Mission Statement

Yeah, my ass if this site has a point. And if you clicked here actually expecting there to be a mission statement here about what I hope to accomplish with this, then you're a dumbass. Anyway, I realize that you might have been thinking... WHAT?! When you wandered on over here. And if you were, I have one question for you, HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND THIS SITE BY ACCIDENT?! It's not possible! You're either looking for hot NHL guy on guy action or you're not. There's no mixing it up. If my site has offended you, you know right where to kiss. Because I don't care. I have a Constitutional Right to write whatever the hell I want. Don't like it? Go to Canada.
You might also be wondering, how I came up with some of the ideas I have for my stories. And if you are, I have this to say to you. Watch a damn game. You should know by now that...