The Smallville Diaries - Week August 17 - 23, 2003


Fri. 22 - 12:20 p.m.

Current mood: curious

So here I am. This seems kind of silly but my friend who isn't going to get this URL gave me a code. She said it helps her to unwind and get stuff off her chest. That's just what I need since I really don't have anybody I can talk to about things.

Anyway, more later maybe.

Fri. 22 - 10:58 p.m.

Current mood: depressed


Why can't my dad understand that I just want to be normal? I asked again, just like I do every year, if I can be on the football team. PR's mom and dad let him join, but my dad, no way. He says I have to be careful. He's afraid I'll hurt somebody but he never gives me the chance to even try.

Sometimes I hate my life. I want so much to be just like everybody else. Maybe LL would notice me if I wasn't such a geek and a klutz

I have to do this paper for English class for next week. That's kind of boring I know, but so is my life. Don't get me wrong, I love small time life. It's nice and I love living on a farm but sometimes I get this feeling that my mom and dad aren't ever going to let me out of their sites.

I'm a freak and I don't just mean small freak. Last week I was in the loft and I thought I heard my mom and dad talking downstairs. When I went to check they weren't there. They were in the house and I could hear them. Like I said, freak.

I'm going to ask again tomorrow morning. Maybe my dad will change his mind. I have the permission slip ready. Maybe if he sees how much I want to join he'll let me. Maybe.




Fri. 22 - 6:26 p.m.

I’ve decided it’s about time I conquer the web.

So I am going to experiment with blogging, or journaling, or whatever it is being called these days.

Since I’ve just found out that I’ve been exiled to the middle of nowhere, I might as well make a virtual home for myself here.

Though I’m sure I’ll be back in the city before long. Dear Old Dad can’t keep me exiled for good…

I should be furious with my father, I know. And I am. But you know what? I’m just going to fix myself a drink and enjoy exploring live journal. Nothing like reading details of other people’s personal lives to distract one from one’s own problems. Just like you are enjoying reading this, I would assume. I’m sure you are thinking that poor tabloidboy, first entry in live journal and he’s already complaining about his father.

Hmm. You may have a point there.

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Send feedback to the authors: tabloidboy - Lolitaluthor - freak4ever - GothGirl

DISCLAIMER : Smallville and its characters are owned by DC Comics, Warner Brothers, Tollin/Robbins and Millar/Gough Ink. This is a non-profit fan site, and is not endorsed or licensed by DC Comics or Warner Brothers.
