerome Lemon

Cpl. Billy Gomez

Sgt. 1st Class Michael Battles Sr.

Spc. Segun Frederick Akintade
Pfc. Stephen P. Downing II

Sgt. Maurice Keith Fortune

Lance Cpl. Jeremy D. Bow

Lance Cpl. Michael P. Scarborough

Lance Cpl. Travis A. Fox

Cpl. Christopher J. Lapka
Pfc. Andrew G. Riedel

Lance Cpl. John T. Byrd II

Pfc. John Lukac

Sgt. Kelley L. Courtney

1st Lt. Matthew D. Lynch

November 2004

Spc. James C. Kearney III

Sgt. Charles J. Webb

Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro

Lance Cpl. Jared P. Hubbard

Spc. Cody L. Wentz

Sgt. Carlos M. Camacho-Rivera

Pvt. Justin R. Yoemans

Sgt. 1st Class Otie J. McVey

Lance Cpl. Sean M. Langley

Spc. Brian K. Baker

Spc. Quoc Binh Tran

Cpl. Nathaniel T. Hammond
Lance Cpl. Shane K. O’Donnell

Spc. Bryan L. Freeman

Lance Cpl. Jeffrey Lam

Staff Sgt. Clinton L. Wisdom
Spc. Don A. Clary

Lance Cpl. Branden P. Ramey

Staff Sgt. David G. Ries

Lance Cpl. Thomas J. Zapp

Cpl. Robert P. Warns II

Cpl. Joshua D. Palmer

Master Sgt. Steven E. Auchman

Command Sgt. Maj. Steven W. Faulkenburg

Sgt. Lonny D. Wells

Lance Cpl. Juan E. Segura
Cpl. William C. James

Lance Cpl. Nicholas D. Larson

Lance Cpl. Nathan R. Wood

Staff Sgt. Russell L. Slay

Staff Sgt. Todd R. Cornell

Sgt. John B. Trotter

Spc. Travis A. Babbitt
Sgt. David M. Caruso

Lance Cpl. Abraham Simpson

Maj. Horst G. Moore
1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom Jr.

Lance Cpl. Erick J. Hodges
Lance Cpl. Aaron C. Pickering

Staff Sgt. Gene Ramirez
Pfc. Dennis J. Miller Jr.

Cpl. Romulo J. Jimenez II
Lance Cpl. Wesley J. Canning
Staff Sgt. Michael C. Ottolini

Petty Officer Third Class Julian Woods

Lance Cpl. Justin D. Reppuhn

Cpl. Peter J. Giannopoulos

Spc. Thomas K. Doerflinger

Staff Sgt. Sean P. Huey

Cpl. Theodore A. Bowling

Staff Sgt. Theodore S. Holder II

2nd Lt. James P. Blecksmith

Lance Cpl. Kyle W. Burns

Cpl. Jarrod L. Maher

Cpl. Nathan R. Anderson

Sgt. Morgan W. Strader

Cpl. Brian P. Prening

1st Lt. Edward D. Iwan

Sgt. Jonathan B. Shields
Spc. Raymond L. White

Lance Cpl. David M. Branning

Lance Cpl. Brian A. Medina

Lance Cpl. Nicholas H. Anderson
Sgt. James C. Matteson

Cpl. Kevin J. Dempsey

Lance Cpl. Justin M. Ellsworth

Sgt. Byron W. Norwood

Spc. Jose A. Velez

Lance Cpl. Benjamin S. Bryan

Lance Cpl. Victor R. Lu

Lance Cpl. Justin D. McLeese
Capt. Sean P. Sims

Sgt. Catalin D. Dima

Pfc. Cole W. Larsen

Cpl. Dale A. Burger Jr.

Cpl. Andres H. Perez
Lance Cpl. George J. Payton

Cpl. Nicholas L. Ziolkowski

Lance Cpl. Bradley L. Parker

Lance Cpl. Jeramy A. Ailes

Lance Cpl. Travis R. Desiato

Sgt. Rafael Peralta

Cpl. Marc T. Ryan

Lance Cpl. James E. Swain

Lance Cpl. Shane E. Kielion

Capt. Patrick Marc M. Rapicault

Lance Cpl. Antoine D. Smith

Pfc. Isaiah R. Hunt
Lance Cpl. William L. Miller

Cpl. Lance M. Thompson

Pfc. Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia

Spc. Daniel James McConnell
Staff Sgt. Marshall H. Caddy

1st Lt. Luke C. Wullenwaber

Lance Cpl. Louis W. Qualls

Sgt. Christopher T. Heflin

Lance Cpl. Michael W. Hanks

Lance Cpl. Luis A. Figueroa

Sgt. Joseph M. Nolan

Lance Cpl. Dimitrios Gavriel

Lance Cpl. Phillip G. West
Cpl. Bradley T. Arms

Lance Cpl. Demarkus D. Brown

Lance Cpl. Michael A. Downey

Sgt. Jack Bryant Jr.

Cpl. Joseph J. Heredia

Spc. David L. Roustum

Lance Cpl. Joseph T. Welke

Sgt. Michael C. O’Neill

Cpl. Michael R. Cohen

Spc. Blain M. Ebert

Sgt. Benjamin C. Edinger

Cpl. Dale E. Fracker, Jr.

Cpl. Jacob R. Fleischer

Sgt. Pablo A. Calderon

Sgt. Jose Guereca Jr.

Spc. Sergio R. Diazvarela

Sgt. Nicholas S. Nolte

Pfc. Ryan J. Cantafio
Lance Cpl. Jeffery S. Holmes

Cpl. Gentian Marku

Sgt. Michael A. Smith

Pvt. Brian K. Grant

Lance Cpl. Bradley M. Faircloth

Lance Cpl. David B. Houck

Pfc. Harrison J. Meyer

Lance Cpl. Jordan D. Winkler

Cpl. Kirk J. Bosselmann

Lance Cpl. Joshua E. Lucero

Spc. Jeremy E. Christensen

Lt. Col. Michael J. McMahon

Chief Warrant Officer Travis W. Grogan

Spc. Harley D. R. Miller

Lance Cpl. Adam R. Brooks

Lance Cpl. Charles A. Hanson Jr.

Pfc. Stephen C. Benish

Staff Sgt. Michael B. Shackelford

Sgt. Carl W. Lee

Sgt. Trinidad R. Martinezluis

Lance Cpl. Blake A. Magaoay

Sgt. Christian P. Engeldrum

Pfc. Wilfredo F. Urbina

Spc. Daryl A. Davis

Spc. Erik W. Hayes

December 2004

Gunnery Sgt. Javier Obleas-Prado Pena

Cpl Zachary A. Kolda

Spc. David M. Fisher

Spc. Isaac E. Diaz

Cpl. Bryan S. Wilson

Pfc. George D. Harrison

Cpl. Binh N. Le

Cpl. Matthew A. Wyatt

Spc. David P. Mahlenbrock

Staff Sgt. Henry E. Irizarry

Staff Sgt. Salamo J. Tuialuuluu

Sgt. David A. Mitts

Sgt. Cari A. Gasiewicz

Sgt. Michael L. Boatright

Cpl. Joseph O. Behnke

Pfc. Andrew M. Ward

Staff Sgt. Kyle A. Eggers

Staff Sgt. Marvin L. Trost III

Spc. Edwin W. Roodhouse

Cpl. In C. Kim

Sgt. 1st Class Todd C. Gibbs

Capt. Mark N. Stubenhofer

Sgt. Arthur C. Williams IV

Cpl. Kyle J. Renehan

Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger

1st Lt. Andrew C. Shields

Chief Warrant Officer Patrick D. Leach

Spc. Robert W. Hoyt

Lance Cpl. Gregory P. Rund

Staff Sgt. Melvin L. Blazer

Lance Cpl. Hilario F. Lopez

Pfc. Joshua A. Ramsey

Cpl. Jason S. Clairday

Cpl. Ian W. Stewart

Sgt. Jeffrey L. Kirk

Lance Cpl. Jeffery S. Blanton

Lance Cpl. Joshua W. Dickinson

Sgt. Tina S. Time

Lance Cpl. Richard D. Warner

Pfc. Brent T. Vroman

Cpl. Michael D. Anderson

Spc. Victor A. Martinez

Lance Cpl. Franklin A. Sweger

Staff Sgt. Donald B. Farmer

Sgt. Berry K. Meza

Lance Cpl. Neil D. Petsche

Capt. William W. Jacobsen Jr.

Sgt. Maj. Robert D. O'Dell

Sgt. 1st Class Paul D. Karpowich

Staff Sgt. Julian S. Melo

Staff Sgt. Darren D. VanKomen

Staff Sgt. Robert S. Johnson

Sgt. Lynn R. Poulin Sr.

Spc. Jonathan Castro

Spc. Thomas J. Dostie

Spc. Cory M. Hewitt

Spc. Nicholas C. Mason

Spc. David A. Ruhren

Pfc. Lionel Ayro

Chief Joel Egan Baldwin

1st Lt. Christopher W. Barnett

Lance Cpl. Eric Hillenburg

Lance Cpl. James R. Phillips

Cpl. Raleigh C. Smith

Staff Sgt. Todd D. Olson

Spc. Jose A. Rivera-Serrano

Staff Sgt. Jason A. Lehto

Navy Seaman Pablito Pena Briones

Staff Sgt. Nathaniel J. Nyren

Pfc. Oscar Sanchez

Spc. Craig L. Nelson

Sgt. Damien T. Ficek

Lance Cpl. Jason E. Smith




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