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Low-Spoiler Guide to A Quiet Weekend in Capri

Welcome to my Quiet Weekend in Capri hints page. (-: If you're new to this series of low-spoiler computer game walkthroughs, the idea behind them is to point gamers towards things they might not have tried in each game rather than giving step-by-step instructions or divulging puzzle solutions. There's not much point in playing a puzzle game if you know the solutions in advance, after all.

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So these pages are as close to spoiler-free as possible while still providing some valuable Quiet Weekend in Capri hints and tips. If you are looking for the solution to a particular puzzle, I recommend the UHS site--due to the way their pages are set up you can only see one hint at a time, so you can get the answer to one pesky puzzle without ruining all the others for yourself. Here's the UHS link if you're interested in that. My site, meanwhile, focuses on exactly the things UHS and other traditional walkthroughs don't: the non-critical parts of the game, little detours you can take, extra details you might miss if you did only what was strictly necessary to complete the game. If you want even fewer spoilers--you're considering whether or not to buy the game, for example--please try my A Quiet Weekend in Capri Review page to find all the pertinant information in one convenient spoiler-free package.
Now, on with the game!

A Quiet Weekend in Capri Hints and Tips
A Quiet Weekend in Capri Walkthrough
A Quiet Weekend in Capri Spoilers
A Quiet Weekend in Capri Cheats and Links
The Backseat Game Designer: A Quiet Weekend in Capri Critique

A Quiet Weekend in Capri Hints and Tips

One of the few things about A Quiet Weekend in Capri that really is wonderful is that it needs absolutely no introduction--so I'm not going to give you one. (-: There is no backstory, there is no pre-plot; you just boot it up and go.

Language Settings: There are three: one Italian version all in the original Italian, one American version entirely in English, and one British version in Italian with English subtitles. Ouch! Leaving aside whatever social commentary on the differences between British and American English speakers is being implied here, if you don't speak Italian, you should choose the British version. They didn't actually get an English speaker from either country to do any of the voiceovers, and not all of the Italian actors' English skills are of the same caliber. Some speak English with an attractive Italian accent, which is fine; others mumble at you in incomprehensible broken English, and you're going to need those subtitles.

Screen Settings: One of the buttons at the bottom of your screen, labeled "Help," will outline hotspots for you on the display screen. You absolutely want to have this turned on 100% of the time. It makes the pictures look a little less attractive to have a white rectangle off to one side showing you where the exit is, it's true, but there are 4500 location screens in this game and it makes gameplay much, much less tedious when you can see at a glance which ones are dead ends and back quickly out of them again. You will need to turn this option on again every time you begin the game again.

Movement Shortcuts: There are seven main locations in the game that you can jump to automatically at any time (regardless of whether you have been there by foot yet) simply by clicking "Services," then "Start," then "Jumping To." However, this menu option does not always appear properly. If you don't get "Jumping To" as a possible option, then save your game, exit, restart the game and load your savegame again. I never had any more trouble after doing that.

Savegames: It is impossible to name savegames in A Quiet Weekend in Capri, and no screenshots are automatically associated with them either. You're just going to have to note down on a piece of paper what each savegame is. There are only two places you can fail at A Quiet Weekend in Capri, so you don't actually have to keep many extra savegames. Make sure that you save the game before approaching Mata Haprik (the NPC who appears inside La Certosa late in the game); it's possible to make errors in talking to her that can leave you with a game that's impossible to progress. Also make sure that you save the game before using the time machine, since it's possible to make an error and find yourself restarting the game from scratch. It's also a good idea to save before using the fruit converter, since making an error can waste your time gathering more fruit, and before pressing the second blue button at Jovis, since you may need to attempt the exit sequence a few times to get it right and it's not hard to get lost.

Time Management: Time does not pass in A Quiet Weekend in Capri. The day will never end no matter how many miles you wander in circles around the city, and NPCs will never go away or do anything different no matter how long you wait. Even the first quest you get, in which the newslady tells you to hurry up and deliver something before a character goes out, has no timed component--the character will have gone out even if you make a beeline directly there. So don't be concerned about wasting a lot of time being lost or doing things in an inefficient order. The only time taking the long route can cause a setback for you in in Jovis near the end of the game, and even there, the challenge is marked by number of steps taken rather than time elapsed, and the game will let you try it over again with no penalty until you succeed at it.

Walkthrough: A Quiet Weekend in Capri is a game singularly unsuited for my style of low-spoiler walkthroughs. On the positive side, it has no significant bugs or design flaws that you might need my help navigating around; there are no broken puzzles or timed sequences in this game. And on the more negative side, it features the most rudimentary gameplay I've seen out of an adventure game in twenty-five years, so there simply aren't any nifty details and side quests and alternate puzzle solutions for me to call your attention to. If you're looking for a Capri walkthrough, chances are it's just because you're completely sick of pixel-hunting for a battery through more than 4000 filler screens that contain nothing in them at all. Unfortunately, since the map is so huge and sprawling and the numbers assigned to each scene have nothing to do with their proximity to each other, giving you a complete list of all the scenes that contain a valuable object or clue would be useless, since you'd have no more idea how to get to each of them than you did when you didn't know their numbers. No, if you're tired of scouring a life-size deserted island for tiny hidden objects, your only real relief will come from a full "starting at the restaurant, turn left, then forward three spaces, then left and go down the stone steps" sort of step-by-step walkthrough. Exactly the kind I don't do. Here's a link to a good one: A Quiet Weekend in Capri Walkthrough.

I've put fastidious adventure gamers out of their misery with a list of Quiet Weekend in Capri red herrings, though, where I've listed all the objects you can pick up in the game that you won't ever use for anything (meaning that you don't need to continue wasting time searching for something to do with it.)

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