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Lora's Computer Game Hints and Tips

Confession time: I've been an avid computer gamer since the early 80's. That was twenty years ago. Holy crap, where did all that time go? (-: Anyway, sitting around a game for hours trying every item in my inventory on a mysterious column was one thing when I was twelve and had nothing else to do.

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But I have two kids of my own these days, and though I still love gaming, I've completely lost patience with tedious interfaces, "puzzles" that are really just trial and error, micromanagement of food intake and inventory and which NPC is in which building at 2 PM on a weekday, combats with pointless wandering monsters, staring at the screen doing nothing for long periods of time, and contending with bugs. Life is too short to waste precious downtime on boring chores--you can get those at work.

So for any gamers who may think similarly, here's my compendium of computer game hints, tips, walkthroughs, and cheats. What you see on this page now is only a tiny percentage of the games I've actually played in the past 20 years--for one thing, the first decade of that was spent playing C64 games that exist only as abandonware these days. For another, as I've said, my time is limited. But I'll be adding to this list as time goes on

Here's what the terminology means:
Review pages contain no spoilers at all. They have a screenshot, game description, my opinions, and basically everything you need to decide whether you want to play the game in question. Review pages also link to online stores that sell the games new or used.
Hints pages contain gameplay spoilers, but no plot or puzzle spoilers. Some of them give detailed suggestions for improving your enjoyment of the game: telling you which game elements you need to worry about and which you don't, how to get around interface problems, whether there are any realtime issues or the gender of your PC affects anything and stuff like that. Others are simpler and only have a few gameplay tips or bug advisories.
Cheats pages contain cheat codes, trainers and editors, and hex editing information, but no gameplay, plot, or puzzle information.
Walkthrough pages contain some plot spoilers, though I strive to keep that to a minimum (and always separate any puzzle spoilers onto another page--why play a game if you already know the solution?) They also contain lots of easter eggs, lists of the possible quests in games that have quests, and notes on alternate paths that can be taken. The idea with these is to point gamers towards interesting things they might not have tried in each game. I don't have pages like this up for most games, but the ones I do have are quite comprehensive.

Happy gaming!

Computer Games: Hints, Tips and Cheats

7th Guest (Genre: Puzzle Game)................................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Arcanum (of Steamworks and Magick Obscura) (Genre: CRPG)........... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Arkania Trilogy (Genre: CRPG)................................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn (Genre: CRPG).................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal (Genre: CRPG)................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

The Black Mirror (Genre: Adventure Game)............................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Black and White (Genre: CRPG/Sim)........................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Chemicus (Genre: Puzzle Game)................................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Clouds of Xeen (Genre: CRPG)................................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Curse of Monkey Island (Genre: Adventure Game).................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Daggerfall (Genre: CRPG)........................................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Darkside of Xeen (Genre: CRPG)............................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Escape From Monkey Island (Genre: Adventure Game)............................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Exile (Genre: Puzzle Game)........................................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Gothic 2 (Genre: CRPG)........................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Grim Fandango (Genre: Adventure Game)................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Icewind Dale (Genre: CRPG).................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Journey to the Center of the Earth (Genre: Adventure Game)................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

The Longest Journey (Genre: Adventure Game)....................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Might and Magic 9 (Genre: CRPG).......................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Monkey Island 3 (Genre: Adventure Game).............................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Morrowind (Genre: CRPG)....................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Myst (Genre: Puzzle Game)....................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Myst 2 (Genre: Puzzle Game).................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Myst 3 (Genre: Puzzle Game).................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Myst 4 (Genre: Puzzle Game).................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Mystery of the Mummy (Genre: Puzzle Game)........................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Nancy Drew Games (Genre: Adventure Game)................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthroughs

Nibiru (Genre: Adventure Game)........................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Omega Stone (Genre: Puzzle Game).......................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Phantasmagoria (Genre: Adventure Game)................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Physicus (Genre: Puzzle Game).................................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Planescape: Torment (Genre: CRPG)...................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

A Quiet Weekend in Capri (Genre: Puzzle Game).................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Realms of Arkania (Genre: CRPG).......................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Return to Krondor (Genre: CRPG).......................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Revelation (Genre: Puzzle Game).............................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Riddle of the Sphinx (Genre: Puzzle Game).............................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Riven (Genre: Puzzle Game)...................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Sanitarium (Genre: Adventure Game)........................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Schizm (Genre: Puzzle Game).................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Seventh Guest (Genre: Puzzle Game)....................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Shadows of Amn (Genre: CRPG).............................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Shadows Over Riva (Genre: CRPG)........................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Siege of Avalon (Genre: CRPG)................................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Star Trail (Genre: CRPG)......................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Syberia (Genre: Adventure Game)............................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Syberia 2 (Genre: Adventure Game).......................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Throne of Bhaal (Genre: CRPG).............................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Timescape Pompeii (Genre: Adventure Game)......................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Tropico (Genre: Sim/Strategy)................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Tropico 2: Pirate Cove (Genre: Sim/Strategy).......................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Ultima VII (Genre: CRPG)........................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

The Witcher (Genre: CRPG)........................................................................ ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Wizardry 7/Wizardry Gold (Genre: CRPG)............................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Wizardry 8 (Genre: CRPG)...................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Wizards & Warriors (Genre: CRPG).......................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Worlds of Xeen (Genre: CRPG).............................................................. ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

Xeen (Genre: CRPG)............................................................................... ReviewGame HintsCheatsWalkthrough

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