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Basic commands

adminlogin -password- Login as admin
adminlogout Logout as admin
say # Say a message to the center of screen to all players
Pause Pause the game
AdminReset Restart the whole game
endround Ends the current round

Password server commands

Admin Password admin set engine.gameinfo adminpassword -password-
Game Password admin set engine.gameinfo gamepassword -password-

Player discipline commands

kick -nick- Kicks a player using there name
pkick -player id- Kicks a player using the ID
kickban -nick- Kick ban a player using there nick
pkickban -player id- Kick ban a player using there ID
PTempKickBan -player id- Temp kick ban a player using there ID

Changing map command

Switchlevel -map name- Switchlevel
Map names AOT retail
TO-Avalanche TO-Blaze-of-Glory TO-Blister TO-CIA
TO-Conundrum TO-Crossfire TO-Dragon TO-Drought
TO-Eskero TO-Forge TO-FrozenScar TO-Getaway
TO-GlasgowKiss TO-IcyBreeze TO-KnightsEdge-B1 TO-MetalStorm
TO-Monastery TO-November-Rain TO-Oilrig TO-Omega
TO-RapidWaters TO-Rebirth TO-Rebirth TO-Scope
TO-Spynet TO-TerrorMansion TO-Thanassos TO-Thunderball
TO-TrainStation TO-Trooper TO-Unbreakable TO-Verdon
TO-WinterRansom and so on...

Time limit commands

Game duration admin set s_SWAT.s_SWATGame timelimit -min’s-
Round duration admin set s_SWAT.s_SWATGame RoundDuration -min’s-
Brief Timelimit admin set s_SWAT.s_SWATGame PreRoundDuration -Sec’s-

Bot configuration

Add bots to the game addbots -number-
Kill all of the bots Killall bot
Sets bot dificulty value 1-7 admin set botpack.challengebotinfo difficulty -val-

Server setup commands

Friendly Fire Scale 0-100 Adminset -val- Friendlyfirescale
Sets minimum allowed score + Adminset -val- Minallowedscore
Ghostcam (0 off, 1 on) Adminset <0/1> allowghostcam
Mirror damage (0 off, 1 on) Adminset <0/1> mirrordamage Ballistics (0 off, 1 on) Adminset <0/1> ballistics
Rain/Snow Toggleraingen
Real damage on/off best ON admin set s_SWAT.s_SWATGame bdisablerealdamage -True/False-
Friendly fire explosions admin set s_SWAT.s_SWATGame bexplosionsff -True/False-
Max number players per team admin set s_SWAT.s_SWATGame Maxteamsize -val-
Number of spectators admin set engine.Gameinfo Maxspectators -val-
Max number of players admin set engine.Gameinfo Maxplayers -val-

Some of the TOST admin commands can be done via the in game control panel. TOST admin commands

ShowIP 'ID' Show a players IP address
Punish 'ID' Will kill the player with that id
SASay "message" Prints a message on every players center of screen
SASetGamePW 'password' Sets the game password (level 3 or higher)
KickTK Kick bans all players with negative scores (excluding admins)
Showadmintab Toggles the admin screen
MkTeams Forces even teams
Fteanchg 'ID' Moves the specified ID player to opposite team Fteanchg 'ID' 1 Moves the specified ID player to opposite team & removes there weapons
Protectsvr Puts a random password on the server for limited time Showgametab Shows the game screen
AdminSet 0 mirrordamage Toggles mirror damage on/off AdminSet 0 allowghostcam Toggles GhostCam on/off AdminSet 0 enableballistics Toggles Ballistics on/off
EnhVoteSystem Toggles Enhanced Vote System on/off
RememberStats Toggles PlayerBackup on/off
AllowHUD Toggles HudExtensions on/off
Showirctab show the IRC bot screen

TOST player commands

xSay Like the Say Command
xTeamSay Like the Team Say Command
#W Players weapon
#T Players target name
#N Players name
#L Players location - if defined by the mapper !
#H Players health
#B Players buddies - All people of the same team within 1500 units
Echo Message to yourself only
ShowTeamInfo cycles through the Team Info Hud Extension Modes
Getnextmap Echos the next map in cycle
ShowWeapon cycles through 6 Weapons HUD extensions modes