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Explore Our Palace

::: Pictures
::: Artwork
::: Quotes
::: Ratré's Closet
::: Geela's Closet
::: Endless Waltz
::: Universal Things
Dining Room
::: Conversations
::: Hopes, Dreams & Wishes
::: The Guys
White Rose Garden
::: Our King and Master
::: Schoolwork
::: Poetry
::: Fiction
::: Guestbook
::: Family
::: Friends


   Welcome, family and friends, to Ratré and Geela's Hero Palace. This palace, Hero Palace, is where our imaginations run free. We invite you to take a tour. We recommend the Atrium, where we keep many of our precious memories on display. Don't forget to sign our Guestbook letting us know you visited. Keep an eye out for our pets. They're roaming today. And watch out for the fairies. They seem to like it here.

Thanks for visiting!

Ratré and Geela

"Two friends went walking. They enjoyed the sight of the fragrant flowers, the smell of the country air, the Master's creatures, and the company of each other. They continued walking until it was nighttime, and both were tired. Encouraging one another onward, they walked through the night until it was morning. They found themselves among several other sets of friends that had been walking paths throughout the night, also. All the friends joined together in rejoicing in the Master's great plan, for now that they were all together, they all encouraged one another."

~Author Unknown