<bGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/rand108/blessusa.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Dear Lord,
Give me the greatness of heart to see,
The difference between duty and his love for me,

Give me the understanding that I may know,
When duty calls him, he must go.

Give me a task to do each day,
To fill the time while he's away.

When he is in a foreign land,
Keep him safe in your loving hand.

And, when duty is in the field,
Protect him and be his shield.

And Lord, when Deployment is so long,
Please stay with me and keep me strong.

Author Unknown
Just a little space on the internet to say Thank You to all of our Soldiers.  You are in my thoughts and prayers!  This page is constantly updated, so check back often!
Valley Memorial Flag
Names of Friends and Family Members who are in our thoughts and prayers while they are fighting for freedom.  If you have a name you want added, please email me at Rand108@yahoo.com
Operation Military Pride, great ideas for care packages and what you can do to help support our deployed soldiers
Dedicated to our Troops, wonderful movie of our troops serving bravely!
CPT James Adamouski, USA
LT Thomas Adams, USN
SPC Jamaal Addison, USA
CPT Tristan N. Aitken, USA
LCpl Brian Anderson, USMC
SGT Edward Anguiano, USA
CWO Andrew Arnold, USMC
MAJ Jay Aubin, USMC
PFC Chad Bales, USMC
CPT Ryan Beaupre, USMC
PFC Wilfred Bellard, USA
SGT Michael Bitz, USMC
LCpl Thomas Blair, USMC
GySgt Jeffrey Bohr, USMC
SPC Mathew Boule, USA
CPL Henry Brown, USA
PFC John Brown, USA
SPC Larry Brown, USA
LCpl Brian Buesing, USMC
SGT George Buggs, USA
PFC Tamario Burkett, USMC
SGT Jacob Butler, USA
SSG James Cawley, USMC
CPL Kemaphoom Chanawongse, USMC
CWO Robert Channell Jr, USMC
2LT Therrel Childers, USMC
LCpl Donald Cline, USMC
CPT Aaron Contreras, USMC
SPC Daniel Cunningham, USA
SPC Michael Curtin, USA
CPT Eric Das, USAF
SSG Wilbert Davis, USA
MSG Robert Dowdy, USA
PVT Ruben Estrella-Soto, USA
CPL Mark Evnin, USMC
MSG George Fernandez, USA
SPC Thomas Foley III, USA
CPT Travis Ford, USMC
LCpl David Fribley, USMC
CPL Jose Garibay, USMC
PFC Juan Garza Jr, USMC
PVT Jonathan Gifford, USMC
CPL Armando Gonzalez, USMC
CPL Jesus Gonzalez, USMC
CPL Jorge Gonzalez, USMC
CPL Bernard Gooden, USMC
SPC Richard Goward, USA
PFC Christian Gurtner, USMC
LCpl Jose Gutierrez, USMC
CWO Erik Halvorsen, USA
SSG Terry Hemingway, USA
SGT Nicolas Hodson, USMC
PVT Nolen Hutchings, USMC
CWO Scott Jamar, USA
CPL Evan James, USMC
SPC William Jeffries, USA
SGT Troy Jenkins, USA
PFC Howard Johnson II, USA
PVT Devon Jones, USA
SSG Phillip Jordan, USMC
2LT Jeffrey Kaylor, USA
CPL Brian Kennedy, USMC
SPC James Kiehl, USA
CPT Edward Korn, USA
SGT Bradley Korthaus, USMC
SGT Michael Lalush, USMC
LCpl Alan Dinh Lam, USMC
SSG Nino Livaudais, USA
SPC Ryan Long, USA
In Proud Memory of Those We have Lost During Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Our Deepest Condolences to their Families.
CPL Joseph Maglione, USMC
SFC John Marshall, USA
PFC Francisco MartinezFlores, USMC
CWO Johnny Villareal Mata, USA
SSG Donald May Jr, USMC
PFC Joseph Mayek, USA
SGT Brian McGinnis, USMC
1LT Brian McPhillips, USMC
GySgt Joseph Menusa, USMC
SPC Gil Mercado, USA
PFC Jason Meyer, USA
CPL Jason Mileo, USMC
PFC Anthony Miller, USA
SPC George Mitchell, USA
MAJ Kevin Nave, USMC
LCpl Patrick Nixon, USMC
SPC Donald Oaks, USA
LCpl Patrick O'Day, USMC
LCpl Eric Orlowski, USMC
1LT Osbaldo Orozco, USA
LCpl David Owens Jr, USMC
SGT Fernando Padilla-Ramirez, USMC
SGT Michael Pedersen, USA
PFC Lori Piestewa, USA
2LT Frederick Pokorney, USMC
PVT Kelley Prewitt, USA
SFC Randall Rehn, USA
SGT Brendon Reiss, USMC
PFC Diego Rincon, USA
SGT Duane Rios, USMC
CPL John Rivero, USA
CPT Russell Rippetoe, USA
SGT Todd Robbins, USA
CPL Robert Rodriguez, USMC
CPL Randal Rosacker, USMC
SPC Brandon Rowe, USA
CPT Benjamin Sammis, USMC
SPC Gregory Sanders, USA
SSG Scott Sather, USAF
CPT Christopher Seifert, USA
CPL Erik Silva, USMC
PVT Brandon Sloan, USA
LCpl Thomas Slocum, USMC
CWO Eric Smith, USA
SFC Paul Smith, USA
SGT Roderic Solomon, USA
SSG Robert Stever, USA
MAJ Gregory Stone, USAF
LCpl Jesus Suarez Del Solar, USMC
SPC Narson Sullivan
SSG Riayan Tejeda, USMC
SPC Brandon Tobler, USA
HM3 Michael Vann Johnson Jr, USN
SGT Donald Walters, USA
SSG Kendall Watersbey, USMC
MAJ William Watkins, USAF
PFC Michael Weldon, USA
LT Nathan White, USN
LCpl William White, USMC
SGT Eugene Williams, USA
LCpl Michael Williams, USMC
As of April 16th, 2003, we have no US Personnel catagorized as POW or MIA. 
CPL Stephen John Allbutt
Sapper Luke Allsopp
LCpl Shaun Andrew Brierley
Color SGT John Cecil
Trooper David Jeffrey Clarke
SSG Simon Cullingworth
Lance Bombardier Llewelyn Evans
LT Philip Green
CPT Philip Stuart Guy
Marine Sholto Hedenskog
SGT Les Hehir
LCpl Matty Hull
LT Antony King
LT Marc Lawrence
Marine Christopher Maddison
Flight LT Kevin Barry Main
LCpl Ian Malone
SSG Chris Muir
Piper Christopher Muzvuru
SGT Steven Mark Roberts
Operator Mechanic 2nd Class
      Ian Seymour
LCpl Karl Shearer
LCpl Barry Stephen
Warrant Officer 2nd Class
      Mark Stratford
Fusilier Kelan John Turrington
MAJ Jason Ward
LT Philip West
Flight LT David Rhys Williams
LT James Williams
LT Andrew Wilson
In Proud Memory of those who have died from the UK, fighting with us, Side by Side
Disclaimer:  I did not create any of these graphics.  I am grateful to those who have and have shared their talent with me.  I have linked to their website when possible.  Some of these I recieved in email and do not know who created them.  If any of these graphics are yours, and I haven't given you proper credit, please let me know so that I can.