Filipino Urban Poor Pastors: Ministering to the Indigent Communities in Quezon City, Marikina and Antipolo, Philippines
Be part of God's Ministry by supporting His workers. Ad.O.P.T. (Adopt One Pastor Today) and be a blessing! God's promise to the generous heart:
- God loves a cheerful giver! (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- God will not forget what you have done to His People (Hebrews 6:10)
Conversion Rate: P 1,000.00 = US$20.00; P 500.00 = US$10.00
(1) Rice Support Subsidy: P1,000-P1,200 per month for one sack of rice (50 kilos) per family
(2) Food on the Table Subsidy: P4,000-P5,000 per month for a family of 4 members
(3) Transportation Ministry Allowance: P500-P1,000 per month for visitation, bible studies and evangelism
(4) Education and Bible Seminars Allowance: P4,000 per month (to be able to enrol in seminary schools for equipping and right theology for those who did not finish College Education)
(5) Clothing Allowance: P1,000 per month (to be able to be presentable physically to people when sharing the Word of God)
(6) Medicine and MISC allowance: P1,000 per month
Pastor Jess M. Allorde
A. Testimony of Calling
I was born in a poor family. My parents were both working for our survival. Thus, they did not spend quality time with their children. Worst of all, they were quarrelsome and my father eventually became alcoholic and irresponsible. I went to school through the Methodist Church’s child poster program. I was only 8 years old at that time but I knew the mess our family was going through. I kept asking the question whether God really existed for us. God was silent until I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior through a friend who invited me to their Bible study. That remarkable night began my journey of faith to the living God who loved me so much through His Son. I was 16 years old then.
Eventually, I joined my church in spreading the gospel to the neighborhood through evangelism and home Bible studies. Gradually, I began to love God’s work and considered a fulltime ministry. Through my pastor’s continued encouragement I took up Ministerial Courses at Koramphil Theological Seminary. Later on, I enrolled at Cathedral of Praise Bible College. Then I had a one-year training at Rhema Christian Training Center.
My first one-year pastoral assignment was to the Aetas of Pinatubo, Tarlac after the earthquake erupted. Then my home church sent me to minister at a church in Aurora province for four years. Later on, I served as a Lay Minister in a church at Bataan and then to another small church in Laguna.
In 1999, God called me back to Manila to pastor the patients of Gentle Hands Clinic. This is a non-profit organization that provides decent birthing place and spiritual enlightening and transformation for pregnant women. However, I was asked to resign after three years of service because the Ministry’s fund was running out. My faith was tested especially because my wife was pregnant with our second baby and I was a scholarship student enrolled in BSED majoring in English.
God opened a ministry for me in Talanay, Batasan Hills, Q.C. I was called to pastor First Church of God on October 2002 to the present. The church is serving to poor families in a borrowed place where put a tent roof every time we use the venue. By the grace of God we are surviving and we will continue serving Him.
B. Name of Church:
First Church of God ,
Talanay A., Batasan Hills, Q.C. (Near Morales Compound)
C. Church’s Affiliation:
First Church of God
Manuguit, Tondo, Manila
D. Church’s Vision
(1) To spread God’s word for the salvation and transformation of the lost in our locality with the aim to grow the church’s membership to 150 within this year 2003, and (2) to be able to plant a daughter church elsewhere in Metro Manila where God leads us in the next three years.
E. Church’s Activities
Sunday School: 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. ;
Worship Service: 10:00 – 12:00 noon.;
** Every First Sunday of the month: Communion Service;
and (2)
2 p.m. Saturday Bible Study
Every first Saturday of the month: Thanksgiving Day
Seminars for parents on Family Planning
PERSONAL SCHOOLING: 4:00 – 7:00 P.M Daily
F. Church’s Members/Attendees: 96 (1) Housemaids: 5%,
(2) Drivers (Tricycles, Jeep, taxi): 5%,
(3) Factory workers: 40%, and
(4) Side Walk Vendors: 45%
G. Church’s Support: P3,000.00 per month
(1) Outreach Church: P 600.00;
(2) Mother Church: P 2,400.00; (3)
Total: P 3,000.00
H. Targeted Monthly Budget: P10,650.00
(1) Food: P 5,000.00;
(2) Milk Supply: P 1,500.00;
(3) Utilities (Water, electricity): P 650.00;
(4) Transportation: P 1,500.00;
(5) Miscellaneous: P 2,000.00;
(6) Total: P10,650.00
I. Family Members: 4
(1) Head: Jess, 34 years old;
(2) Wife: Merlita, 40 yrs. Old;
(3) Two Children:
(I) Marc Donnel Patrick, 6 yrs. old, Grade 1;
(II) Johannah Grace, 2 yrs. old
J. Contacts:
(1) Residence: # 35 Maya Ext., Batasan Hills, Quezon City; (2) Cellphone: 0920-646-4751; (3) E-mail: victor2beborn@yahoo.com ;
(4) Mobile Address: ironshoe35@my.smart.com.ph
Pastor Jesus "Jess" Llantada
A. Testimony of Calling
I used to be a frat member. The frat taught me to be a fighter but at the same time a drug addict and filled with more vices that almost destroyed my being. My life was a mess. I sought peace in attending religious organizations but I found none.
I was a third year student when one of my friends invited me to a Bible study. It took me some time before I gave my consent to join their group. God through the power of His words spoke to my heart one day, thus, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Since then, I believed that the Holy Spirit came to my life because I experienced a sudden changed in my life. I started to grow in the reading of His words and attending worship and life-changing seminars.
In one of the Youth Camps that I attended, I responded to the challenge of going to Foursquare Bible College to be equipped for ministry. After my training, the Lord allowed me to become the Senior Pastor of Worship the Lord Center, an independent church here in Marikina City.
B. Church’s Name:
Worship The Lord Center ,
Lot 1 Apitong St., Marikina Hts., Marikina City
C. Church’s Affiliation:
D. Church’s Vision:
(1) To reach lost people and involve them in missions’ program;
(2) To establish outreaches or cell groups in Marikina City in the next 5 years; and
(3) To plant a church in any province that the Lord will open for us in the next five
years to come.
E. Church’s Activities:
(1) Sunday Worship Services: 9:00 – 12:00nn;
(2) Tuesday Bible Studies (Factory workers): 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 – 9:00 p.m.;
(3) Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.;
(4) Friday Outreach (Bible study): 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.;
(5) Saturday Children’s Ministry:
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.;
(6) Saturday Choir Practice: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
F. Church’s Members/Attendees:
(1) Working Professionals: 2%;
(2) Poor (no income, jobless): 80%;
(3) Daily Wage Earners: 18%
G. Church’s Support: P1,000.00 (ONE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY) per month
H. Targeted Monthly Budget: P13,500.00
(1) Food: P4,000.00;
(2) Kids School Expenses: P4,000.00;
(3) Utilities (electricity, phone): P1,500.00;
(4) Transportation: P2,000.00;
(5) Miscellaneous (clothes, medicine, etc.): P2,000.00;
(6) Total: P13,500.00
I. Family Members: 7
(1) Head: Jesus; 37 years old;
(2) Wife: Sylvia; 34 years old;
(3) Five Children:
(I) Timothy John, 13 years old, First Year High School;
(II) Eunice, 12 years old, Grade VI;
(III) Sarah Joy, 10 years old, Grade IV;
(IV) Charity, 8 years old, Grade II;
(V) Christian, 6 years old, Preparatory
J. Contacts:
(1) Tel.: 903-8868,
(2) E-mail: revjesshss@yahoo.com
Pastor Jojo Tambua
A. Testimony of Calling
Since childhood I was a religious fanatic but despite of it I had such bad attitudes when I was a growing man. My friends dragged me into bad company. They were drunkards, heavily smoked cigarettes and took drugs such as marijuana and shabu. My life became worst and hopeless especially after my father’s death.
But God touched my life through the Christian witness of my mother. She kept inviting me to go to their church despite my being a hardheaded devout Roman Catholic. I want to die with my own religion. My mother did not stop convincing me until one day I found myself hearing her Pastor’s sermon, which brought my knees in repentance of my sins before God in May 1996. Since then, I start growing and eventually I found myself helping my Pastor Jess in doing Bible studies, and other related church activities.
God called me to be a full time worker and so I decided to give up my profession and go to Foursquare Bible College. But because of financial constraint I decided to stop and just concentrate in my church’s ministry of evangelism and leading cell groups at present.
B. Church’s Name:
Worship The Lord Center ,
Lot 1, Apitong St., Marikina Hts., Marikina City
C. Church’s Vision:
(1) To reach lost people and involve them in missions’ program;
(2) To establish outreaches, cell groups after 5 years in Marikina and other places in
the Philippines;
(3) To send church planters in any province in need of the gospel
D. Church’s Activities
(1) Sunday Worship;
(2) Sunday School Teacher;
(3) Wednesday Prayer Meeting;
(4) Thursday Bible Study Leader;
(5) Friday Bible Study Leader;
(6) Saturday Children’s Ministry
E. Church Members: 70
F. Church’s Support: P900.00 (NINE HUNDRED PESOS ONLY) per month
G. Targeted Monthly Budget: P10,000.00
(1) School Tuition Fee: P4,000.00;
(2) Transportation and Food: P4,000.00;
(3) Miscellaneous (clothes, medicine, etc.): P2,000,
(4) Total: P10,000.00
I. Status: Single, 29 years old
J. Contacts:
(1) Cellphone: 0918-794-0867;
(2) E-mail: jtambua@yahoo.com
4. Pastor Willie B. Gendrano
A. Testimony of Calling
Since my childhood days, I was very religious. My parents were members of the Roman Catholic Church and so they taught me good values. I grew up a good person.
After my high school days, I went to Manila to find a job. I was able to work with a Christian employer. He invited me to their Bible study, which I found it interesting. Reading the Bible was delightful to me even though I did not understand what was in it then. I finally accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior in 1984. Since then I have only one desire and that is to obey God in my life. Thus, I kept going to church and got involved in our church’s activities.
One day a tragedy came to my life that stirred my heart for full time ministry. I was inside a public jeepney when all of a sudden an NPA gun man fired at us purposely to shoot a military man who was one of the passengers too. We were all put in danger and I prayed to God for deliverance. I said “Lord if you have any purpose for my life, please protect us from death.” A few days after this incident, I dreamed that I was preaching God’s word to a crowd. This calling recurred many times in my life. Thus, I involved myself in the music ministry as back-up singer and song leader of our church. Then one day, I had another dream. This time I saw what Amos 9:6 describes. I saw lost people crying for help and I was there praying for wisdom that I may interpret the word of God for them. Since then I was curious to follow God into full time ministry despite my lack of education. I believe that God will give me words to say and wisdom to explain the Scriptures. The Lord honored my simple faith and today I am now pastoring True Worshippers of God in Agnes Ville, Mambugan, Antipolo City.
B. Church’s Name:
True Worshippers of God Church ,
94 Agnesville Subdivision, Mambugan, Antipolo City
C. Church’s Affiliation:
True Worshippers of God Church,
Concepcion Uno, Marikina City.
D. Church’s Vision:
To worship God through winning people to Christ and train them as God’s servants to a lost world.
E. Church’s Activities:
(1) Sunday Services: 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.;
Sunday School: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.;
(2) Monday Bible Study: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.;
(3) Wednesday Discipleship: 8:00 – 9:30 p.m.;
(4) Thursday Bible study: 8:30 – 9:30 p.m.;
(5) Friday Bible Study: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.;
(6) Friday Prayer Meeting: 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.;
(7) Saturday Visitation and Follow-up: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
F. Church’s members or attendees: 70
(1) Professional: 5%;
(2) Factory workers: 20%;
(3) Jobless: 40%;
(4) widows: 3%;
(5) Youth: 12%;
(6) Children: 20%
G. Church’s Support: P800.00 (EIGHT HUNDRED PESOS ONLY) per month
H. Targeted Monthly Budget: P7,700.00
(1) Food: P 3,500.00;
(2) Rental: P 2,500.00;
(3) Transportation : P 200.00;
(4) Utilities: P 300.00;
(5) Christian Literature: P 500.00;
(6) Miscellaneous (i.e. clothes, medicine,etc.): P 700.00;
(7) Total: P 7,700.00
I. Status: Single 37 years old
J. Contacts:
(1) Residence: 34 Patola St., Tumana, Concepcion, Marikina City 1800; (2) Cell: 0919-359-9413
5. Pastor Dodong Polinar Genoves
A. Testimony of Calling
My former life was a real mess, hopeless and no direction. I was a drunkard, womanizer, gambler, immoral, trouble maker and murderer. I was once a member of the New People’s Army for two years. In one of our encounters, I was caught by the military but they spared my life and instead gave me the chance to become one of them too. After a year or so, I have to escape from our province to Manila to run away from death threats from my former NPA group.
I became a Christian in 1989 through a Bible study. The pastor who led me to the Lord opened the church as a home for me. I stayed in this church for three years and so I got actively involved in the church’ activities aside from my personal Bible reading and discipleship. This training gave me the confidence to teach home Bible studies too.
In 1992, God called me to pioneer a church in Tumana, Marikina with out any promised support from the church. I learned to entrust everything to God for the sustenance of my family as we serve Him. Since that time God has been faithful to us to this day. The Tumana church is being established within the vicinity where the Muslims are also living.
B. Church’s Name:
Victorious Name of Jesus Christ Church in Tumana, Concepcion, Marikina City
C. Church’s Affiliation:
Victorious Name of Jesus Christ Church,
Bayan, Sta. Elena, Marikina City
D. Church’s Vision:
(1) To plant the seed of God’s word by way of planting more churches as the Lord guides and provides; and (2) Spread the Word through bus and jeep evangelism.
E. Church’s Activities:
(1) Daily Discipleship and Prayer;
(2) Weekly Street Evangelism and/or bus or jeep Evangelism;
(3) Cell Groups;
(4) Sunday Services in the morning and afternoon for the Youth
F. Church’s Members/Attendees: 50
G. Church’s Support: P4,000.00 per month
H. Targeted Monthly Budget: P 10,000.00
(1) Food: P5,000.00;
(2) Utilities (water and light): P1,000.00;
(3) Transportation: P1,500.00;
(4) Kids School Expenses: P2,500.00;
(5) TOTAL: P10,000.00
I. Family Members: 6
(1) Head: Dodong Polinar, 43 years old;
(2) Wife: Nenita Fabian, 32 years old;
(3) Four Children: (I) Genie Veb, 10 yrs. old, Grade IV;
(II) Noimi, 8 yrs. old, Grade II;
(III) Elisha Ruth, 7 yrs. old, Grade I;
(IV) Grace Faith, 2 yrs. old
Pastor Alfredo "Boyet" Gayla
A. Testimony of Calling
In 1989 some Christians in our neighborhood came and shared to me the gospel but because I wasn’t at all interest with spiritual matters, I rejected them. However, in the year 1990 while I was walking in front of Maya Theater in Cubao, I heard a small voice saying, ‘enter this building’. I got inside and saw people lifting their hands while singing and praising the Lord. Few minutes had passed and I felt the Lord was touching and humbling me until I finally repented of my sins and asked for His forgiveness. I was then born again. Since that time I started to grow in my faith and knowledge of Him.
Eventually, I became a Bible study leader for years. In 1998 I was sent as a missionary to the province of Alabat, Quezon. After one year, I came back to Manila to pioneer a church in Antipolo City. The church is growing and I am learning and growing as I continually experience Him in my life. It is all by the grace of God that I am in the ministry since then up to the present.
B. Church’s Name:
True Worshippers of God Church ,
394 Bgy. Dela Paz Purok Silangan, Antipolo City
C. Church’s Affiliation: True Worshippers of God Church,
Concepcion, Marikina City
D. Church’s Vision:
To win as many lost souls as possible through the gospel with the demonstration
power of the Holy Spirit by way of miracles and healings, and to disciple them to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives.
E. Church’s Activities:
(1) Bible study; (2) Prayer Meeting; (3) Follow-up; (4) Visitation; (5) House to house evangelism;
(6) Children’s ministry; (7) Youth ministry; and (8) Outdoor ministry. All activities are ahppenign weekly.
F. Church’s Members/Attendees: 68
(1) Adults: 20;
(2) Youth: 18;
(3) Children: 30;
Total: 68
G. Church’s Support: P1,200.00-1,500.00 (ONE THOUSAND TWO/FIVE HUNDRED PESOS ONLY) per month
H. Targeted Monthly Budget: P10,100.00
(1) House Rental: P1,500.00;
(2) Utilities: P 600.00;
(3) Food: P4,500.00;
(4) Transportation: P 500.00;
(5) Bible School Fees: P2,000.00;
(6) Miscellaneous (clothes, medicine, etc.) P1,000.00;
(7) Total: P10,100.00
I. Status: Single, 32 years old
J. Contacts:
(1) Cellphone: 0916-371-1339;
(2) E-mail: pastorboyet@hotmail.com
7. Pastor Dandy Domingo
A. Testimony of Calling
I became a Christian in 1984. Due to lack of guidance and support from my poor parents, I only finished grade six. Since then I worked as a tricycle driver to augment the family’s income. I eventually grew spiritually and began to like serving God through helping pastor or as one of the church leaders but not as a pastor. However, as the years went by and as I kept on involving myself in the ministry of our church, God gave me a burden for the lost. Thus, I opened about 10 home Bible studies in 1999 at our depressed area in Pagrai, Cupang. The Lord blessed my ministry with more people receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Thus, after a few months I began praying for a church’s lot and building. The Lord heard my prayer by touching one of the new believers. This member sold me by installment a 100 square meters lot for the church. Then upon knowing it, others donated hollow blocks, cements, and corrugated sheets. Currently, we still have this unfinished construction that we are using though. Now, I understand that God has called me to pastor a church.
B. Church’s Name: Jesus God of Truth Church ,
Unit 7 Sitio Sto. Pagrai Hills
Mayamot, Antipolo City
C. Church’s Affiliation: Independent
D. Church’s Vision:
(1) To saturate the Barangay with the gospel of God and (2) to plant another daughter
church in the province by the years 2003 - 2005.
E. Church’s Activities:
(1) Sunday Services: 9:00-11:30 a.m.;
(2) Sunday Discipleship Training: 3:00-4:30 p.m.;
(3) Sunday Discipleship Training (Youth: 1:30-3:00 p.m.;
(4) Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00-9:00 p.m.;
(5) Thursday Bible Study: 3:00-4:00 p.m.;
(6) Friday Bible Study: 6:00-7:00 p.m.; and
(7) Saturday Bible Study: 2:00-3:00 p.m.
F. Church’s Members/Attendees: 40
(1)Professional: 5%;
(2) Vendors: 10%;
(3) Farmers: 75%;
(4) Housemaids 10%
G. Present Support: P4,100.00 per month
(1) Church’s Support: P1,500.00;
(2) Boundary from tricycle: P2,600.00;
(3) Total: P4,100.00
H. Targeted Monthly Budget: P13,800.00
(1) Kids School expenses: P2,500;
(2) Food for 8 persons: P6,200;
(3) Rent: P1,000;
(4) Utilities: P 600;
(5) Transportation: P1,500;
(6) Miscellaneous (i.e. clothes, medicine,etc.): P2,000;
(7) Total: P13,800.00
I. Family Members: 8
(1) Head: Dandino 38 years old;
(2) Wife: Teresita 43 years old;
(3) Six Children: (I) Jeffry, 15 years old, High School;
(II) Dante, 13 years old, High School;
(III) Melody, 12 years old, Elementary;
(IV) Analiza, 9 years old, Elementary;
(V) Dandino Jr., 3 years old;
(VI) Leah, 1 year old
Pastor Ernesto H. Lorenzo
A. Testimony of Calling
In 1989 God allowed me to work overseas in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E as a shoe repairer. Being a Christian then, I joined a church and involved myself in the ministry of teaching Bible studies and preaching God’s word. God used this kind of training for me to answer His call of returning home to the Philippines for a fulltime ministry. Thus, despite of my big responsibility to my four children who are studying in colleges and in high school, I resigned from my job and went home for good in September 22, 2000.
In December 2000, I started a church planting ministry at Cupang, Antipolo, where some backslidden believers gathered around me to hear God’s word once more. The Lord started to bless this new church through the involvement of the revived members. Not so far from this community is our mother church, which struggled to grow with the past leadership. Last year 2002, the pastor of our mother church resigned and there was no one to take the leadership but me. Currently then, I am now overseeing two churches. It is only by His grace that I lead His people with a meager financial support. My wife and I trust God for our daily needs.
B. Churches’ Names:
New Life in Christ Ministries ,
# 14 Costa Rica St. Phase V, Green Heights Subd.,
Nangka, Marikina City, Tel: 903-8431
New Life in Christ Ministries
Cupang Chapter
Purok 2 Cupang, Antipolo City
C. Church’s Affiliation: Independent
D. Church’s Vision:
(1) To establish 12 home Bible studies in the year 2005, and then (2) Send 6 church planters from the congregation who will plant two daughter churches elsewhere in Metro Manila by the years 2006-2008.
E. Church’s Activities:
(A) New Life in Christ Nangka:
(1) Thursday night teaching: 7:00-9:00 p.m.;
(2) Saturday Doulos Institute: 1:00-5:00 p.m.;
(3) Friday Intercession: 5:00-7:00 p.m.;
(4)Sunday Service: 9:30a.m.-12:00nn.;
(5) Sunday Men’s Fellowship: 3:00-5:00 p.m.;
(6) Daily Office Hours: 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m.;
(B) New Life in Christ Cupang
(1) Tuesday Leadership Training: 4:00-6:00p.m.;
(2) Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 6:30-8:30p.m.;
(3) Thursday Cell Group: 4:00-6:00p.m.;
(4) Saturday Visitation: 4:00-6:00p.m.;
(5) Sunday Service- 9:30a.m.-12:00noon.
F. Church’s Members/Attendees: 90 (combined Nangka and Cupang Churches)
(1) New Life in Christ Nangka: 50;
(2) New Life in Christ Cupang: 40;
(1) Students: 15%,
(2) Working professionals: 10%, and
(3) Daily Wage Earners: 75%
G. Present Church Support: P9,600.00
(from Nangka and Cupang Churches) per month
H. Targeted Monthly Income: P20,400.00
(1) Food & Children’s Allowances: P15,000.00;
(2) Utilities: P 2,400.00;
(3) Tuition Fees: P 3,000.00;
(4) Total: P20,400.00
J. Family Members: 6
(1) Head: Ernesto 54 years old;
(2) Wife: Erlinda 48 years old;
(3) Four Children: (I) Ernie Boy, 24 years old (married);
(II) Ernielyn, 21 years old (management in accounting graduate);
(III) Erzalyn, 16 years old; First Year College
(IV) Eunice Grace, 14 years old; Second Year High School
J. Contacts:
(1) Residence: 3-D Batuhan Zone 4, Ampid, San Mateo, Rizal;
(2) Tel.: 942-3219;
(3) Cellphone: 0920-428-8859,
(4) E-mail: bro_ernie@eudoramail.com
9. Pastor Antonio P. Lagorin
A. Testimony of Calling
In 1983 I began knowing God when I was working as a security guard. It was only in July 1991 that I became serious in my walk with God. Gradually God was enlightening me with His words until I found myself a graduate of a Bible school at Faith Tabernacle with a certificate in Christian Education in June 29, 1996. While I was studying, I was leading 5 home Bible studies in 1995. One time I had seen a vision of a great light where I heard a soft voice telling me to follow Him as a full pledge minister. I took this as a word from God. My involvement in the church went on until I was finally ordained as Pastor of God Cares Christian Fellowship in 1998 to the present. We remain faithful to God amidst trials in ministry because God is faithful to us.
B. Church’s Name:
God Cares’ Christian Fellowship ,
Zone 7-A Purok-I, Cupang, Antipolo City.
C. Church’s Affiliation: Independent
D. Church’s Vision:
To grow the church with 25 cell leaders overseeing 50 cell groups in the next three years.
E. Church’s Activities:
(1)Sunday Services:
Children (Sunday School) 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.;
Youth (Sunday School) 8:00 – 9:15 a.m.;
Worship (Combine ages) 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.;
(2) Tuesday home Bible study: 10:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.;
(3) Thursday home Bible study: 7:00p.m. – 9:00p.m.;
(4) Wednesday Counseling/Study: 8:00a.m – 5:00p.m.;
(5) Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 – 9:00p.m.;
(6) Saturday Visitations and follow-up: 1:00 – 5:00p.m.
F. Church’s Members/Attendees: 35
(1) Student: 20%;
(2) Farmers: 25%;
(3) Vendors: 10%;
(4) Drivers: 10%;
(5) Jobless: 20%;
(6) Security guards 15%
G. Present Support: P1,000.00 (ONE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY) per month
H. Targeted Monthly Income: P9,000.00
(1) Food: P5,000.00;
(2) Kids School expenses: P3,000.00;
(3) Transportation: P2,000.00;
(4) Miscellaneous (clothes, medicine, etc.); P2,000.00;
(5) Total: P9,000.00
I. Family Members: 7
(1) Head: Antonio;
(2) Wife: Corazon ; 29 years old
(3) Five Children:
(I) Richard; 14 years old; Second Year High School
(II)Mark Anthony; 12 years old; Grade VI
(III) Ester; 9 years old; Grade III
(IV) Sarah; 6 years old; Grade I
(V) Mary Ruth; 5 years old
Pastor David Fajardo
A. Testimony of calling
Born on June 27, 1966 in Manila, the youngest of Ester Albano and Leonardo Villanueva Fajardo, I grew up and spent my childhood in Tondo, Manila.
I begun looking for and interested about our family when some of my lessons in school required it. There, I was told and made to believe that my father’s work was far, that’s why I wasn’t seeing him. I heard stories about him that he used to be a military man and a very brilliant man, and by that time he has become an executive for a known business tycoon in the country. At first, it satisfied me to believe that I have a nice family, and a father. But not for long, I began asking why are we not rich? Why is my older brother working as a janitor in a movie house to earn a living? All these “Why’s” until I finally realized, my father had left us for another woman. Since then, I felt a lot of miseries in my life.
I was a high school freshman when I started enjoying the thrills of street troubles. The school year wasn’t over yet but we transferred in Pasig City. I was accepted in Rizal High School to continue my first year. Frats not recognized officially by our school became widespread in the campus. I’ve never been a member of any but I got deeply involved in troubles with these fraternities. So, I transferred again to another school. I was 13 yrs. old and in my second year, I started taking drugs and thus my studies suffered. I got involved again in troubles so we have to move to another place, and another school. We moved to Marikina and I continued my third year high school in Roosevelt College. I decided to behave a little bit because I was beginning to see a better perspective in life. I avoided troubles and drugs but in exchange for teen-age love affairs– I made a lot of explorations and I really enjoyed doing sinful things. During my fourth year, I became a regular “visitor” at the school director’s office, to the point that school teachers were spewing me out. It was at that time when somebody shared to me the gospel of our Lord. I did not easily believe, but when I did, it was a brand new start. I craved for God’s Word and fellowship. I attended different Bible studies and because I felt I must redeem the time that I wasted while living in sin. After a year, I went back to my school to testify God’s work in my life and proclaim the gospel to them. It was a big shock to evrybody! Nobody could believe that I came with my Bible, preaching the good news. Since then, together with some of my contemporaries, we established campus Bible studies all over the city, some of the fruits are even with me now in the local church.
It was in 1985 when I decided to quit out from secular schooling to go to Bible school. I became a part of evangelism and church planting in Las Piñas, Laguna and Quezon provinces. It was truly a great opportunity for me to gain exposure and experience on both urban and rural church planting, evangelism and follow up, discipleship and mentoring, church administration, trouble shooting and managing conflicts.
Latter part of 1999 when God revealed and confirmed that He is calling me to pastor the Church of the Reborn, a young church striving to establish itself in the Kingdom of God. I was prompted by the Spirit to totally give up my job sometime in year 2002 so I can focus on ministry.
B. Church’s Name: Church of the Reborn (COTR)
A duly registered religious organization under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with registration no. ANO – 9501439. The Church maintains its principal office at 2nd flr. 586 J.P. Rizal St., Lamuan, Marikina City, Philippines.
C. Church’s Affiliation:
D. Church’s Vision:
(1) Gearing to reach for more goals on year 2003, Pastor Dave started conducting lectures and trainings on Biblical Leadership and Church Administration to church members and potential leaders as early as November 2002.
(2) Recent developments reveal God’s approval for the church to aim to multiply the leadership by duplication as a vehicle and preparation for continuous growth. An impressive high percentage of the active members joined the training.
(3) At the start of the first quarter of 2003, Pastor Dave presented a vision which was named “545 24G”. This vision will be carried on and embraced by the church from 2003 to 2005. “545 24G” is an acronym which stands for:
“5” = 500 Church members by year 2005;
“45” = 45 Trained leaders by year 2005 (15 per year from 2003, that includes
Pastors, Deacons, Care-group Leaders and Primary Ministry Workers/Teachers);
“2” = At least two (2) local congregations by year 2005 (one in Barangay
Concepcion and another in Barangay San Roque, both in Marikina City);
“4” = for;
“G” = God
E. Church’s Activities:
(1) Sunday = 9:30 AM Worship Service (586 J. P. Rizal St., Lamuan,
Concepcion, Marikina City;
3:00 PM Worship Service with Sunday School (Children)
(33 Redwood St., New Marikina Subdivision, San Roque, Marikina City);
(2) Monday = Prayer Partners Movement
(3) Tuesday = 8PM Leadership Training - GLIM Class (Great Leaders
In the Making);
(4) Wednesday = Prayer Partners Movement
(5) Thursday = 8PM Discipleship Class 1 & 2 (Teachers’ Training);
(6) Friday = 6PM Praise & Worship Practice;
(7) Saturday = Prayer Partners Movement
(8) Other Weekly Activities:
· Once a month Prayer and Fasting day scheduled on one Saturday of each month;
· Campus Bible Studies during weekdays (only on school days);
· Home Bible Studies ;
· Youth Fellowships;
· Visitations and Follow-ups;
· 3 on 1 (a church program on Discipleship wherein a qualified teacher who underwent trainings on Discipleship Class and GLIM Class is given an assignment of three (3) people whom he or she will nurture, teach (Discipleship Class Lessons), and make disciples on Christian way of living;
· Breaking of bread (house to house lunch or dinner fellowship);
· Guitar Lessons (Per Schedule);
· Students’ Educational Assistance (Tutorial on Academics)
F. Church's Members:
The church as of this writing has a core group of about 30 adults. Among them are the members of the GLIM Team which is composed of 15 people. There are about 30 to 40 adults attending the worship services. The Youth sector has a membership of about 30 young people (students aging from 13 to 21 years old). About 12 to 15 of them are actively participating in church-wide activities and programs.
G. Present Support: P15,000.00 per month.
Considering the fixed expenses incurred from church building rentals, utility bills and other church functions, the church leadership at the moment moved to provide P15,000.00 from the church funds as the pastoral financial support.
H. Targeted Monthly Income : P21,450.00
(1) Food: P13,000.00; (2) Utilities: P2,450.00; (3) Miscellaneous (Medicine, Cell) : P1,000.00; (3) Fuel: P2,000.00; (4) Kids' Education/School Expenses: P3,000.00; (5) Total : P21,450.00
I. Family Members:
(1) Head: Dave Fajardo;
(2) Wife : Cecilia Ocampo Fajardo;
(3) Children : (I) Kris Lenard; (II) Ada Elisha: and (III) Wilon Seth
J. Contacts:
(1) Residence : # 7 Diamond St. Concepcion Subd. Concepcion,
Marikina City, Philippines
(2) Tel. No. : 942 3460 (Res);
(3) Cellphone; 0917 3816221;
(4) E-mail: pd_fajardo@edsamail.com.ph, pd_fajardo@hotmail.com
11. Pastor Jose Nalliw
A. Testimony of Calling of Jose Nalliw, the husband.
Born on April 17, 1968 in Magulon, Lamut, Ifugao, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord in April 1997. After my conversion, I was asking the Lord for His will in my life. There I felt that God was calling me in His mission field. This was confirmed through the encouragement of different pastors who helped me grow in my Christian life. This was enhanced by the training that I got from Bible School in the years 1998-2000.
While in the seminary, I was sent to help and encourage dying churches to keep on the ministry. By the grace of God, the three small congregations, which I served, are now growing in the Lord. This first hand ministry experience convinced me that God was calling me into full time ministry.
Thus, after my graduation and my wedding with Cecilia in Dec. 2000, I joined her in the church planting work in Gappal to be their full time pastor despite a very meager support. I believe that God will supply the needs of His servants.
B. Testimony of Calling of Cecilia Nalliw, the wife.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior in Sept. 1977 and baptized in August 1978. Since then, I was involved in church activities such as discipleship, teaching children and youth. I continued my church involvement during my college life. During those years of discipleship and involvement in Christian activities, I felt that the Lord was calling me to work in His vineyard but many times I reasoned out that I didn’t know what to do.
But the Lord is so gracious and faithful to me. It was in Thailand where I surrendered my life saying, “Lord, if you really want to use me, here am I, use me.” Thus, I joined the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) at the Refugee Camp as a volunteer missionary serving the Refugee kids. Then God sent me to Penang, Malaysia to be involved in the Discipleship Training School (DTS) of YWAM.
God finally confirmed my calling into full time ministry when I went back to the Philippines and finished a Certificate in Cross-Cultural Missions at ATS seminary in 1996, and Master in Christian Education at the Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary, Baguio City, in 1999.
My husband and I are now fully serving the pioneering church at Gappal, Cauayan City, Isabela, which I scouted for ministry, while studying at ATS. I am also doing Bible Translation in our vernacular language in Ifugao.
B. Church’s Name:
Gappal Gospel Light Church ,
Gappal, Cauayan City, Isabela
C. Church’s Affiliation:
Philippine Gospel Light Ministries, Inc.
Baguio City
D. Church’s Mission Statement
The Gappal Gospel Light Church shall saturate the whole barangay of Gappal and its neighboring barangays with God’s word, and usher them to the church for the worship, nurture, and fellowship as a growing body of the Lord Jesus Christ for the expansion of His kingdom on earth.
E. Church’s Weekly Activities:
(1) Seven Home Bible studies for Adults;
(2) Two Children’s Cell Groups;
(3) Youth Fellowship;
(4)Follow-up and discipleship training for cell leaders;
(5) House to house evangelism once a week
F. Church’s Attendance: 58
23 Adults and 35 Children
G. Sources of monthly support at present: P2,550.00 per month
(1) Church: P 550.00;
(2) Pledge from a friend: P 500.00;
(3) Livelihood Income: P1, 500.00;
(4) Total: P2,550.00
H. Targeted Monthly Income: P 5,150.00
(1) Food: P2,500.00;
(2) Transportation: P 1,500.00;
(3) Utilities: P 150.00;
(4)Miscellaneous (personal needs): P 1,000.00;
(5) Total: P 5,150.00
I. Family Members:
(1) Head: Jose, 36 years old;
(2) Wife: Cecilia, 40 years old
Email: dantuazon@hotmail.com