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Heart now feels the anguish
Each pain in life aware
She stands alone in silence
She needs to have him there

He is on a journey
Within her heart he stays
Each moment at a distance
He feels her love these days

This the love that's sacred
That sacrifice we share
Upon the heart is written
The blessings of her prayer

Watch him very closely
Let him feel me near
Knowing I will always be
The voice he wants to hear

Whispers in the nighttime
That fall down from the sky
Let him feel the comfort
Of gentle words that fly

My love I am always with you
No, never will I stray
My heart and yours together
Yes, each and every day.



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This Song Goes Out To All Military Wife's That Has There Husband Serving In Iraqi Freedom Or Has Served In War

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©3 Door's Down Love When I'm Gone


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All My Visitors Since November, 2001

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Poem Wrote By

~ Francine Pucillo ~