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The Cold War

The Cold War (1945-1991) was a defining period in our history. It helped to shape the world we know it today militarily, economically, and the internationally. As important as the Cold War is to life as we know it today, it's aspects are quite complicated. These aspects include the causes of the Cold War, the technology used in it, the alliances used to exaggerate it, some of the important people involved in it, and of course, how it was stopped.

Economy and Containment During the Cold War


Causes of the Cold War

Technology Durning the Cold War

Alliances and Treaties of the Cold War

Links to different sites

Winston Churchill Bio

Joseph Stalin Bio

Vladmir Lenin Bio


this site created by:

Ben Herd :-: Don Kelly :-: Ben Thompson :-: Laura Hoffman :-: Jen Cline

5th period Western Civilizations
May-June 2003