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The Reluctant Psychic - How I got into and out of the Occult/New-Age

My earliest memory of supernatural powers was when I was about 4 or 5 years old. To the best of my recollection, it went something like this. I had a wart on my left arm and I was complaining about it to the little old lady next door to us. She said she knew of a magical way to get rid of it. She invited me over into her yard. She went into her house and came out with a toothpick. She asked me to show her the wart, which I did. She touched the wart with the toothpick and recited an incantation. Then she instructed me to follow her to a spot next to our adjoining fence. She dug a small hole, bent the toothpick in half, put it up to my lips and told me to kiss it. Then she buried the toothpick in the little hole and said another incantation over the spot, telling me to repeat after her. After we were done, she told me to go home and the wart would go away in a few days. A couple of days later it was gone. This left quite an impression on me and my interest in all things supernatural began.

Around age 11 or 12, I began to think about spiritual things a lot. I asked my mother why we didn't go to church. She didn't have an answer so I said, "There's one right across the street, why don't we go there?". She said we could do that so that started pretty regular attendance for my family until I was 18 and left home. The church was a Presbyterian Church. I don't think my mom, dad & younger sister went to church after that. My mom did start going again later in life.

My mother was emotionally and physically abusive to me. Just the way she looked at me was frightening. I was not a "wanted" child. I never knew what to expect from her or what I did to provoke her constant ridicule. By age 12, I began having a lot of trouble falling asleep because I was so afraid of her.

My brother, Mike, was 15 months older than me and we were constant companions from day one. I praise the Lord for that because I don't know what I would have done without him. I've always felt like my brother was the only real family I ever had. He was my shield and my best friend.

I always ran around with him and 'his' friends. I never thought much about friends of my own. He was very protective of me. He was a little accident proned anyway, but he got banged up quite a bit looking out for me.

By the time I was about 12, I often felt that I could talk to him without speaking and wondered if he felt that too. One day I mentioned this to him. I asked him if he thought we were telepathic. He got very angry and yelled, "NO! and don't ever talk about that stuff anymore." His anger freaked me out a little. I didn't expect that reaction. It wasn't long after that that he came in my room and he said he had something to tell me, but I had to promise not to ever tell anyone. I agreed and he proceeded very cautiously to tell me that he was going to die in his early twenties. I screamed, "What?! How do you know that?". He said, he didn't know how he knew, he just knew it. He felt it. It was a very depressing moment for him and for me. We just sat there looking down at the floor; neither of us knowing what to say. That was the first and last time we ever talked about it.

As the years went by, I tried not to think about those types of things, but I just couldn't help it. Eventually a time came when it seemed like I knew things before they happened. I thought I could hear people's thoughts and you know, most of their thoughts were saying critical things about others they were around. When I would listen to songs or people talking, it seemed I knew the words before they even said them. I couldn't help but wonder if I was psychic or something, and if so, why?

By the time I was 19 or 20 yrs.old, I couldn't ignore these feelings and thoughts any longer. I always felt different from my friends and they thought so too. I had deeper thoughts than other teenagers. I longed to understand this cruel world we live in. People confused me. By the time the sixties rolled around, the occult and metaphysical ideas were a point of interest to me as well as many others my age. It was the time of the Hippies and I found the freedom to explore what I had shut away as a child.

I studied and practiced astrology, numerology, tarot card reading, white witchcraft, palmistry, I-Ching and crystal & gemstone healing. What was the most interesting to me though was where these thoughts in my head were coming from. Was I communicating with a spirit world?

My idea of this was that there was a powerful, more intelligent organization of beings out there, somewhere, willing and eager to communicate with us to help us improve our lives and the fate of this planet we occupy. It appeared a heady idea, laughed at by most at the time but is looked at in a more serious way by just about everyone these days. What most people thought was ridiculous 30yrs. ago is entertained by the majority now. Even our highest officials are said to consult with such practitioners for advice. But no matter when one considered these things, they usually believed they were from GOD or a higher power of mystery and divinity. That is what I thought.

On July 3, 1969 my beloved brother fell in the bathroom, hit his head on the tub and slipped into a coma. It was his 23rd birthday. I was unaware of this accicent but I felt the immediate urge to go visit my older sister who lived in Houston. (At that time in my life, I was living with my in-laws in a small town not far away, with a 6mo. old baby girl and my husband in Viet Nam.) When I got to her house, she told me about my brother's accident. He had been rushed to Methodist Hospital, in Houston. He was in a coma and running a very high fever. The doctors had no idea why. He lay in the hospital on ice trying to get the fever down to protect his brain. My sister said I shouldn't go see him because he was only allowed visiters a few minutes at a time, a couple times a day and it would be best if we let my mother and my brother's wife have that time. I remember just pacing up and down in her living room. The concept of losing him was not fathomable to me. The possibility may have been obvious, but I couldn't let myself think it. I suddenly started getting impressions that he was communicating with me, telling me to stay calm and stay close, "mentally". I didn't realize at the time what was going on. It was that natural thing that we had and I just accepted it.

He died on Friday, July 11th and was buried on July 13th. It was surreal to me. I was physically present but emotionally frozen. I loved him so much. He'd been by my side since birth. He was the only person in my family I was even remotely close to. He was all I had. My whole family was in him. He was my best friend, my protector, my history and the only person who really loved me. Now, he was gone. But you know; GOD loved me even when I didn't know Him and He gave me a precious little baby girl to fill the emptiness left in my heart. That baby gave me someone else to love and to love me. She was my reason to go on. Otherwise I'd have probably said, "that's it for me, I don't want to live here either" and I feel quite sure that God knew that when He planned this child for me. She was 6mos. old when my brother died. Just old enough to respond to me AND my mother who was suffering terribly. I never really processed this loss for myself. I don't know how to explain it. Seems I buried my feelings with my brother and chose not to think about it at all, not ever. That worked for quite a few years. Because our church taught that your soul goes to heaven when you die and since I felt like I could communicate with him without talking when he was alive, it was just the next level to communicate with him in death, or so I thought. I decided that your body dies but your mind, which you cannot see and your soul which you cannot see, must live on.

I talked to him all the time and I thought he talked to me. I didn't tell people about this. They would have thought I was nuts, but there were little things that would happen that made me believe he was out there somewhere looking out for me, still.

At times when I needed reassurance, interesting things would happen. One thing that happened a lot is I would find a penny on the ground and the date would be 1946; the year he was born. I don't know how to explain it but that was instant comfort to me. I'd smile and feel relieved that, in some strange way, he was still there with me wherever I roamed and I did roam. My husband made it back from Viet Nam (praise the Lord) but the marriage didn't survive. He was a musician and became so absorbed in his music, my daughter and I became invisible. I tried so hard to make us a family but he made no effort. I finally gave up, moved out and started commercial art school. After a year of sitting at a drafting table for 8 hours a day, I got burnt out and quit just a couple of months before graduation. I was the top student in the school. It was the beginning of many years of bad decisions and foolish mistakes. The failure of my marriage was devastating to me. I had planned on a family. I never considered anything else. When life is too painful, you just stash it away. That's how life worked for me.

I looked for meaning in everything. In 1980, around the time of my brother's birthday, I began to get a strong, forboding feeling about him. It was like he was trying to tell me he would not be able to communicate with me anymore; that he was going away. It was extremely upsetting to me and left me troubled, confused and desperate for answers. I remember it so well. For several days I could hardly work. I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown. I couldn't talk to anyone about it. I had nowhere to turn. I felt panicky. I couldn't get him out of my mind. I would strain my brain, trying to hear him clearer; trying to figure out what he was telling me. It was so stressful for me, I started getting sick with terrible stomach pains. My stomach would bloat up anytime I ate and the pain was unbearable. I went to the doctor and she said I had a spastic colon and she prescribed some cortisone tablets. After taking the cortisone for a few weeks, I started breaking small bones. First, two in my left hand while sliding down a slide. About a month later, I broke two in my right hand, playing volleyball, which I had done every weekend for about 9 years. Then, a few weeks after that, I broke two bones in my left foot just running up a hill barefooted. It was the cortisone! The problems with my stomach continued. Sometimes, all I could eat was soda crackers, but I never would take that cortisone again.

[An interesting aside: every doctor I have told this to has denied that it had anything to do with the cortisone. I find it rather ridiculous to think that all those breaks, in just a couple of months, were a coincidence considering I have always been very tough, physically active and never broken a bone before that.]

In 1984 Of severely injured my low back and left Sacro joint which left me in constant and sometimes excruciating pain. A year later, I severely injured my neck and had numbness and "needles and pins" in my right arm for about 3mos. I was told time and time again that my injuries were irreversible and nothing could be done. I just couldn't handle it emotionally. I was always a very physical person. I loved dancing, riding horses and motorcycles and playing sports. I needed to be physical. It kept me sane.

Later that year, I was sitting on my living room couch, deeply depressed. The T.V. was on and I was half-way watching an old, classic movie. I was sobbing. My life was a mess and I didn't know how to fix it. I was in pain all the time and so fatigued. The doctors, I saw, were puzzled as to what all was wrong with me. The back and neck injuries were explainable, but no one knew why I always felt so bad. I saw chiropractors, neurologists, orthopedic specialists and even a psychiatrist. I needed answers and solutions. I was in deep despair. I could not be disabled! I couldn't bear to even think it. I can't say that enough or emphasise it enough. I just could not accept it.

As I sat there lost in my pain, I gazed at a little wooden goblet I had sitting on the table next to me. My brother had made it in wood shop while in high school. It had a votive candle in it. I lit the candle and as I watched the flames, I cried out to him to please help me. I was so lost and so scared of being disabled and just so alone. Surely my brother could save the day. Oh, how I missed him. My left hand was on the couch cushion and as I cried, I felt a hand touch the top of my hand and fold it's fingers around mine and gently hold my hand. I opened my eyes to look at my hand and there was no one there. Then I looked at the T.V. screen and the credits for the actors were rolling up the screen. They were in two columns. The last name of the first actor on the left hand column was (something) Michael, and the name on the right hand column was Daniel (something), making the name Michael Daniel. My brother's name was Michael Daniels. I was overwhelmed by all the emotions and yet somehow, within it all, the pleasant assurance that this was a sign that he was there with me and I wasn't alone. (I don't feel like I can explain this very well. I just can't seem to find the precise words. Feelings can surely get you going down the wrong path sometimes)

It was around this time that I was seeing a chiropractor for my back (1984) and neck(1986) injuries. I had been seeing him for about 6mos. and liked him very much. He was a very 'spiritual' man. He occassionally used metaphysical techniques with me, like crystals and such, which I knew nothing about and thought a little silly. One day I was having a conversation with his receptionist about metaphysical things and my curiosity about my own experiences with this. I told her I had often wondered if I were a little bit psychic or something. She asked me if I had ever met the doctor's wife. I said no and she said that the doctor's wife was a psychic channeler and maybe I should talk to her. She had just opened an office next door. I walked over, went in and introduced myself and told her what the receptionist and I were talking about and that the receptionist said that she might be able to help me find some answers. She told me to sit down and she began to tell me about herself. She said she was a spiritual channeler and she channeled an ancient Asian-Indian woman named Elaina. She asked me if I'd like to make an appointment. Since I'd always wanted to talk to a real psychic, but never knew how I'd ever find one that I could trust, this was the opportunity I had long awaited. She gave me a book. She said I had to read it before she would see me. The book, I believe, was titled "The Seeds of Change". I read the book and made an appointment. She told me to prepare 3 questions of importance like maybe, questions about my brother or something like that. Now, I had never mentioned to her that I even had a brother much less that he was forefront on my mind! That was a little scary but made me even more confident and excited about this opportunity. This encounter would turn out to be a pivotal point in my life. I was not the least bit, prepared for what was to come.

The book she required me to read was about how some of us came to this planet on a spaceship in order to educate the people here about other worlds and powers, and how to use them for our own spiritual and material advancement as well as for World peace. It was written as a biography, as a factual account.

I read the book, thinking it was very far-fetched, but none the less, made an appointment.

I arrived at her office and she explained the procedure and that we would be taping the session. She said I would need to be the one to turn over the tape because she wouldn't be able to. Then she asked if I was ready. My adrenaline was pumping as I answered, "Yes".

She sat down across from me, closed her eyes and her head dropped. In a few moments she raised her head and smiled at me and said, "Greetings!". Her demeaner and voice were totally different from before. She immediately started into a long description of, what I can only describe as, far beyond the innermost and deepest desires of my heart. She told me I would be learning and then teaching the people of this planet how to live their life as "soul"; how to tap into their supernatural powers to live in peace and harmony. She said I would be channeling the "Archangel Michael" saying that he was in charge of the education of this planet. She said he worked under the auspices of the Melchizedek, who is the head of the heirarchy of this planetary system. She explained down to the smallest detail how I was to do this. She told me I was to start meditating, repeating the phrase "I Am" until I felt "Michael's" presence and after doing this for a while, he would start to speak through me. He would give me instructions and I was to write them down in a notebook. After a while I would compile a lesson booklet and start giving classes to teach people how to "live life as 'soul'", "Life According to Michael". She said, in every class there would be at least one 'graduate' who would become 'clear' enough to start channeling; not neccessarily that they would do that, but they would be 'clear' enough to do so. She went on: "Then after a time, you will start a university. It will be called the "University of Michael". It will be in another state. There you will teach the courses of "Michael". There will be 12 courses; one in channeling; one in healing; one in the 'new age' politics, etc. Michael will tell you the rest when it is time. OK?"

Well, after hearing all this, I was overwhelmed to say the least. Me, doing all this amazing stuff? I don't think so. I was sick. I was an emotional wreck. I was in pain everyday. There must be a mistake. She paused and said, "What do you want to say?" I said, "I don't think I am able to do this!" She said, not to worry. "Michael" does it. All you have to do is start the channeling and "Michael" does the rest. I was speechless.

She then asked me if I had any questions. I said, "Yes. I was wondering about my brother." She said, "What is it you need to know about him?". I said, my voice cracking, "I need to know where he is". She replied, increduously, as she pointed to my left shoulder, "He is right there!". I gasped as my heart lept, and I was trying hard to hold back the tears. At this point, I was hanging onto every word as if my life depended on it. She sympathetically responded by saying, "He is fine; not to worry. Now what is he saying? (she is now animating as if to listen harder) He is saying, he doesn't eat pizza anymore and he doesn't mind". This made me laugh through the tears. It sounded like something he would say. Something very light-hearted at a very heavy moment. My brother could always make me laugh. But, I was still troubled. I told her I had gotten the impression he was going away somewhere and wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore and I didn't understand. She said, "He hasn't gone away, he has just reached a higher level, as an angel now, and the 'vibrations are of a higher frequency' and it just seems further away, but it is not. He is fine; he is right there" (pointing to my left shoulder again). I don't remember what else I asked her. Nothing else really mattered at that point. My brother was fine and still by my side.

I left her office with a cassette tape of the meeting which I was to listen to a few times more to "get me started". I was instructed to start the meditating and to let "Michael" speak through, and in a few months I would need to make another appointment for some "fine tuning".

I was curious about who this "Archangel Michael" was so I went to a Christian Book Store and asked the clerk if he had anything on the "Archangel Michael"? He looked at me a little strangely and went to the back of the store. I sat on a little bench and waited for his return. As he approached me, I noticed he had a little piece of paper in his hand upon which he had written about 6 scripture verses. He sat down next to me and said, "Well, this is what I found". I saw what he had written and before he could say any more I burst out with the first scripture on the list. "Daniel 10:13? Daniel 10: 13?", I exclaimed. I couldn't believe it. He looked at me like I was totally insane. I explained, "My last name is Daniel and my birthday is 10-13!". Well, this was all the evidence I needed. What the channeler had revealed to me must be my destiny, my calling.

I started the meditating and writing down all the notes. Beautiful thoughts, as poetry, flowed onto the paper of the notebook I was keeping. I was sure it was something beyond this world; something good and special. This went on for a couple of months but then things started to change. I became very critical of myself and the slow progress I was making in letting the voice of "Michael" actually speak through me. I would feel something move up inside me, toward my throat and into my mouth, but when it was virtually on my lips, I would stop. I just couldn't let some unknown entity take over my body and mind no matter who it was. I just couldn't do it. I felt a lot of guilt over this. I felt like I was letting GOD down. I was so conflicted. My life soon became a huge roller coaster ride.

My "fine tuning" appointment was way overdue. I finally felt pressured to make the second appointment. It didn't go well. The sweet little ancient Asian woman was agitated. She got angry with me when I wouldn't agree with her. She said things about GOD that made me very uncomfortable. She said, GOD was 'good and evil'; that 'all things' are GOD and when things look bad to us; "that is just GOD forgetting himself". I was stunned and couldn't speak. I felt trapped. That totally went against my grain. I was no Bible thumper, I didn't go to church, but there was something instilled deep inside me that knew that was not the character of GOD. I couldn't agree with her but, I was afraid to disagree, so I said nothing. This made her angry. In my heart, I knew that what she was telling me was not the truth. Something was wrong with this picture. I left her office very shaken and never went back, but I did continue to believe what she said about what I was suppose to do with my life.

My health and work continued deteriorating for over a year. I began to pray and read the book of Daniel, in the Bible. I'd pray and plead: "GOD, If you want me to do this, you have to help me more". Things got worse. After six years of struggling to work and recover my health I finally gave in and applied for disability. I had no job no where to go, no home and my van broke down. I called my younger sister to see if I could come stay in her garage apartment. She agreed to let me live there while I waited for my Social Security disability to go through. About three weeks later, my older sister invited me to a church campmeeting out of state. I was absolutely not interested in old Christianity. I thought it was outdated and ineffective, but she convinced me to go along just for 'the company'.

I attended no meetings; just stayed in the cabin or walked the grounds. One day, a friend of hers was talking to me about prophecy and I told her I was very interested in that subject. She gave me a copy of a book she said she thought I might find interesting. The title of the book was "The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan". I took it, just out of politeness, and put it on the dresser in my room.

That night I couldn't sleep. My sister was at meetings until late into the night so I was there alone. I had done all of my mediatation/new-age stuff and so, out of boredom, I picked up the book and started to read. I read about 6 or 7 pages and, still not interested, went to the table of contents to read the chapter titles to see if there was "anything" interesting in this book. Then, I saw the title "Dead Men Don't Tell Tales". "Hmmm... maybe this is interesting", I thought. Then the thought came to me: "What if this isn't my brother I am talking to?. "No way!! Why would I think that?". I started to read.

Fear and trembling came over me as I read about the true state of the dead. It quoted the Bible saying, that "the dead are asleep and know not anything". Everything in my mind and soul started to go haywire. Thoughts were going back and forth in my head like lightbulbs flashing 'off and on' and 'right and left'. My world as I knew it was being blown to oblivian. I said to myself, "No! This can't be so. It has to be my brother. It has to be! Nobody else knows all we know. Something must be missing here. How did this writer come up with this? Did the Bible really say what the author claimed?" Afterall, I and just about everybody else believed that the soul was immortal and separate from the physical body. No matter what religion you were in, most people thought there was some form of life that never died even after this body is gone.

I finished that chapter and I read the chapter before that one and the one before that until I had read 6 chapters, going backwards to try to find the answer to how this writer came up with these conclusions.

What I found out was most profound. I found out that there was a devil named Satan. I saw what he was up to and why, and how he works. And the most shocking of all, to me, was that he had lots of supernatural power, and worst of all, he was very close to me. He knew all about me and he took advantage of my grief and sorrow. The devil used me to do his dirty work. He deceived me and used my great love and longing for my brother to draw me into his web of lies and deceit. He thought he could use me to steer as many as possible away from Jesus Christ and The Truth and into his snare. All of a sudden, I felt terror as I saw his great anger and hatred for me. Now that I was seeing, for the first time, his lies and his tricks, I knew he wanted me dead. I felt it! I was sure that he would kill me at any moment. I jumped out of bed and found a Bible and crawled under the covers and held it tightly to my chest as a shield. I have no idea why. I just did it! I was trembling in fear. Only the Holy Spirit of God could have driven me to take that action. Now that I had the Truth in my mind and my heart, I knew that Bible was the only thing that could protect me. I saw how extremely wicked and evil and filled with hate the devil, Satan is. Then I saw and felt that great love that Jesus has always had for me. It was so powerful, so intense, so perfect, so sweet! This is what 'real' love is. It was all I had ever wanted but never knew how or where to find it. And for reasons I knew not, I knew that Bible would protect me against anything.

As I lay there clutching that Bible tightly to my chest, conviction came over me and I saw my sins. I cried heaving sobs of repentence for all the hurt and shame I had caused our Lord and Savior; for doing what the Bible calls an abomination to GOD (speaking to the dead). I cried so hard I finally, out of exhaustion, fell asleep. I had terrible nightmares and fought all night long. I drempt of lies and deceit, robbery and murder, being spied on and chased down, just barely excaping with my life. I see now that those dreams were an analogy of all the devil had done to me.

The next morning I felt exhausted and in shock. My mind was reeling with all I had experienced in such a short time. The HOLY SPIRIT started reasoning with me. Over a period of 3 days and 3 nights we reasoned with one another. I kept saying, "but, God, my case must be an exception. What I was suppose to do would be a good thing. It would help people. I would be channeling the Archangel Michael!".

I checked and double-checked the scripture texts referred to in the "Great Controversy" and sure enough, the texts were clear on every point. Then finally, seeing the truth and that there was no other truth, I surrendered and accepted Jesus Christ and the truth of the Holy Bible into my heart.

I didn't know what lay ahead. I had to erase the slate of my life and start over. It was a strange feeling. Everything in my life up until then had to be put away. I had drank alcohol and done drugs and been involved in the occult/new-age all my adult life. I had tried to stop drinking and I couldn't. I had tried to stop using drugs, but to no avail. I couldn't do it on my own, but after I gave up the new-age, confessed and repented of my sins, and gave my life and love and trust to Jesus Christ, I didn't have to try anymore. The intense need and uncontrollable desire for those things was just gone. When I was tempted, all I thought was, "look what God has done for you. Look at all the love and forgiveness he has given you. You have a father now that you can trust. You have love now that you have always longed for and desperately needed. You have a truth that has set you free and is priceless. You cannot disappoint God after all He has done for you. He has revealed immeasurable truth to you. You must trust Him because He has proved Himself faithful to meet all your needs. He will give you the strength to overcome anything."

Oct. 9-11, 1990 was my "new-birthday". I was 43 years old, [long labor :)] I can't praise GOD enough for loving me so. Through every struggle He has made me stronger and braver than I ever was without Him.

I studied non-stop, for those first few years after my deliverence. I wanted to find out as quickly as possible all that I had been missing. I wanted to make up for all that 'lost' time. It has been hard at times. I never let my brother go and after 20+yrs., I finally had to say "Good-bye. See ya later."; not to him this time, but in my heart. I won't tell you that part has been easy. I miss him more than words can express. I crave the thought of hugging him. I dream about him often. In my dreams, he is just lost on a journey and finally finds his way back home and we are together again and I'm happier than I've ever been. All is right in the world. I believe in that dream, and I know I will see him again someday and I will never lose him again. We will see each other for the first time as GOD meant us to be.

History proves the Bible is true. All the prophecies have happened just like they were predicted. The change in my life proves the Bible is true. It is not about being convinced of a theory. It is a supernatural change and I praise God for it. We have a most glorious and perfect God. There is nothing that can compare. He is our Father and the love He has for us is like nothing else. And for those skeptics out there, I have a challenge. Give God a chance to speak to your heart. Give Him the benefit of the doubt. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you honestly and sincerely give God the opportunity to come into your life, I guarantee you, you will not be disappointed.

This is a very condensed version of my story. There are a lot of supernatural and personal details that are left out here. If I wrote it all down, this would be a book and maybe some day it will be. That's up to Jesus. Right now, I am just trying to make the best of my health issues and my life and the rest I leave up to Him. It is my hope and prayer: that this testimony will be of some help in leading others, who have been lost, trapped and deceived, to the truth. This TRUTH "will" set you free! There's only one catch though. You have to love the truth. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life". If you really love Him, you will love the truth. If you really love the truth, you will find Him.

May GOD richly bless you as you seek HIM.

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Pics of Mike and Me toddlers
Pics of Mike and Me
Pics of Mike and James
Great Controversy-Chapters 29-34 (saved my life)
Devils and Demons
