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demos done.
get one or die.
sixroomsuite | 12:54 AM

we're almost done with the demo.
we have all the music done and now we need to just lay down vocals and other useless shit.
we almost had em done but dayvyd had a family emergency to attend to.
so the homies should be going in tomorrow to finish the reco'ding process.
but yeah. we're cool.
sign the guestbook.
or never wake up.
sixroomsuite | 9:32 AM

we are an intense rock and roll popcore experience.
can you handle it.
probably not.
but if you want to try.
sign the guestbook and prerequest a copy of the demo.
if youre lucky we'll sign it.
but we dont believe in luck.
sixroomsuite | 6:56 PM

ever wondered why you hate us? we are dicks. we are loud. we are metal. we don't wonder why we hate you.
sixroomsuite | 10:05 PM

ever wondered where we got six room suite from?
wonder no more...thanks to miss lily. eternally.

Capone had observed the old tradition. Hospitality before execution. The Sicilians were defenseless, having, like the other banqueters, left their guns in the checkroom. Capone's bodyguards fell upon them, lashing them to their chairs with wire and gagging them. Capone got up, holding a baseball bat. Slowly, he walked the length of the table and halted behind the first guest of honor. With both hands he lifted the bat and slammed it down full force. Slowly, methodically, he struck again and again, breaking bones in the man's shoulders, arms and chest. He moved to the next man and, when he had reduced him to mangled flesh and bone, to the third. One of the bodyguards then fetched his revolver from the checkroom and shot each man in the back of the head.
sixroomsuite | 10:27 PM

ok. so. yeah.
feb 27, vfw, kingman
feb 28, paper heart, phoenix
tba, some high school, mohave valley
think of it as a retarded miniminitour.
give us donations. so we can record. holla atcha bitch.
we're loud. just so you know. we scream a lot. just so you know.
we play metal. just so you know. fuckin metal. fuckin hella metal. yeah.
david has a locust tatto. make fun of him.
so yeah. listen to us. we scream a lot. we slay ear drums.
kc, david & co.
sixroomsuite | 3:09 PM

i just figured out that if you try to get to the guestbook from the news page it takes you to the old one. what the hizzy. kc.
sixroomsuite | 8:21 PM

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