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The Fountain: The Guys

Here, by the calm fountain, are our guys. Even though they haven't come along yet, we love them very much. We have vowed to keep ourselves for them. We don't really know what they're like, but we do have some hopes. That's what the lists are: our dream guys we pray God has reserved for us. They are out there.

" 'You hate men' is what you say,
And I understand how you feel that way.
All girls dream of a fairytale,
But what you've got is like a used car salesmen.
Trying to conceal what's wrong,
Behind the smile and the song,
And I'm not saying that boys are not like that.
But I think you should know,
That some of us will grow.
Because, all princes start as frogs
And all gentlemen as dogs.
Just wait til it's plain to see
What we're growing up to be.
'Cause some frogs will still be frogs,
And some dogs will still be dogs.
But some boys will become men,
Just don't kiss us til then."


Geela's Guy:


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Ratré's Guy:

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