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Session 6: an Intro to Me 12/16/03
Well, my name is kelsey. I am currently 16 years old. My brother is currently 18. his name is Floyd. He's a nice guy. I play Tibia and Diablo II. I hope to see you online someday!
Session 5: A new start 12/16/03
Well, that stuff wasn't that great. but it was made by my brother Floyd. He was at the age of 9 (now he is 18.) Anyway, I plan to redo this page, without deleting his work.
Session 4: Movie Talk
Have you ever seen "James Bond?" Have you ever seen the first movie??? In the first movie, Bond is a pure spy.In the movie, The only action is a single punch!Now, he's a hotshot road rage "cool???" assassin. I believe that the assassin and computer graphics stuff is just bogus to make the movie enjoyable for the generation. If you have seen at least two bond movies including the newest one, DIE ANOTHER DAY, you would note that there was no "smart guy that bond had to meet with to gain a lot of info and other stuff and stuff like that." There was no counter spy or things even related to the modern world. In fact, the newer Bond stuff has nothing to do with the world if you ask me. The newest movie doesn't follow the previous movies either:
1: James is not a spy, or much of one, at all.
2: The Bond Girl is brought out a little too early.
3: Bond accidentaly met his girl, and the meeting was kinda random anyway, it was all just luck.
4 (last and least): The bad guys don't have cool "gadgets" if any.
So I tell you, these new Bond movies may not be what they use to be, but...You are yourself. I did not intend to say that the movies were bad, but, just different.
Session 3: Gravity Logic (continued)
I figured it out! Satan IS trying to pull down the heavens!!! That may explain why twisters create so much damage. Satan poisons the wind!!! And the reason why people may be spared and china is spared is because part of it is heaven! Eureaka! Well, that the answer to the gravity thing. I guess enough people are already burning. Come to think of it, thats true. Have you ever bumped into anyone or cheated or lied? Thats a sin. You will burn for that.
Session 2: Gaming News
I strongly suggest you try out Dungeon Siege. It is a wonderful RPG set in a 3-D world. If you like fight and adventure on your PC this is it! Download a free trial at dungeonsiege.com if you haven't already. There are also cheats that can be found at gamefaqs. The cheats also work on the demo so have lots of fun!!!
I hope you enjoyed it like I did!
Session 1:Gravity Logic
Have you ever wondered what this "gravity" really was? Well, we have the answer, fresh! Okay, We know that gravity pulls things downwards, toward earth. We also know that hell is in the center of the earth. Who controls hell? SATAN!!! This means that satan is responsible for the force that pulls down the heavens (thats why there are "angels"). But if satan can do that, whats stopping him from doing even more damage??? (to be continued)