What Are They:

All journals are WIPs written from the character's point-of-view.

- Clark aka freak4ever is written by sandram.

- Lex aka tabloidboy is written by lolitaluthor.

- Chloe aka grlf_reporting is written by lexalot.

- Martha aka redhotmama originally started by ultimatemother is now written by outlawradio.

- Lionel aka lions_den is written by adamlizz.

- Lana aka anotherlife is written by coffeejunkii.

- Pete aka ordinary_guy is written by shadowakiyah.

Each one has been highly individualized, custom-tailored for the personality of the fictional character writing them!

Origins of the Idea:

The credit for this whole concept and getting this wonderful project off the ground goes to sandram! Then, this project fell into the lap of lolitaluthor and together, the two of them set wheels in motion (even if they are terribly shy about it). Lexalot was then brought on board to do Chloe's LJ, and coffeejunkii to do Lana's. Those are all the involved parties as of this Community Launch :)

We have already had much support from and have to thank coffeejunkii, outlawradio and sinisterf for being our first commenters and audience.


The authors claim no rights, and are in no way connected to, associated with, or authorized by DC or the WB.

Info Regarding Set-up:

The journals work on a normal calendar and all are co-ordinated. They are written based on events as they happen in the series Smallville, but may differ and venture into AU territory at some points.

The starting point of the LJ is set just a short while before the Pilot episode of SV.


Any and all pairings may be involved in some way or another, so that includes both het and slash!

Important Notes Regarding Feedback and Commenting:

We have a few requests and suggested guidelines that we ask that all readers please follow to stay truer to the purpose of treating these LJs like they are genuinely written by the characters. We ask this of our audience to ensure consistency and a sense of authenticity to these creative works-in-progress. Thank you kindly for helping to maintain our vision.

We would love as many people as possible to participate, and have a few guidelines regarding interaction with our beloved audience. They are listed below.

Guidelines for Participation:


Please do not post comments that directly address the authors in the character journals!

Any feedback, input, suggestions, or remarks should be posted at the sv_journals community. This is a very big reason why this community was established. We want to avoid making these LJs seem like the fictitious writings they are. The intent is to make them feel and look as real as possible! That's half the fun!

Comments in the individual character journals

We highly encourage you to treat the characters like real people and their journals like real LJs! We would love for this to be a very interactive thing, so please feel totally free to friend the individual characters at their profile pages. They will definitely friend you back! Or in Lex's case, probably... because he might not since he is rather picky about his friends. Currently, journal entries that are private or friends only have custom icons next to them illustrating which they are. If you are on the friends list of the character, then of course, you can comment on friends only posts. private entries cannot be commented on. If you read and enjoy, we would love for you to participate at the community.

A Note Relevant to Userpics

Also, when commenting at the individual character journals, for the very same reason as mentioned above, we request that, if at all possible, you refrain from using any Smallville-related icons to reply in the character LJs to help maintain the realism of the experience! Besides, it might cause the characters psychological confusion if they were confronted with icons that had their pics in them! The way we see it, imagine if it were you and someone had a really raunchy icon of you! We're also trying to protect Clark here people. We don't think his innocent mind could handle something like that!

(Yes, we are very wrapped up in the illusion, which is a large amount of the fun!)

Thank you very much for your cooperation and support! The authors and moderators truly appreciate it.


As I mentioned earlier, we highly encourage everyone who reads or comments to friend the individual character LJs! They are guaranteed to friend you back. If you would like to actively participate, we would love to hear from you at sv_journals, and if you would like to actively participate in the character's lives as written in their journals, they would love to hear from you too!

Flaming and Feeding

If you feel so inclined to flame the characters in their LJs in response to something they have written in an entry, we even encourage that! Feel free to do so all in good fun, because that may just increase the drama of it. But please do not flame the authors or the community. If you have personal criticism or suggestions, you may post it at the community as helpful and/or constructive feedback or email the writers/moderators privately. Contact information can be found on their profile pages.